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I said some resources are present. For example, here is the reality about our Thar coal:

The thar coal cannot be exploited due to lack of infrastructure needed to mine that area at the moment. There a "bankable feasibility studies" in support of thar coal with due respect to what Mr. Minister said, you do understand what bankable feasibility study means?
The thar coal cannot be exploited due to lack of infrastructure needed to mine that area at the moment. There a "bankable feasibility studies" in support of thar coal with due respect to what Mr. Minister said, you do understand what bankable feasibility study means?

Thar coal will remain unexploited because of its POOR QUALITY.
Sir, please lookup the definition of bankable feasibility study, I would rather believe extensive study based on hard data instead of one man's opinion.

So this one company called RPI conducted this feasibility study:


where they state:

RPI defined the concept for a 1,000MW power plant specifically for the climatic conditions and the lack of water in the Thar desert.

The best solution was a dry-cooled power plant fired with dry lignite, produced at an associated drying plant, with integrated recovery of the evaporated water for use as boiler makeup water and supplemented cooling water. The coal demand was then determined on the basis of the tested coal heating values and the installed capacity of the power plant. Based on the anticipated coal demand for the power plant, RPI designed an opencast mine and determined the most economical option from three different applicable mining technologies. Finally an environmental and social base line study was set up to provide references for future mining operations.

The difference we made

The integrated expertise of RPI in mining, thermal power generation and lignite drying permitted the development of an integrated mining and power generation concept for a lignite deposit in a remote and arid location. It has the potential to be economic under the specific conditions of the electricity market in Pakistan.


RPI provided the exploration drilling, the exploration study, the geological modelling, the coal reserve estimation and calculation,
the mine modelling and design, the assessments of mechanical and electrical equipment, the assessments of mine infrastructure, the economic evaluation of the mine, the assessments of environmental and social aspects and the efficiency bankable feasibility study.

So what does that actually do to make someone finance the whole project? NOTHING.
That's because this is not the complete study, it's just a 2 page document summarising their finding, in actuality that drilled 30 holes with a commulative 6000 meters depth. The study is in conformance with JORC(Joint Ore Reserve Committee) standard. They won't share a complete study which they spent millions on.
That's because this is not the complete study, it's just a 2 page document summarising their finding, in actuality that drilled 30 holes with a commulative 6000 meters depth. The study is in conformance with JORC(Joint Ore Reserve Committee) standard. They won't share a complete study which they spent millions on.

Yes, but what they propose is a 1000MW dry-cooled power plant, that nobody is willing to finance so far. Why? Because the investment is simply not worth it compared to the alternatives.
Yes, but what they propose is a 1000MW dry-cooled power plant, that nobody is willing to finance so far. Why? Because the investment is simply not worth it compared to the alternatives.

Actually, it's because it requires HT transmission line to be set up till thar. No one would setup a plant without grid connectivity. As I said it's a bankable feasibility study backed by hard data following international standards not our hypothesis out of thin air. I tend to lean towards hard data instead of hypothesis.
Actually, it's because it requires HT transmission line to be set up till thar. No one would setup a plant without grid connectivity. As I said it's a bankable feasibility study backed by hard data following international standards not our hypothesis out of thin air. I tend to lean towards hard data instead of hypothesis.

Fair enough, but actual RESULTS trump all. Where are the results?
Fair enough, but actual RESULTS trump all. Where are the results?

in due time. Developing infrastructure in thar will take time but based on "hard data" we know that the reserves are there and viable and this "fact" based on "bankable feasibility studies" is undeniable.

Nothing is 'given' to the Chinese. They bring the investment and explore the reserves, the Balochistan govt will get the royalties and the agreed sum of money for the reserves. If it happens, transparently - nothing wrong with it!
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in due time. Developing infrastructure in thar will take time but based on "hard data" we know that the reserves are there and viable and this "fact" based on "bankable feasibility studies" is undeniable.

Okay, I will accept your position for now. Let's see how and when these resources will ever be exploited. They are not going anywhere.
Poora Balochistan aik Bullet Train K Peechy CHina K Hawaly.


Fears grow about Reko Diq Gold mines...Baloch senator says deal offered to China; government denies

WASHINGTON: While major world mining and investment companies are preparing to invest big time, big money in Balochistan, specially in the mining sector, suspicions and doubts that the biggest gold mine of Reko Diq may be quietly handed over to China as part of the growing economic ties are also coming to the fore.

