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China, Rome, and the United States


Dec 15, 2009
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My comment on Al Jazeera.

The end of China's soft power? - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

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Rome was persistent. The Roman Empire kept growing despite setbacks. That is an important lesson for China.
Rome was persistent. The Roman Empire kept growing despite setbacks. That is an important lesson for China.

Once they've hit the down spirall it was only negative from then on with brief shiny moments.A bit like the SU which was the climax of Russian power (Rome during Trajan).Now Russia has a spark but it won't reach the zenith of the SU again and it won't last.History is cyclical.

Truth be told there is an exception that confirms all of this and that is China.China seems the eternal roller coaster...up...down-for some 2500 years allready.The "CCP dinasty" hasn't reached its zenith yet and i suspect that this century belongs to it.

More to the point now...in the last 2000 years China allready anexed territories,this is just a continuation,China isn't a young empire but the oldest one rehashed in different forms over the ages.China needs to grow and strenghten what it allready has.
Rome is notorious for countless military defeats. Read first page

Rome's Top 3 worst defeats - Civilization Fanatics' Forums

maybe you should mention 1979, when Vietnam "won." I used quotes because Chinese mainland suffered no damage while we burned Vietnam, however militarily it was a disaster.

Just like the Philippines that like to use their old colonial master's praise of 10,000 philippines to conquer the world, and the Korean war.

I would say past glory, but those are not really glories. WW2 for US was glory, Gulf war was glory, Falklands was sort of glory.

Almost no other wars count, and no, Vietnam lost millions compare to a few thousands of the Americans. It's a victory, but not a glorious one.

Also regarding this article, it's actually not the worst in the stream of anti china posts.
India has illegally annexed South Tibet/Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim, which are full of ethnic Chinese Tibetans.

Thus, Indians are no strangers to grabbing land.

I just want to return the favor.


unlike china rome, america and russia had and still have cosmopolitan influence on their colonial subjects.

No one wants to be part of a country making up 1-3% of total population.
unlike china rome, america and russia had and still have cosmopolitan influence on their colonial subjects.

No one wants to be part of a country making up 1-3% of total population.

The whole point behind annexation is that they don't have a choice.

Did the barbarians have a choice when Rome exterminated them? No. The Romans killed one million red-haired barbarians.

Did the Native Americans have a choice when the U.S. broke treaty after treaty? No.

Did the Georgians have a choice when Russia took 20% of their land? No.

Did the Crimeans have a choice when Russia took over? No. The two choices on the ballot were "secede from Ukraine" and "secede from Ukraine and join Russia."

Do the Palestinians have a choice when Israel keeps annexing hilltop after hilltop? No. The Israelis confine the Palestinians to the Gaza Strip, which is a model for China. It has already passed western and world acceptance.

In conclusion, no one cares about the native population.
The whole point behind annexation is that they don't have a choice.
Did the barbarians have a choice when Rome exterminated them? No. The Romans killed one million red-haired barbarians.
the romans didnt killed anyone, they only enslaved germans but on the same time many germans adopted roman life assimilated into the roman empire like the various other ethnicitys.

Did the Native Americans have a choice when the U.S. broke treaty after treaty? No.
do white americans have a choice when their US government imports dozens of third world immigrants? America was never about a single ethnicity.

Did the Georgians have a choice when Russia took 20% of their land? No.
Russia only could take 20% of gergias land because it belonged to ethnicitys who doesnt want to life under georgia

Did the Crimeans have a choice when Russia took over? No. The two choices on the ballot were "secede from Ukraine" and "secede from Ukraine and join Russia."
yes they had, they obviously showed in the referendum

Do the Palestinians have a choice when Israel keeps annexing hilltop after hilltop? No. The Israelis confine the Palestinians to the Gaza Strip, which is a model for China. It has already passed western and world acceptance.
if thats the model then have fun being hated by the whole world like israel is
you do know china started before rome did right? We are not US, 300 years of history.

Han Chinese must turn back to Zhong Yuan like Italia people. If you like copy US model, China will be country like United states of China.

East Turkistan, Tibet, Inner Mongolia, Yue Guo etc. could stay In China or declare independence from China.
maybe you should mention 1979, when Vietnam "won." I used quotes because Chinese mainland suffered no damage while we burned Vietnam, however militarily it was a disaster.

U suffered no damage in 1979, but u make VNese hate u more and we will wait for a chance for retaliation. When China have trouble, we will try to make it worse
NiceGchance st: 5524008 said:
U suffered no damage in 1979, but u make VNese hate u more and we will wait for a chance for retaliation. When China have trouble, we will try to make it worse
You had your chances, but the boat is gone. Vietnamese claim they defeated China many times in the past, each time they "won", VN becomes smaller. Keep winning and VN will be part of PRC.

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