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More than 20 dead, doctor says, as anti-China riots spread in Vietnam

This a proof that basically Vietnam is copying China method. They are a truly student of China. Just look at they do. China smashed Japanese business, now they are copying. China claims all Paracel and Spratley, with historical claim (from even imperial time) now, Vietnam use the same claims, with historical backup too (from Feudal era?). So China, basically you have a good student. You must proud of them.

I said that it was not foreseen accidents.

I post such photo for Chinese members, look at themselves first.

Yeah, I saw the posts. What they did to Japanese in their country was also bad. Worse even. A super power like China should not behave like that. They acted like a third world country when the anti Japanese sentiment happened. And now what happen in VIetnam is actually identical to their anti Japanese riot. But right now, it is their business that become target. So what is Budha said about this kind of thing? Karma?

I replied to the photo in your post, not your entire post. Sorry for the miss understanding.
越南自废武功啊!!!佩服佩服. 中国宋朝挥师南下,攻打南汉王朝势如破竹. 王朝就是现在的广州. 南汉王想了一个惊天动地的主意. 把自己的宫殿烧了,钱财都毁了. 宫女也全部送人. 心里还美滋滋的. 我一无所有了,打过来也没东西.对方一定会退兵了. 没过多久王朝灭亡. 这个典故给越南学走了, 而却运用自如啊.
This a proof that basically Vietnam is copying China method. They are a truly student of China. Just look at they do. China smashed Japanese business, now they are copying. China claims all Paracel and Spratley, with historical claim (from even imperial time) now, Vietnam use the same claims, with historical backup too (from Feudal era?). So China, basically you have a good student. You must proud of them.
Same !? Look like another was poisoned by Chinese propaganda.

Chinese attacked Republic of Vietnam in 1974, killed 74 soldiers, and rob Islands.
Again, in 1988, they attacked Vietnamese soliders on Spratly, killed soliders, and rob some rock.

Vietnamese has all historical records, maps and proof, provide by Western and Vietnamese document, write in Vietnamese, France, English, Chinese (hanzi)... for our claim.
But Rechoice, I can tell you, that if China is a big dragon, you're (Vietnam) is the little dragon. That's why it is tough for both of you to seek piece resolution for SCS matter. Because both have tough characteristic of the dragon.

Same !? Look like another was poisoned by Chinese propaganda.

Chinese attacked Republic of Vietnam in 1974, killed 74 soldiers, and rob Islands.
Again, in 1988, they attacked Vietnamese soliders on Spratly, killed soliders, and rob some rock.

Vietnamese has all historical records, maps and proof, provide by Western and Vietnamese document, write in Vietnamese, France, English, Chinese (hanzi)... for our claim.

It is the result of a conflict. If you not satisfied with that result, you should take revenge. You're justified to do that.
And well, Vietnam has historical record, China has also historical record, Pinoy has also historical record. Everyone has their own version of history. What is the different? But, you have de facto islands in Spratley. And it is the fact that those islands are yours. You have the right of those de facto island. So you have my support on your right of those islands. But more than that? It just a claim. And no body claim can be better than other claim.

And about the propaganda, what is the different between China propaganda and yours?
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But Rechoice, I can tell you, that if China is a big dragon, you're (Vietnam) is the little dragon. That's why it is tough for both of you to seek piece resolution for SCS matter. Because both have tough characteristic of the dragon.

It is the result of a conflict. If you not satisfied with that result, you should take revenge. You're justified to do that.
And well, Vietnam has historical record, China has also historical record, Pinoy has also historical record. Everyone has their own version of history. What is the different? But, you have de facto islands in Spratley. And it is the fact that those islands are yours. You have the right of those de facto island. So you have my support on your right of those islands. But more than that? It just a claim. And no body claim can be better than other claim.

And about the propaganda, what is the different between China propaganda and yours?
You should read again my post and see how different between China and Vietnamese claim.

What's China claim !?
What's Vietnam claim !?

You should read it careful.

Historical record is basic call for claim in general sense. But there 's different in detail, and it will prove who's right or wrong.
And battle 1974 and 1988 were not a conflict. It's invasion from PRC, and they keep it until now.

eventually, national IQ determines how far you can go.

This is Chinese IQ.:woot:


A demonstrator kicks a Japanese-brand car during a protest in ChongqingPhoto: Stringer China / Reuters


Demonstrators damage a Japanese-funded shopping center during a protest in QingdaoCredit: Stringer China / Reuters

Anti-Japan protests across Chinese cities over islands dispute - ITV News


A Chinese demonstrator throws a bottle toward goods shelves at a Japanese-funded shopping centre during a protest in Qingdao, Shandong province September 15, 2012.
This is Chinese IQ.:woot:


A demonstrator kicks a Japanese-brand car during a protest in ChongqingPhoto: Stringer China / Reuters


Demonstrators damage a Japanese-funded shopping center during a protest in QingdaoCredit: Stringer China / Reuters

Anti-Japan protests across Chinese cities over islands dispute - ITV News


A Chinese demonstrator throws a bottle toward goods shelves at a Japanese-funded shopping centre during a protest in Qingdao, Shandong province September 15, 2012.

