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Kashmiris concerned by plans for Hindu satellite cities

Well said.

However, you are dealing with folks that are out here to troll only, therefore any attempt you make to educate these trolls is destined to fail.

I understand that it is a difficult, perhaps impossible, task. It is still one that I feel compelled to take up. It isn't about failure. It is about making the attempt to keep the record straight, to keep the process of understanding each other's positions going on.

Thank you for the encouragement, btw. That's one of the things that keep me going.
You are rather amusing, to such an extent that I now question whether you are deliberately trolling me or whether you are being genuine in your ignorance. I never dreamed any "fancy constitution". If ever, I referred to the constitution of India. Once you find the constitution (try google), read it and understood it, revert to me. As for your Shuddikaran, it remains no different from the forced conversions to Islam in countries like Pakistan. It is an abominiton to society and those Indians who are coerced to participate in it. I serve my country adequately. Perhaps you should refrain from embarrassing it on the internet

no they are not one and the same,your analogy went astray,sorry u lost.

dont waste time here,i have no time for your verbosity.
I understand that it is a difficult, perhaps impossible, task. It is still one that I feel compelled to take up. It isn't about failure. It is about making the attempt to keep the record straight, to keep the process of understanding each other's positions going on.

Thank you for the encouragement, btw. That's one of the things that keep me going.

Its an honor to talk/reply to you just because you keep it classy and respectful in an engagement.

I do believe most of these juveniles on your end are probably very respectful well behaved individual in normal course of life. Internet anonymity and their zeal to defend India in their own way turns them into forum trolls.
Its an honor to talk/reply to you just because you keep it classy and respectful in an engagement.

I do believe most of these juveniles on your end are probably very respectful well behaved individual in normal course of life. Internet anonymity and their zeal to defend India in their own way turns them into forum trolls.

That is very probably true. The moment they gain anonymity, a very peculiar change in their behaviour takes place.

Ah, well, this is the new discussion space, and we have to live with it.
You have shifted your argument so many times that it is unlikely that you remember how you started. Why don't you simply admit that you didn't do your homework, didn't know Jack Squat about Article 370, and tried to cover up with a smokescreen of words and arguments after that?

my discussion was not even related to article 370. it is you who is again mentioning article 370, chacha. I can quote my lines.

The point was the migration into Azad Kashmir of non Kashmiris. And I have proved it.
my discussion was not even related to article 370. it is you who is again mentioning article 370, chacha. I can quote my lines.

The point was the migration into Azad Kashmir of non Kashmiris. And I have proved it.

How have you proved it? By showing that it is possible? That is not a proof. Only a dunderhead, as you have been told repeatedly, would conclude from the fact that a thing is feasible that the feasibility is therefore a proof.

Everyone - Indian, Pakistani, whatever - has looked at your posts. Nobody is left to do so. Other than you, nobody holds to this stupid line .
Those willing to give up militancy and reform themselves are welcome to cross the Loc and return to their homes and live in peace.

You are just an ignorant person who totally ignored what I have said.
my discussion was not even related to article 370. it is you who is again mentioning article 370, chacha. I can quote my lines.

The point was the migration into Azad Kashmir of non Kashmiris. And I have proved it.

How have you proved it? By showing that it is possible? That is not a proof. Only a dunderhead, as you have been told repeatedly, would conclude from the fact that a thing is feasible that the feasibility is therefore a proof.

Everyone - Indian, Pakistani, whatever - has looked at your posts. Nobody is left to do so. Other than you, nobody holds to this stupid line .
How have you proved it? By showing that it is possible? That is not a proof. Only a dunderhead, as you have been told repeatedly, would conclude from the fact that a thing is feasible that the feasibility is therefore a proof.

Everyone - Indian, Pakistani, whatever - has looked at your posts. Nobody is left to do so. Other than you, nobody holds to this stupid line .

when Pakistan can deploy their Military against the article 257 of Constitution of Pakistan illegally, then what is the guarantee that demography change is not happening. You give me any guarantee.
when Pakistan can deploy their Military against the article 257 of Constitution of Pakistan illegally, then what is the guarantee that demography change is not happening. You give me any guarantee.

You thundering idiot.

"Pakistan is seeking that the United Nations solve the Kashmir dispute, and is unwilling to officially integrate Gilgit-Baltistan into its political system," said Ahsan Ali, the head of the Gilgit-Baltistan High Court Bar Association, and an expert on constitutional law in the region.

This is from the other thread where you invited me to respond. And as for your repeated bleating about Article 370, here is the reason why it is not needed:

Pakistan has not constitutionally integrated Gilgit-Baltistan into its political system because it believes the area could one day prejudice the plebiscitevote to settle the Kashmir dispute with India.
You thundering idiot.

This is from the other thread where you invited me to respond. And as for your repeated bleating about Article 370, here is the reason why it is not needed:

I am not in favor of 370. 100 times i have told to you chacha.. you kindly reply in other thread, because GB is part of Kashmir.
Ethnic cleansing by India...same is happening in Tibet where China is encouraging Han Chinese to flood Tibet to make Tibetan people a minority in Tibet
when Pakistan can deploy their Military against the article 257 of Constitution of Pakistan illegally, then what is the guarantee that demography change is not happening. You give me any guarantee.

The point is simply this: that there is no guarantee (in your assessment) against demography change does not mean that there is therefore guaranteed demographic change.

How difficult is this for you to understand?
The point is simply this: that there is no guarantee (in your assessment) against demography change does not mean that there is therefore guaranteed demographic change.

How difficult is this for you to understand?

there are reports and on the basis of small reports one cannot undermine it. :)

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