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3 to 4 terrorists fired near ASF Camp - ISPR

Beta ur time is near, enjoy till it lasts, prepare ur bags.... Insha'Allah
PDF Indians forced you guys into elections......
politics exist bec of elections.pakistan need better leaders.
No man this isnt the time for you to troll you toll head!

I was giving an example of what you people dont know yet blab ...quote me 1 more time with your crap and I wont be too nice! @Oscar @Manticore plz make them stop their repeated BS!
1) All terrorism is psy ops
2) The attack on academy was NOT planned after the failure of y'days attack. It was planned much before.
3) TTP has strategic goals, terrorism is their psy ops tactic. Its foolish to think they are doing this at someone's behest and that they do not have strategic ambitions.
1) correct, and for each attack, a group of people is targeted, a blast in market will target general public, in this case it was ASF.....
2)wrong, unless you have any evidence to prove it.... This was not a planned attack, proof of its failure is an evidence in itself....
3)again, this one is a strategic goal in itself... You cant just have one goal
Army soldiers take positions at runway of Karachi airport: sources

he is the DG rangers rizwan akhter who is leading the karachi operation against the terrorists
Oh wow and then people say how come there are so many terror attacks happening in Karachi.
Its shocking for me. Pakistan face its destruction coz of Migrants and Refugees and yet they make fun of or criticize Indian acts and stance on Migration and Refugee problems. Paradox it is.

Urm, there is a difference on migrants. The migrants referred to in my post are those that migrate within the country. From poor farmers looking for better earnings in the city to refugees from the conflict in FATA. The policy of Pakistan on foriegn migrants is more shaded; depending on the origin of the migrant.. precautions must be taken.
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