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When US supported Pak military bloodshed in Bangladesh

More than four decades ago, the Nixon Administration knowingly broke US law to help Pakistani army against Bangladesh and encouraged China to mass troops on Indian border to oppose the strong stand taken by the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, according to a new book.

In his latest book, Princeton historian Gary Bass 'The Blood Telegram: Nixon, Kissinger and a Forgotten Genocide' documents how the then US President Richard Nixon and his Secretary of State Henry Kissinger supported Pakistan military dictatorship as it brutally quashed the results of a historic free election.

The Pakistani army launched a crackdown on East Pakistan, killing hundreds of thousands of people and sending ten million refugees fleeing to India - one of the worst humanitarian crisis of the 20th century.

The author writes in the latest book, which is scheduled to hit the book market on September 24, how Nixon-Kissinger hated both India and Indira Gandhi and tried their level best to oppose the strong moral stand taken by the then Indian Prime Minister.

Nixon and Kissinger thought in Cold War terms but also indulged in their personal disdain for India and its leader Indira Gandhi, Bass writes in the book, adding that they even secretly encourages China to mass troops on their India border, and illegally supplied weapons to the Pakistani military, all while censoring American officials who dared to speak up.

Based on previously unheard White House tapes, the book gives a fresh insight into the Nixon-Kissinger hatred against Indira Gandhi, and how the then American leadership supported the butchering of innocent people, who dared to speak their voice and vote against Islamabad.

As India under the strong leadership of Indira Gandhi decided to rescue the lives of people of then East Pakistan from the brutality of the Pakistani military, Bass writes in the book - running into nearly 500 pages - that Kissinger proposed three "dangerous" initiatives against India.

"The United States would illegally allow Iran and Jordan to send squadrons of US aircraft to Pakistan, secretly asks China to mass its troops on the Indian border, and deploy a US aircraft carrier group to the Bay of Bengal to threaten India. He urged Nixon to stun India with all three moves simultaneously," Bass wrote.

When US supported Pak military bloodshed in Bangladesh | Business Standard

45 years ago, no one gives a damn what happened 45 years ago
people dont give a damn what happened in Iraq
We are talking about strategies to keep your master India from challenging our sovereignty. India's RAW with its RAWami ally govt. is trying to start a civil war within Bangladesh. Which is not what we are going to let them do. And you moron just been dropped from womb sure sound like a RAWami agent.

So you've decided to check yourself out of reality completely. Just for fun, let's try this exercise: name me one country which has done economically well when its geographic region was in total turmoil.

You don't even have to look very far to see countries failing because their neighbors are insane - just look at Pakistan & what's happened to it since the Taliban decided to get all uppity. And you think South Asia's going to be able to handle 1billion people going into civil war.

Wait... I get it. You hate Bangladesh - that's why you're so keen on seeing her fail. SO OBVIOUS.
We are talking about strategies to keep your master India from challenging our sovereignty. India's RAW with its RAWami ally govt. is trying to start a civil war within Bangladesh. Which is not what we are going to let them do. And you moron just been dropped from womb sure sound like a RAWami agent.

And they did see some light of success. The seven sister region remains an Indian fear. Check the history yourself.

Actually we need a lot smarter than that....India is not a threat to our sovereignty....Our politicians who bow to them are the threat.We just need to be a regular country and just have to stop cooperating with India when it goes against our interest....If we had a neighbor that had a government like BAL we would do the same thing to them as India is doing to us...For that to happen BNP needs to make sure it does not **** up and sink neck-deep in corruption like it did last time so people never vote for BAL again.It is very simple.
Instead of spending on army, BD should go for self-dependent GDP and reduce buying Indian products. That is the only loss BD can give India.

BD's military power will always remain extremely unmatched with India, so no matter how much you spend on army, it will be insignificant to India, plus India will never attack BD because the International community will simply not permit it. Rather, BD should make deals with China & PK through having more open business, that if BD is attacked by India, they will help BD.

By buying arms, we will loss dollars, and we will bear the loss, not India.
By reducing buying Indian products by having a self dependent GDP, we will save dollar, and India will bear loss, not BD.

So reduce spending on army, but have defence&strategic pacts with CN and PK, and get a self dependent GDP so that we will not have to buy India products more.
Ignoring all facts; blaming the Pakistanis for everything is insane. There is no fire without smokes, no winds in the map ;) ..

Do not bring an indirect Muslim factor here. Know first what the Military-backed govt based in the West did to the unarmed and unsuspecting civilians of this part of the country. West Pakistan was completely responsible for the division of the country.

We just do not care any more if people there are Muslims or not. Thing is we have our own country never again to be suppressed or exploited by those in the west.

But, people very quickly take advantage of Indian involvement at the latter part of that war to finger point at an imaginary pre-71 Indian conspiracy. It was rather a west Pakistani conspiracy supported by Saudis and USA to subjugate the people here. East Pakistan did not burn without the support of Saudi/US govts.

