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Do you have any questions about China?

As per the Chinese political system, who are more powerful, the PM or the President.

If PM is the head of state, whats the role of president?

I think this is the order.
1. Hu Jintao - President
2. Zhou Yongkang - Security Chief
3. Wen Jiaboa - PM
I think this is the order.
1. Hu Jintao - President
2. Zhou Yongkang - Security Chief
3. Wen Jiaboa - PM
National People's Congress is going on,
1.Xi Jinping - President
2.Li Keqiang -PM
3.Zhang Dejiang
4Yu Zhengsheng,
5Liu Yunshan,
6Wang Qishan
,7 Zhang Gaoli

Zhou Yongkang is nothing
I think this is the order.
1. Hu Jintao - President
2. Zhou Yongkang - Security Chief
3. Wen Jiaboa - PM
No. 2 until recently should be Wu Bangguo - Chairman of the national people's congress
Look at it this way...

You need a 'Head Of State' and 'Head Of Government'. In a monarchy like that of the Japan and Britain, the (constitutional) throne is Head Of State while the Prime Minister (or Premier) is Head of Government. In France, the President is Head Of State while the Prime Minister is Head Of Government. Usually, the President is popularly elected while the Prime Minister (or Premier) is appointed with consent of the legislature (Parliament or equivalent). In the US, the President is both Head Of State and Head Of Government. The US is unique in this.

So all you have to do is study China's political structure and responsibilities and you will be able to discern which is who.

This is the same including India. But some quoted above that it is the President who heads the party central committee in China and hence powerful in decision making.
This is the same including India. But some quoted above that it is the President who heads the party central committee in China and hence powerful in decision making.
The Head Of State is usually at least the symbolic leader of a party. The Head Of State, be it President or King, is the ideological prominence of the country. The Head Of Government -- Prime Minister or Premier -- can be seen as the most senior bureaucrat. He makes sure that the government with all of its most senior managers -- Ministers -- run their stations according to the laws and to the ideological bent of the Head Of State.

In the case of China being a single party country, the leader of the party, no matter his title, is effectively the Head Of State. But for the Head Of Government, the title is Premier or the equivalent of the Prime Minister.

Premier of the People's Republic of China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, sometimes also referred to as the "Prime Minister" informally, is the Leader of the State Council of the People's Republic of China (the "Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China" after 1954), who is the head of government and holds the highest-ranking (Level 1) of the Civil service of the People's Republic of China. This position was originally known as Premier of the Government Administration Council of the Central People's Government.
So while a title is usually a good hint, it is always best to actually look at responsibilities to see who is the real authority figure. For China, the President is Head Of State, the Premier is the Head Of Government.
Does China of today,with all it's reforms and opening up, have any actual Maoist Influence left??
yeah one question every Pakistani would want to ask i think that, whats the perception of Pakistan and Pakistanis in china ??? because in Pakistan more than 99% Paks consider china a good friend.
but rest of 1% people like me, we also dont hate or dislike china, but dont like too much Chinese influence in Pakistan ...

your qustion has bee answered in this thread before.
most Chinese consider Pakistan as the No.1 friend in the world. we have good relationship and cooperation in many affairs.
one thing we should do now is improve our econemy cooperation.
wow, let's see who is taking that more serious, another run of "7" points of B/S!

we are not talking about a respect of tastes of different culture.

You showed your disrepect and ignorance by starting to criticize on the "look" of Chinese cuisine which are worse than "western" cuisine even on an amateur vs professional level, when the "western" look can be so awful and amateurish photo of Chinese cuisines are just as good as the western pro.

Take a look what you said on post 1054 and my posting refuting yours completely on post 1059!

That's right.

China is THE world's cuisine superpower, with no one coming close, even the French.

The East:

1. the superpower-Chinese

remote 2. South East Asian such as Thai, Malays, Viet,etc which are also combined with some sino influence.


3. probably Southern Indian (I don't eat Indian food)

The West:

1. French

2. Italian

3. Spanish

Northen European countries such as UK, Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, etc have ZERO clue on cuisine.


I tasted both Finnish and Icelandic national cuisine ...they're, with all the respect, nasty.

Holland's "national" cuisine is Indonesian :D, and Meat Ball. :lol:

Talking about glorious meat ball that i have on a weekly basis, Swedish one is even worse :rofl: The best meat ball i've has was the one from a Chinese restaurant.

Germany's traditional national cuisine is the holy trinity "sour carbage, pork sausage & mash" (sauerkraut) - the same as zuurkool of Holland , Austria and Southern Belgium and the western part of Poland. I wanna throw up whenever i think about it to be honest - ate way too much when was little :rofl: Actually the best I ate was cooked exclusively for me by an European royal family member himself, with the help of his gf, in his house.

UK's fish&chips, yorkshire pudding, some lamb dishes etc are not bad at all. And that's about it. And those are not cuisine. The next best British "hero" is probably Indian curry :rofl:

The best areas to eat in Europe are France in general, Northern Belgium (french actually), Italia,Spain, probably some parts of Portugal and Greece as well.

The best authentic Chinese restaurants in Europe are concentrated in London/Man/Liverpool area, Paris(Chinese, Vietnames and Cambodian fusion though)and Amsterdam/Utrecht(there're a few pure Cantonese ones that are really authentic).
Does China of today,with all it's reforms and opening up, have any actual Maoist Influence left??

There are definitely leftist factions within the CCP today. I think Bo Xilai was actually openly Maoist to a certain extent (nostalgia campaign about pre-reform China and such).
So I have a question about China. Is kissing common in Chinese culture? I recently saw Chinese wedding pictures on a forum and the newly wed couple was kissing. So is kissing a common thing in Chinese weddings or just a rare thing?
So I have a question about China. Is kissing common in Chinese culture? I recently saw Chinese wedding pictures on a forum and the newly wed couple was kissing. So is kissing a common thing in Chinese weddings or just a rare thing?


Have wedding plans in China have you :azn:

Have wedding plans in China have you :azn:

rofl I would not mind marrying a Chinese girl. I find them really hot ;) But just out of curiosity. I remember an Indian wedding like 5-6 years ago where the couple kissed. It was a couple from Israel getting married in India according to Hindu customs and it was all over the news and became a big deal.
rofl I would not mind marrying a Chinese girl. I find them really hot ;) But just out of curiosity. I remember an Indian wedding like 5-6 years ago where the couple kissed. It was a couple from Israel getting married in India according to Hindu customs and it was all over the news and became a big deal.
But plenty of couples do kiss...probably depends on a number of other factors- like sensitivity and background of the family. Its a big country, tremendous variety of people... :blink:
I need a book mark on this. This is a funny thread. If I have a few drinks more, I'd come here and laugh.

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