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Breaking News blast in Chennai Railway Station

nice try?

people died in a terrorist attack and you are happy that it wont affect the political scene?

Shouldn't this be a good thing?

Do you really want people to vote with a surge of emotions whose outcome could very well have an impact?

What I find interesting when Pakistanis write about the 'Fascist' Modi coming to power in India is that they have no clue how alliance politics work in India.

He may have near-universal support in Gujarat, but this is tempered by caste politics in Karnataka. In Kerala, well BJP may very well get 0 seats.

In Tamil Nadu you get another set of coalition politics.

Despite the near universal appeal among PDF Indians of Modi, when I read newspapers in India and the comments, and the comments of the common person, Opinion of Modi is very well divided. Even among Hindus he is not a unversally liked figure.

And a lot of people are not voting BJP because they lie Hindutva, it is because this UPA regime is possibly the most corrupt in Indian history (this is quite an achievement) and a perception of Manmohan as a effete, ineffectual leader.

You have to remember, BJP brought forth this India shining campaign in 2004 and got punished for it.

I have a feeling that this year's e;ection results will disappoint a lot of the people here.

As far as his stance on Pakistan, unrealistic is what I have to say about it.

@Irfan Baloch He does love the sound of his own voice, he is a narcissist. No doubt about that :-)
I just love it when eminent people on pdf use advanced psychological profiling techniques to analyse leaders and present them to us in simple language.

Most people above the age of 60-62 become Narcissist and selfish. Go to any beauty parlor in India and it is filled with 60+ aging population.
BBC News - Twin blasts hit India express train
As a lankan i understand the situation TN people go through as we have seen hundreds of such bomb blasts in SL by tamil tiger terrorists.
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