Official and business circles have been wondering for some time what will happen to the multi-hundred billion dollar Reko Diq gold and copper mines after the world’s largest mining company, Barrick Gold of Canada, was thrown out of Pakistan by the Supreme Court of Pakistan during the PPP regime.

But after the recent visit of high level government delegation to China and a flurry of quick MoUs and super-paced exchange of visits, an important leader from Balochistan, former Senator Sana Baloch has alleged publicly that the government has promised these mines to China in a year or so.

While the Government leaders strongly denied any deal or any promise made during the Beijing visit, an official Pakistan Government statement assuring that the Reko Diq mines will be given to the highest bidder in an international tender is still awaited.

Meanwhile as the wait continues, world mining companies are expecting and waiting for Pakistan to float international the tenders inviting bids for Reko Diq and some are ready to offer more than $100 billion in 30 to 35 years, insiders of the mining industry say.

The ousted Barrick Gold had promised less than a billion a year in 56 years but they never shared what they had found during the many years of exploration they did in Reko Diq. What is generally believed is that Reko Diq is bigger than Afghan Aynak mines which were estimated by President Karzai at over $3 trillion.

Sana Baloch’s charge has come amid a frenzy of shuttle economic activity between Islamabad and Beijing. A top level economic delegation led by Zhang Xiaoqiang, vice chairman National Development and Reforms Commission (NRDC) is in Islamabad today and was asked by Federal Minister for Planning and Development Ahsan Iqbal to raise ceiling of Chinese investments in Pakistan to $10 billion from present $3 billion.

The government has been speaking about Chinese investments of between $18 to $20 billion in Gwadar-Kashgar Highway, the bullet train and Lahore-Karachi Motorway in the coming years but what is not yet been explained is how the Chinese will be repaid for these investments.

One form of repayment is now being suspected in the form of handing over the $300 billion plus Reko Diq mines to China on the pattern of the Saindak Copper mines, at almost a throw-away price.

Senator Sana Baloch has made this allegation: “Chinese authorities were assured of getting the world’s richest copper-gold deposit, Reko-Diq, by next year – again without following international transparent norms.” “Shady deals in the name of brotherly relations have deprived the people of Balochistan of any benefits they can get from these resources. Not a single contract has ever been made public,” the angry senator from Balochistan says. “I repeatedly requested details of agreements and contracts signed during the Musharraf regime, but to no avail.”

The Reko Diq issue is awaiting a decision in the international arbitration forums where the Canadian Barrick Gold has filed cases against Pakistan for compensation. These cases may be decided in a few months and involve only a few million dollars but the world mining market is preparing seriously for bidding for the mines in a big way as these companies realize that Reko Diq offers billions of dollars of profits and financial opportunity for the host country.

In one such case, three weeks back the Delloite Finance Corporation of Canada, the single largest professional services organization in the world in 2010, issued a Letter of Interest, through its mining division, to an American mining company preparing for the big tender in a joint venture with a major Australian capital markets investment organization which has at least 10 world class mining companies ready to bid for Reko Diq.

Experts fear that if the Government did not opt for a transparent international tender for Reko Diq, hundreds of billions of dollars may be lost in the coming years just like the Saindak Copper mines where Pakistan did not benefit significantly as General Musharraf first gave the mines to China and then extended the deal for another five years.

No details of what Pakistan gained are available as against the potential and the promises that were made but Senator Sana Baloch says Gwadar, Saindak, the Duddar Lead-Zinc project and several other such deals are a complete mystery for the common Baloch.

He says the multi-billion copper-gold Saindak project is being extracted, without any monitoring in the past 10 years by a Chinese company. “According to official reports, copper-gold worth $633.573m was extracted during 2004-08. The Balochistan government received a paltry two percent share, while half the profits go to Beijing and 48 percent to Islamabad,” he says in an article sent to The News. (see page-6)

For Reko Diq the Supreme Court, although in a veiled reference, guided the Government of Balochistan to hold an international tender like the one held in Afghanistan’s Anyak Copper deposit.

In the Afghan tender, supervised by the World Bank, eight international companies from many countries had contested. It was globally reported that a Chinese company allegedly tried to bribe a Minister in Afghanistan paying him $30 million but was caught.

Experts say if for an investment of up to $20 billion over the next 20 years, the Chinese are handed over the multi-hundred billion Reko Diq mines, in a non-transparent manner, it would be the greatest open and shut robbery and treachery with the country.