People here welcomed Indian involvement at that time. This is the truth. Bangladesh people cherish their freedom from those barbaric and uncivilized people in the west.
Slow down my boy. We have no interests of any sort in your country. :lol:

Do not bring an indirect Muslim crap here. You should know first what the Military-backed govt based in the West did to the unarmed and unsuspecting civilians of this part of the country. West Pakistan was completely responsible for the division of the country.

But, people very quickly take advantage of Indian involvement at the latter part of that war to finger point at an imaginary Indian conspiracy. It was rather a west Pakistani conspiracy supported by Saudis and USA to subjugate the people here. There was no fire without the support of Saudi/US govts.

People here welcomed Indian involvement at that time. This is the truth. Bangladesh people cherish their freedom from those barbaric and uncivilized people in the west.

Don't you ever dare bad-mouthing Pakistan, alright? Remember you are in our place; must play by the rules.
Slow down my boy. We have no interests of any sort in your country. :lol:

Don't you ever dare bad-mouthing Pakistan, alright? Remember you are in our place; must play by the rules.

The thread is about 1971 war. Why do you have the audacity to say irrational things if one speaks the reality. Why it is bad mouthing when in reality more than 2/3rd of state budget was allocated to the west for a long 23 years? Is it also bad mouthing that the west Pakistani Muslims were not even at the front of Pakistan movement? Is it bad mouthing when I say the platform called Muslim League was born in Dhaka, Bangladesh? What more bad mouthing a guy like you would like to hear?
We are ready to take the blame, the Bangladeshis aren't willing to blame us and normalize ties. They have a govt that is a yes man to New Delhi.

You aren't taking the blame. Pakistan hasn't officially apologised to Bangladesh till today.
The thread is about 1971 war. Why do you have the audacity to say irrational things if one speaks the reality. Why it is bad mouthing when in reality more than 2/3rd of state budget was allocated to the west for a long 23 years? Is it also bad mouthing that the west Pakistani Muslims were not even at the front of Pakistan movement? Is it bad mouthing when I say the platform called Muslim League was born in Dhaka, Bangladesh? What more bad mouthing a guy like you would like to hear?

I am not sure, but may be W.pk had bigger GDP allotment because they had bigger share in the GDP.?

But I am not sure. If that is not the case, then that is discrimination by W.pk, I agree.
There is a huge difference between talking REAL, and being rude. If you would have stated facts then no body will rebuke your comments, but instead, you were bad-mouthing people out of nothing but hate.

I'm not defending the role the Pakistani Gov't played back in the day; but I'm defending the Pakistani people of whom you bashed audaciously.
The thread is about 1971 war. Why do you have the audacity to say irrational things if one speaks the reality. Why it is bad mouthing when in reality more than 2/3rd of state budget was allocated to the west for a long 23 years? Is it also bad mouthing that the west Pakistani Muslims were not even at the front of Pakistan movement? Is it bad mouthing when I say the platform called Muslim League was born in Dhaka, Bangladesh? What more bad mouthing a guy like you would like to hear?
You aren't taking the blame. Pakistan hasn't officially apologised to Bangladesh till today.

The Apology issue is related to egoism, and the Moving Forward is related to strategy and economical benefits in future.

Now decide which one is your priority based on future time and present demand??

I guess PK will not apologize even unless we BD and PK reach in a consensus on the number of death issue in 71.
Sorry, did not know you were the resident sage in the forum:lol:

Currently BD spends around 1.5% of GDP on defence. There is no reason why this could not be increased to 2.5% over the next 10 years and kept at that level.

A gradual phased increase to 2.5% of defence would not affect poverty reduction and overall economic development, especially now that BD is much less poor than 20-30 years ago

In case you do not care to look, currently BD is at the mercy of the Indian military and can be bombed by India at will without fearing much resistance.

Without military power, economic power cannot be sustained. Germany is protected by it's NATO partners and Japan has it's alliance with the US.

No need to try to match India but to have enough to make it think twice.

The vice versa holds true.

The best example has been the fall of the soviet union. No better example can be shown.
The Apology issue is related to egoism, and the Moving Forward is related to strategy and economical benefits in future.

Now decide which one is your priority based on future time and present demand??

I guess PK will not apologize even unless we BD and PK reach in a consensus on the number of death issue in 71.

What makes you think that the country that destroyed us in 1971 will help us to move forward.?
What makes you think that the country that destroyed us in 1971 will help us to move forward.?

They will not Move us forward, actually no country can lift another country alone without mutual interest.

So if together we can grab the strategical and economical opportunities in each other's country, our position and growth may go more secure and faster. Like barrier/quota free trades between two countries will move us forward. We have longer lists of products to avail the barrier/quota free trades mutually unlike India from where we import more. We can use their Gadwar port to use the route of PK-Iran to reach Middle Asia/Eastern Europe for our export. A defence pact with them can give us more security in case of a adversary situation with India.

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