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you are right my bro but in last few days there is about 30 to 40 shia that have been killed most of them were govt officers
Well similarly several Sunni Pakistanis have also been killed, no body runs around saying that its a Sunni genocide, statistically more Sunnis have been killed by the TTP and aligned groups than any other sect or religion, TTP is not a racial or sectarian force, period, it only tries to imply that to split the nation into factions since smaller factions are easier to subjugate. The nation is on the brink of collapse and we know squat about our enemy and its tactics, there is no Shia genocide but there is a Pakistani genocide, all Pakistanis are being slaughtered systematically and ruthlessly while we are busy trying to justify the reason for our countrymen being killed, we need to unite beyond these trivial divides and make a united stand because a bullet leaving a terrorist's barrel doesnt differentiate on these basis, it kills a Sunni just as easily as it would a Shia, Barelvi or whatever new sect some back alley Mullah has created....

Shia are not micro-minority like Hindu/Cristians/Sikhs.

If Sunni will keep doing cruelty on Shia, I fear that Shia will form a terrorists organization and may ask for Seperate nation. If such things comes, I am sure India and Iran will help such group..
LOL, you say that as if you are not doing it already, stop trying to play saints, the blood of the Shias is as much on your hands as it is on the terrorists
@DESERT FIGHTER yes he probably thinks from his rear.....
The root cause is the ideological divide between the Sunnis and Shias. Arab states especially Saudi Arabia and GCC states have been funding extremist Deobandi Sunnis and Wahabis in Pakistan, since the Aghan Jihad, whereas Iran has been funding Shia militant groups such as the Sipah-e-Muhammad Pakistan, resulting in tit for tat attacks on each other.

The reality is that Pakistan has became a battleground between Saudi Arabia funded Deobandi Sunni and Wahabis and Iran funded Shias causing deaths of thousands of innocent Muslims. Amongst the culprits blamed for the killing are Al-Qaeda working with local sectarian groups to kill what they perceive as 'Shia apostates'.

Will the situation improve? Not likely unless and until there is a change of mindsets, and that is near impossible. Ideological differences will always remain.

Indians stupidity never cease to amaze me.

1- Saudi Arabia is not funding an x or y group in Pakistan. KSA financial support go always to the government of Pakistan.

2- It is not in our interest to support any political or ideological group considering that Saudi Arabia and the government of Pakistan including the military establishment enjoy very strong relation.

3- There is noting called Wahhabi unless your current limited knowledge can help arguing otherwise.

4- Al-qaeda holds nothing towards Shia otherwise they would have bombed Iran directly. In fact Iran have sheltered many Al-qaeda members for years.

Will the security issue improve? lets all hope so without passing groundless judgment.
Indians stupidity never cease to amaze me.

1- Saudi Arabia is not funding an x or y group in Pakistan. KSA financial support go always to the government of Pakistan.

2- It is not in our interest to support any political or ideological group considering that Saudi Arabia and the government of Pakistan including the military establishment enjoy very strong relation.

3- There is noting called Wahhabi unless your current limited knowledge can help arguing otherwise.

4- Al-qaeda holds nothing towards Shia otherwise they would have bombed Iran directly. In fact Iran have sheltered many Al-qaeda members for years.

Will the security issue improve? lets all hope so without passing groundless judgment.
Blah, Blah and more blah!! Go get some education and then read some research papers on the subject before exhibiting your ignorance! Makes you look silly!
Blah, Blah and more blah!! Go get some education and then read some research papers on the subject before exhibiting your ignorance! Makes you look silly!

That all you can say! Or your brain's capacity can't help you. That was expected anyway Mr.Indian parrot.
Indians stupidity never cease to amaze me.

1- Saudi Arabia is not funding an x or y group in Pakistan. KSA financial support go always to the government of Pakistan.

2- It is not in our interest to support any political or ideological group considering that Saudi Arabia and the government of Pakistan including the military establishment enjoy very strong relation.

3- There is noting called Wahhabi unless your current limited knowledge can help arguing otherwise.

4- Al-qaeda holds nothing towards Shia otherwise they would have bombed Iran directly. In fact Iran have sheltered many Al-qaeda members for years.

Will the security issue improve? lets all hope so without passing groundless judgment.

Any Iranian Member can you please confirm it? I doubt Iran will shelter Shia killers...
Killing Ahle-khomenis is not right way. They should be given two options.
1- Accept islam
2- or you will be deported to iran
Islamic state can not save Muslim....India is far better than them
Do you know what 'genocide' even means?

Yes, It was a tool to create fear in enemy heart. It has been used by one empire to another. The most notable murderors were Mongols.

The Mongolic Art of genocide was copied by Turks and then Arabic Tribal religion..
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