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Appreciate your sentiments bro. It is nice to know we also have Pakistanis like you on the other side. But yes you are naive. When he calls, surely more than just a hundred will come. And we are not worrie about a hundred or a thousand or even a million marching against us. For each one of you we have 6 to throw back. It is the one or two or ten of those more than hundred who will heed his call who will build a bomb in the middle of the night, then load it in a tiffin carrier on a cycle, and ride it into our busiest market places and park it against a pani puri stall and slink away back into his hole. That is what scum like this really means to us. As I am sure you have experienced in your markets and elsewhere as well. This is no jihad. This is the cowardice of a terrorist. If he has the guts and has drank his mother's milk, let him take up a sword and come against us. I will volunteer to take up one at our end and chop his dick off before his nasty bearded head.

And I am Naive? Allright friend, lets hope we not get to the point where we have to bang our keyboards more than we already do. Read up on foreign policies of both countries, past and present and make informed educated guesses as to how things plan and play out. You or me have very little control about what and how things happen. Your sentiments are not much different then what other human beings feel and I appreciate them. I am so happy we have this place to talk about our wishes and dreams as well.
Ah! Now I am relieved and can say with confidence that my country is on the path of being saved.

Bye bye Jehad/Naxal attacks.
:P yeh he meant by selecting extremist Hindu through extremist Hindu groups who are also linked to many deadly riots and terror

Choron ko saare nazar aate hain chor ;)

I wish all saffron groups should come to power in India.

This way atleast we will get rid of two-faced India

Be careful what you ask for. You may get it ;)
Choron ko saare nazar aate hain chor ;)

Be careful what you ask for. You may get it ;)

:) personally I believe India being a majority Hindu land must be all Hindutva .

I wish the saffron brigade rule the country despite their hate towards Muslims.

I feel once India revert to its true Hindutva identity many things will fall in correct boxes.
On a completely unrelated note:

Gen V K Singh may join BJP on Sunday

I hope BJP ties up with some Bundelkhand regional party. Can be very promising for BJP in 2014... BJP needs to wing anywhere between 30-45 seats in UP.. And the current SP govt. seems hell bent to ensure that BJP gets that many seats.. :D

I wish that when NAMO becomes the PM in the coming elections, he should increasingly promote the development models for NE India. We could seriously do with a couple of regional metros. Guwahati and Tripura just are not enough. Every region has a metropolitan city with amazing development apart from us.
I wish that when NAMO becomes the PM in the coming elections, he should increasingly promote the development models for NE India. We could seriously do with a couple of regional metros. Guwahati and Tripura just are not enough. Every region has a metropolitan city with amazing development apart from us.

Guys.. the issue is not Namo or Manmohan.. Its all about how strong the single largest party is.. Its the coalition system and not congress that is screwing the country
on Serious Note i am planning something to spread people the Message to Vote for MODji

By writing Vote 4 Modi on every Bills u pay ... by writing Vote 4 Modi only on every 10 & 50 rupee note ( Please dont write it on 100,500,100 rupee note as it cant be used again in ATM)... by writing on every Status u put on FB and Tweeter ...

By changing ur FB cover photo to that of MODIji... etc more innovative ideas are welcome...

Writing on currency notes is a crime . If you write something on note , the note looses it's value .

So avoid that idea . Rest are good .
Before Riots my estimate was 25-35 seats for BJP in UP... After Riots its seems 40-50 ... well if Modiji camps well in UP its not a Surprise if BJP wins 60-70 votes in UP...

But BJP indeed needs atleast 60 seats in UP if it wants MOdiji as PM... would be Better if they get Kalyan Singh on board ...

if i where BJP's candidate i would have Put Rajnath Singh , Varun Gandhi , Kalyan Singh, Amith Shah and Muqtar Abbas Naqvi allcampaign Left and right for BJP in UP...

Arun Jatley Taking Care Delhi, Ravi Shankar Prasad and Sushil Modi for Bihar , Get BSY on board and putting Nirmala Sitaraman for BJP in Karnataka ,

Nitin Gadkari, Smirti Irani, Munde for Maharashtra while trying to get Raj Thakrey and Uddhav Thakrey Together ... Vasundra Raje for Rajasthan ...

Raman Singh , Manohar Parekar and Shiv Raj singh is already doing a Good work in Chattishgad , Goa and MP...
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