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PM gets two BMWs amid austerity claims

5 years only? If true, that is astonishing!!! Utterly astonishing. Where did you get that figure from if I may ask? The COAS's car has been running for more about 10 years if memory serves me right.
Because I work in a public sector organization......Any car allowed to figurehead or executive is depriciated over 5 years. The executives are either allowed to own the car after paying the book value or the car is auctioned in market if there is no interest.....
Now may I ask you from where did you get this one?
Because I work in a public sector organization......Any car allowed to figurehead or executive is depriciated over 5 years. The executives are either allowed to own the car after paying the book value or the car is auctioned in market if there is no interest.....
Now may I ask you from where did you get this one?

From somebody who moves around in the motorcade...
costs 25 mil a piece, enjoy :enjoy:

i guess Punjab is now first world country, he has lots of spares for his luxury



From somebody who moves around in the motorcade...
It can also be because the 4 Star Generals have similar cars.And of course you don't have any number plate army vehicles to identify.
This is Mushi's

And these are the recent ones.

You can't really tell which one is how old.
At a pace which it has been moving...soon it would be.......Now don't start crying....

well obviously Punjab would be the country rest of them will be its colonies, punjab is already first world country, kuch chillar he spare kerde bhai colonies peh,

Its because I work in public sector so know their procurement and disposal practices.

Thats an emotional overcharge.......nevermind....

Again a typical rhetoric, What makes you think he wouldn't have his own? A prime minister is still an important dignitary. Pakistan is a high risk country. Just have a look at the US,UK and Indian Presidental/Prime ministeral cars their law and order is still far far better than Pakistan. And lastly, as I said before, just have a bullet proof car doesn't guarantee your safety, thats why i precisely quoted Ch.Aslam's example.

But can a person roam on a low security vehicle in the current state of law and order as well? A country where even the forces move in convoys to stay safe from danger...

Anything beyond taking your word then ? I would appreciate a source . Emotional overcharge ? Yes , indeed it is . This Govt's cutting money for defense procurements now even though as you say yourself , the law and order has been exceedingly worse and worsening day by day unfortunately . The problem is that we are no short of these high end vehicles and as such , the Prime Minister buying these two new ones in these troubled times makes little sense it any . Because , the Govt is begging around the world carrying a bowl , taking loans and if I were to believe it blindly - gifts . This doesn't look like a necessity and seeing how the process has been manipulated - anything but transparent . Tax exemptions and a price tag which a country like Pakistan cant afford , I really think the PM should have tried to finance this , from his own sources or looked for a more economical option from the country itself . But as long as his supporters blindly cheer for him , he doesn't need to .

Ch.Aslam using a bullet proof car and that being shred to pieces has never been established with certainty since there are conflicting reports and differing version of events .
well obviously Punjab would be the country rest of them will be its colonies, punjab is already first world country, kuch chillar he spare kerde bhai colonies peh, nahi?
Jab colonies walay khud apany gharon ko jala rahay to ab first world counrty kaya karay. Khud he muzlim, khud he muddae. Like I said before, can Karachi's political parties create a concesus on creating peace and promoting economy in the city? The day this happens, Karachi will also become a first world country. But when residents are not sincere with the house, what can others do about it..

Anything beyond taking your word then ? I would appreciate a source . Emotional overcharge ? Yes , indeed it is . This Govt's cutting money for defense procurements now even though as you say yourself , the law and order has been exceedingly worse and worsening day by day unfortunately . The problem is that we are no short of these high end vehicles and as such , the Prime Minister buying these two new ones in these troubled times makes little sense it any . Because , the Govt is begging around the world carrying a bowl , taking loans and if I were to believe it blindly - gifts . This doesn't look like a necessity and seeing how the process has been manipulated - anything but transparent . Tax exemptions and a price tag which a country like Pakistan cant afford , I really think the PM should have tried to finance this , from his own sources or looked for a more economical option from the country itself . But as long as his supporters blindly cheer for him , he doesn't need to .

Ch.Aslam using a bullet proof car and that being shred to pieces has never been established with certainty since there are conflicting reports and differing version of events .
Why are you so insecure? And anyways, despite huge budget, the procurement bill is mostly footed by US, KSA or soft loans from China....
In official capacity. Assigned to COAS, not for his personal use
Kya baat hai!! that is pretty good.. I doubt even if a 4 star General In US Army gets such a car...
Jab colonies walay khud apany gharon ko jala rahay to ab first world counrty kaya karay. Khud he muzlim, khud he muddae. Like I said before, can Karachi's political parties create a concesus on creating peace and promoting economy in the city? The day this happens, Karachi will also become a first world country. But when residents are not sincere with the house, what can others do about it..

Pakistan is being ruled by Punjab so its Punjab's duty to create peace in Karachi train bhar bhar ke karachi tau colonise ho rahi he, but it is recieving nothing from the Pakistan govt

PM has 2.5 corore for BMW but nothing for balochistan, not clearing dues to KPK province, not giving a damn about karachi as usual

Punjab will never become first world country, as well it is becoming a kingdom, like UAE, saudiarabia will colonising powers where rich punjabis will enjoy while rest of 98% punjabis will eat dirt as always

Kya baat hai!! that is pretty good.. I doubt even if a 4 star General In US Army gets such a car...

army a.k.a establishment a.k.a army generals are the worst only second to politicians

poor pakistanis are suffering because of their politicians, poor soldiers are suffering because of their superiors
BMW aa...Balled Man Wish .. Ganja ki akhri khowaish....
Whoever has whatever car...I think we all agree that politicians and generals alike don't spare anything when it comes to buying lavish cars for their use.
Why are you so insecure? And anyways, despite huge budget, the procurement bill is mostly footed by US, KSA or soft loans from China....

Every citizen of the country should be , as Pakistan is in state of war even if people believe that all is well or getting so and less funds for forces means disaster in these times . That is no argument as all loans , we know have to be returned eventually . Even the gifts have to be , though in slightly different ways than the ' loans ' . I am still waiting for a source though .
Pakistan is being ruled by Punjab so its Punjab's duty to create peace in Karachi train bhar bhar ke karachi tau colonise ho rahi he, but it is recieving nothing from the Pakistan govt
More like shedding failures on others...........

PM has 2.5 corore for BMW but nothing for balochistan, not clearing dues to KPK province, not giving a damn about karachi as usual
Balochistan is getting its fair share, KPK government is functioning at its will. And yes it was after PML-N's pressure that target killing has fallen in Karachi. Else No city in the world has seen within city migration. People were selling their properties in Gulshan and Johar and migrating to DHA and Clifton....Thanks to a killing spree by Karachi's so called 'stakeholders'

Punjab will never become first world country, as well it is becoming a kingdom, like UAE, saudiarabia will colonising powers where rich punjabis will enjoy while rest of 98% punjabis will eat dirt as always
Just have a pack of burnol and keep watching.....

Whoever has whatever car...I think we all agree that politicians and generals alike don't spare anything when it comes to buying lavish cars for their use.
I think involving generals would put you in the same place as Geo...
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