Damage & Burn foreign factories to show ur High IQ, right ? Cars and Goods won't hurt foreign investments, might boost it. The riots in Vietnam won't, and u r not world N.o2 economy market. Hurt foreign investments, just hurt Vietnam weak economy. I strongly believe 2014 Vietnam economy will be crap.
@Aeronaut could the title of this thread be re written to be more professional?

Damage & Burn foreign factories to show ur High IQ, right ? Cars and Goods won't hurt foreign investments, might boost it. The riots in Vietnam won't, and u r not world N.o2 economy market. Hurt foreign investments, just hurt Vietnam weak economy. I strongly believe 2014 Vietnam economy will be crap.

I answered for your country man, he said that:

"eventually, national IQ determines how far you can go."

I think here is the symbol for high-rise IQ of Chinese.

luckily according to chinese news: only 5 chinese factroies slight damaged.
but unluckily many taiwanese factories seriously damaged
This is the reason of anti-China protests in Vietnam:

China betrays world's trust
VietNamNet Bridge – China's recent illegal acts in the East Sea have seriously infringed on Viet Nam's sovereignty, running counter to international law and practices and damaging the trust held by the world community.
The act of towing a massive oil rig, escorted by a fleet of military, police and fishing vessels, to Lot 143, an oil and gas field inside Viet Nam's territorial waters, last weekend was a brazen violation of Viet Nam's sovereign rights over its exclusive economic zone and continental shelf.
To make things worse, the Chinese ships used water cannons against Vietnamese coast-guard vessels and rammed into them, causing damage to them and injuring crew members.
Turning a deaf year to the resultant outcry across Viet Nam and the world, including from many people within China, a Chinese official brazenly described the rig as a Chinese "border" within the "mobile national territory" of China.
This is against the Declaration of the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea and the spirit of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea to which China itself is a member.
Numerous countries from around the world, including Japan, Singapore and the United States, have voiced their concern over the escalation, describing the move as a provocation and a threat to regional stability.
The East Sea dispute has also become a hot topic around the world. It has made headlines in the United States and in major German newspapers Die Welt , Die Zeit and Der Spiegel.
"Regardless how much energy actually lies under the ocean, Beijing's heavy-handed approach to regional relations and the damage it has caused could hardly be worth tapping some extra barrels of oil for," commented Holly Morrow, an expert on the East Sea from Harvard University's Belfer Centre.
China's action not only adversely affects bilateral relations, but is viewed as a confidence trick throughout the whole of ASEAN. It challenges the group's Six-point Principle on the East Sea issue adopted in July 2012.
Does such behaviour create among ASEAN members an image of a trustworthy nation? No, it poses a threat to the ongoing negotiations for a Code of Conduct of the Parties in the East Sea (COC), which other nations are working to finalise.
China's act raises the question of whether it is attempting to materialise its self-imposed and irrational "nine-dot" territorial claim in the waters surrounding it.
Why does China keep taking action detrimental to peace and stability in the East Sea? The question needs to be answered because this is not the first time that China has committed acts that further complicate disputes in the area.
It is also not the first time our neighbour has approached the issue aggressively. It can be stated that such thoughts and actions are against the current mainstream goals in the world for co-operation, mutual respect and mutual trust building, which allow disputes to be settled peacefully.
Viet Nam has legal and historical proof of its sovereignty over the Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelagos as well as proof of its sovereign right and jurisdiction over its exclusive economic zones and continental shelf under provisions of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.
In August 2009, Viet Nam submitted documents to the United Nations Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf, with historical legal grounds establishing its sovereignty over the Hoang Sa archipelago.
China's declaration that it holds sovereignty over the archipelago, which it occupied by force in 1974, is groundless.
Viet Nam is doing its best to peacefully settle all disputes with China, even though the situation has grown extremely tense. On October 11, 2011, China agreed to "persistently use amiable consultation to satisfactorily settle sea-related issues to turn the East Sea into a sea of peace, friendship and cooperation". It did this when signing the Six-Point Principle on the Settlement of the East Sea Issue.
The acts taken by China in recent days have clearly had a negative effect on the political trust between the two countries and hurt Vietnamese people. Viet Nam is a peace-loving nation, but it has never knelt down before any hegemonic forces.
Viet Nam will take all necessary and proper measures to defend its legitimate rights and benefits and safeguard its sovereignty.
For the Vietnamese nation, national sovereignty is supreme. No one has the right to violate Viet Nam's independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity.
Have you ever surprise by this my brethren ?
Do you remember all these years these viet trying to say in this very forum, to all the world in all nations to hear ?
Do you even care to search the posts of these viet ? where they openly express their will to murder all Chinese and as I remember , all viet in this thread commit themself to "like" that.

It's not Chinese in China they threat.
It's Hoa people , their own citizen.
It's Taiwanese because they relate to Chinese by blood.
It's "KILL ALL CHINESE LIVING IN THAILAND", oh such famous threat !
It's Singapore , for the same reason of Taiwan.

The msg is clear, with draw all factories from vn or face death, It's the BLOOD that count, not the nation, my stupid brethren.
How long you sit idle while viet make death threat to us, to our kind ?

Newest news, countless Chinese killed in "Ha Tinh", in middle vn while working to create viet their steel factories in their own country.
Vietnam police is close to find out who is the mastermind behind the riot.
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