Fears grow about Reko Diq Gold mines...Baloch senator says deal offered to China; government denies - thenews.com.pk

By getting what is its right, Pakistan can build many motorways and bullet trains on its own, provided the rulers keep the national interest in mind, says one mining expert.
@Talon @Zarvan @zaki @Aeronauts @RiazHaq @darkinsky @Spring Onion @Devil Soul @Menace2Society @shan @Nassr [MENTION=139145] @Samlee @RazPaK [MENTION=2412] @Raja.Pakistani @cb4 @Abu Zolfiqar @Jazzbot @Leader @SHAMK9 [MENTION=139145] AND OTHERS

What I know is if Oil is found in Pakistan and that too in really large numbers soon man we can get billions of dollars and from that we can improve our economy and build our Armed Forces by getting huge number of J-10 B and JF-17 Block 2 with some other plane and also Frigates and Submarines and if Reko diq is being given to China which I don't think so we can get hell of weapons from China in return and also investment in economy
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Thar coal is unexplored because of its poor quality

Pakistan is blessed with immense amount of natural resources including 18th largest coal reserve in the world. It has a deposit of approximately 175 billion MT of coal. Though this coal is of lower grade but does have calorific value of 10,000BTU per MT (on dry basis). Its calorific value is approximately 945 trillion BTU. Converting this amount in terms of US$ gives indicative figures of US$ 3.78 trillion this coal is more than combined oil of Iran and Iraq . By a safe estimate Iran and Iraq combined have 251 billion barrels of crude, which is equal to approximately 38 billion MT. Crude has BTU value of 19000 PMT which gives total calorific value of 722 trillion BTU, worth approximately US$2.725 trillion. Estimated energy requirement of Pakistan is approximately 1.5 trillion BTU per year. It is evident through simple calculations as to how many years energy requirement can be met through this low grade coal available in Thar. Liquification or gasification of this coal can reduce the burden of importing oil and save Pakistan a trade deficit of approximately US$35-40billion per year .

In today's era of high technology solutions to such problems can be developed. Had this not been true, then there would have been no requirement of Thar Coal Development Authority. Dr Samar is working on the project, but is facing extreme difficulties in securing funds. Development of Thar coal will take away Pakistan from the shackles of OMCs, which will effect illicit source of income for many high ranking officials also, therefore, it is discouraged at every step.

So far environmental concern goes, emissions by humans is much less a pollutant , then the nature itself. Going into this is an altogether a different discussion.
The ousted Barrick Gold had promised less than a billion a year in 56 years but they never shared what they had found during the many years of exploration they did in Reko Diq. What is generally believed is that Reko Diq is bigger than Afghan Aynak mines which were estimated by President Karzai at over $3 trillion.

Reko Diq has an estimated deposit of 12.9 million tones of copper and 20.9 million ounces of gold. Gold deposit alone can be assessed to US$17.765 billion. It is estimated that total deposit is worth US$65 billion. Besides the main Reko Diq, there are another 14 porphyries having an estimated total deposit of 500million tons. These national assets should be re-possessed and mining work be undertaken by the government on pattern of commercial organisation. Gold extracted can build the base of State Bank to change its monetary policy from Inflation Targeting to Gold Standard thus getting rid of inflation. Copper can help getting rid of Pakistan debt, if at all it needs to be paid. (This deposit was handed over to BHP Billiton in 1993 and later sold to another company ship changed to Australian Tethyan Copper Company (TCC) and the Chilean Copper Company Antofagasta, with Balochistan government having 25% share.)

From this reserve approximately 100,000 ounces of gold can be extracted each year. Pakistan should look into the aspect of mining this gold itself. Professionals should be hired to run the operation and funds should be generated by floating shares to only people of Pakistan. Gold explored should be bought at controlled rate (say 10% less than market rate) by government of Pakistan. To convert this asset into immediate benefit, Pakistan should shift its focus from multicurrency based exchange rate to gold based. Thus, value of PKR will improve in international market. In just five years Pakistan will be able to strengthen its currency and bring it at par with strongest international currency, hence bringing prosperity to common man. This exploration business will provide dividends to the shareholders and strengthen PKR in international market; while creating employment for local resources, thus reducing influx of people in metropolises for employment opportunities and giving a sense of belonging/ security to the locals.

All tough Gins by environmentalist should be set aside and national interest should be kept paramount.

Nothing is 'given' to the Chinese. They bring the investment and explore the reserves, the Balochistan govt will get the royalties and the agreed sum of money for the reserves. If it happens, transparently - nothing wrong with it!

Man do we really have oil and if yes along with GOLD if explored and sold to other countries man we can become a military power in with in few years because only problem we have is economy issues
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