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What is your opinion on ex-president Yahya Khan?


May 9, 2013
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Pakistan had a very bad history during Yahya Khan's dictatorship. They (West Pakistani army men) killed their own Muslim brothers (Ummah). Not just thousands. Millions of Bengalis were slaughtered under Yahya Khan's leadership.

President Yahya Khan at the February conference said "Kill three million of them (Bangladeshis) and the rest will eat out of our hands."

The violence resulting from Operation Searchlight led to the war of liberation by the Mukti Bahini against Pakistani "occupation" forces in Bangladesh.

Operation Searchlight - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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Okay , So i am adding this video . This is not against Pakistan . I just want to share the history .
All my pakistani brothers should watch and see , what happened against us .
The 1970 elections in East Pakistan and West Pakistan resulted in a situation where Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's Awami League won 167 of the 169 seats in East Pakistan, whereas Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto's Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) won 81 seats out of 138 in West Pakistan. Although, as the leader of the majority party, Mujib was supposed to be the next Prime Minister of Pakistan, Bhutto was not ready to accept and refused to sit in the National Assembly as opposition party.

General Yahya Khan, President of Pakistan, influenced by Bhutto to keep the Bengalis from rising to power, postponed the National Assembly session. Mujib, in a public rally in Dhaka on March 7, called upon the Bengalis to launch movement against the Pakistan regime.

Tikka Khan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The 1970 elections in East Pakistan and West Pakistan resulted in a situation where Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's Awami League won 167 of the 169 seats in East Pakistan, whereas Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto's Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) won 81 seats out of 138 in West Pakistan. Although, as the leader of the majority party, Mujib was supposed to be the next Prime Minister of Pakistan, Bhutto was not ready to accept and refused to sit in the National Assembly as opposition party.

General Yahya Khan, President of Pakistan, influenced by Bhutto to keep the Bengalis from rising to power, postponed the National Assembly session. Mujib, in a public rally in Dhaka on March 7, called upon the Bengalis to launch movement against the Pakistan regime.

Tikka Khan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
hope you understand its PDF, not BDF?
hope you understand its PDF, not BDF?
It's not about PDF or BDF .... It's about history .
Yes , same way they attacked us , on our culture , on our language and eventually on us . They wanted the land and power but not the people .
Pakistani people didn't know anything about this . They were given wrong information about West Pakistan . They were told India attacked us and They were sending Military to protect Bengalis . But 25 march ... they attacked on innocent sleeping bengalis ...why ?????????????


I'm not against any country here . But i want to present the real history . We could still be together .
It's not about PDF or BDF .... It's about history .
Yes , same way they attacked us , on our culture , on our language and eventually on us . They wanted the land and power but not the people .
Pakistani people didn't know anything about this . They were given wrong information about West Pakistan . They were told India attacked us and They were sending Military to protect Bengalis . But 25 march ... they attacked on innocent sleeping bengalis ...why ?????????????


I'm not against any country here . But i want to present the real history . We could still be together .
then take it too, history section?
got it, @mods plz refill the thread to militry history section?
So you would defence Yahya Khan for his crime against humanity just because he was Pakistani?
he was a great genrl, but not a politician, thus made a scapegoat by bhutto, who wanted to rule the united pakistan, by the power of militry, so most of the decesions done by ZAB, were only stamped by YAHYA KHANZ, & i think he was gulity of that, with that said, if mujeeb ur rehman had acted more wisly, he would hve been a famous pakistani PM, but he too declined to do so?
every action has allways hve a reaction!
Bhutto the left ling loony fascist was just as responsible as Yahya Khan.

Bhutto, Yahya and Tikka, these three criminals are equally responsible for giving Pakistan a bad name in history book.

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto

Even after his death, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto remains a controversial and largely discussed figure in Pakistan. While he was hailed for being a nationalist, Bhutto was roundly criticized for intimidating his political opponents by his critics. By the time Bhutto was given the control of his country, his nation was torn apart, isolated, demoralized, and emotionally shattered after a psychological and bitter defeat that came from intense regional rival, India, as a result of Indo-Pak war of 1971.[121] His political rivals had blamed his socialist policies for slowing down Pakistan's economic progress owing to poor productivity and high costs although Bhutto and his colleagues maintained that Bhutto was merely addressing the massive inequality built up over the Ayub Khan years. Bhutto is blamed by some quarters for causing the Pakistan war in Bangladesh.[31] In 1977, General Zia-ul-Haq released former general Yahya Khan from Prison and his Lieutenant-General Fazle Haq gave him the honorary guard of honor when the former general died in 1980.[31] After being released from house arrest after 1977 Coup former Chief Martial Law Administrator General Yahya Khan stated in an undated government affadivit:

It was Bhutto, not Mujib, who broke Pakistan. Bhutto's stance in 1971 and his stubbornness harmed Pakistan's solidarity much more than Sheikh Mujib's six-point demand. It was his high ambitions and rigid stance that led to rebellion in East Pakistan. He riled up the Bengalis and brought an end to Pakistan's solidarity. East Pakistan broke away.[122]

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Pakistan had a very bad history during Yahya Khan's dictatorship. They (West Pakistani army men) killed their own Muslim brothers (Ummah). Not just thousands. Millions of Bengalis were slaughtered under Yahya Khan's leadership.

President Yahya Khan at the February conference said "Kill three million of them (Bangladeshis) and the rest will eat out of our hands."

The violence resulting from Operation Searchlight led to the war of liberation by the Mukti Bahini against Pakistani "occupation" forces in Bangladesh.

Operation Searchlight - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

i smell bullshit
but what do i know

It's not about PDF or BDF .... It's about history .
Yes , same way they attacked us , on our culture , on our language and eventually on us . They wanted the land and power but not the people .
Pakistani people didn't know anything about this . They were given wrong information about West Pakistan . They were told India attacked us and They were sending Military to protect Bengalis . But 25 march ... they attacked on innocent sleeping bengalis ...why ?????????????


I'm not against any country here . But i want to present the real history . We could still be together .
what proof do you have that pakistan killed these people?
for all we know it could be indians mukhti bahini who killed them!
show some solid evidence bro
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