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Shocking! Know how much Asaram Bapu type godmen earn

here comes the sympathizer.or worse a devotee? A nobel laurate specializes in his/her field. They don't issue morality certificates. Sai Baba has molested countless number of Kids and men. It is well recorded.

BBC The Secret Swami Satya Sai Baba 2004 full - YouTube
Yeah im a devotee so?
Yeah i know dime a dozen videos like that, molestation seriously? dude get a life, the whole indian parliament was there when he died cutting across party lines along with few ex-prime ministers and presidents of other countries.So don't call everyone a fool.I believe in what i see and what i seen is what i believe in.No amount of mudslinging or propaganda can change my views as i have seen miracles(period).He was the only guy who built a superspeciality hospital free for poor which maintains the same standards as John Hopkins and other best hospitals in World.So before you call someone cheat etc. do some research as to the good work he did.
Yeah im a devotee so?
Yeah i know dime a dozen videos like that, molestation seriously? dude get a life, the whole indian parliament was there when he died cutting across party lines along with few ex-prime ministers and presidents of other countries.So don't call everyone a fool.I believe in what i see and what i seen is what i believe in.No amount of mudslinging or propaganda can change my views as i have seen miracles(period).He was the only guy who built a superspeciality hospital free for poor which maintains the same standards as John Hopkins and other best hospitals in World.So before you call someone cheat etc. do some research as to the good work he did.
he is till a child molester. NOT A GOD. a rich man using his wealth to do some good may be? But the wealth he amassed was through his cheap trickery like spitting our lingam and giving free viboothi. His tricks weren't even that sophisticated. sorry you fell for that.
Yeah im a devotee so?
Yeah i know dime a dozen videos like that, molestation seriously? dude get a life, the whole indian parliament was there when he died cutting across party lines along with few ex-prime ministers and presidents of other countries.So don't call everyone a fool.I believe in what i see and what i seen is what i believe in.No amount of mudslinging or propaganda can change my views as i have seen miracles(period).He was the only guy who built a superspeciality hospital free for poor which maintains the same standards as John Hopkins and other best hospitals in World.So before you call someone cheat etc. do some research as to the good work he did.

Bro even i was a devotee , but there are way to many cases against him... political parties did not go against him as they will loose votes...
he is till a child molester. NOT A GOD. a rich man using his wealth to do some good may be? But the wealth he amassed was through his cheap trickery like spitting our lingam and giving free viboothi. His tricks weren't even that sophisticated. sorry you fell for that.

Well whatever rocks your boat man, i know how i got helped in person by him even though in different country.So please keep your views to yourself.I say please atleast do some good he did.Yeah and the presidents and other powerful people all around the world fell for those unsophisticated tricks great try friend.Try convincing them your theories.
Bro even i was a devotee , but there are way to many cases against him... political parties did not go against him as they will loose votes...

So, you just lose your faith cos someone put a case against him without properly investigating the truth and lie?Then i'm afraid your views can be changed very easily this is how conversions take place.
Forget political parties of India what happened to foreign ministers and important people all around the globe ,don't you think they know a con and true one?You must admit people dont just flock around him without reason if they didnt see something special.
So, you just lose your faith cos someone put a case against him without properly investigating the truth and lie?Then i'm afraid your views can be changed very easily this is how conversions take place.
Forget political parties of India what happened to foreign ministers and important people all around the globe ,don't you think they know a con and true one?You must admit people dont just flock around him without reason if they didnt see something special.

I generally don't believe in people who claim to have special powers of some sort... its too much worship of one human being
I generally don't believe in people who claim to have special powers of some sort... its too much worship of one human being

Do you believe in hindu concept of avatar ,karma and rebirth? If yes, then what i said above answers your questions.If no, let it be you will know in time what is the real truth. I wouldn't worry about what others claim i know what i see, i believe in buddhas theory.

“Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.”--Gautama Buddha.

So,too much worship of one human being i don't see it as a problem, he always claimed that every human being can be like him provided they stick to righteousness.
there was a family friend of ours who had a small bottle of earth in his puja room. it is supposedly the earth on which Sai Baba relieved himself. So he bribed Baba's assistant to get him a handfull so that he could worship it every day.

No body deserves that kind of power and blind following.

Well whatever rocks your boat man, i know how i got helped in person by him even though in different country.So please keep your views to yourself.I say please atleast do some good he did.Yeah and the presidents and other powerful people all around the world fell for those unsophisticated tricks great try friend.Try convincing them your theories.

Sorry I am not into that stuff. I'll probably get arrested and shamed if I tried his "deeds" here in US.
there was a family friend of ours who had a small bottle of earth in his puja room. it is supposedly the earth on which Sai Baba relieved himself. So he bribed Baba's assistant to get him a handfull so that he could worship it every day.

No body deserves that kind of power and blind following.

Hmm, seriously you are that kind of rumor monger who spreads these things, dude i went to villages where there was scarcity of water and other things literally we changed the whole village in a matter of months and made themselves self efficient we didnt get no funds, nope we pooled what money we had and did good for that village.

Yeah and if i am allowed to use another monotheistic son of god as reference as to what he did you wouldn't like it do you;)Keep your sarcasm aside i can make comments on anyone.
there was a family friend of ours who had a small bottle of earth in his puja room. it is supposedly the earth on which Sai Baba relieved himself. So he bribed Baba's assistant to get him a handfull so that he could worship it every day.

No body deserves that kind of power and blind following.

Sorry I am not into that stuff. I'll probably get arrested and shamed if I tried his "deeds" here in US.

Eh? i wonder why is a US citizen worried about indian gods?i dont see the connection.Arrest? lol your hillary clinton was about to make a visit to get his blessings.What a shame USA went gaga over swami rajnessh.Thats your USA!P.S. don't forget Yoga and hindu spirtuality has more takers in USA. ;) Lemme guess the sunday attendance is dwindling?
Hmm, seriously you are that kind of rumor monger who spreads these things, dude i went to villages where there was scarcity of water and other things literally we changed the whole village in a matter of months and made themselves self efficient we didnt get no funds, nope we pooled what money we had and did good for that village.

Yeah and if i am allowed to use another monotheistic son of god as reference as to what he did you wouldn't like it do you;)Keep your sarcasm aside i can make comments on anyone.
so BBC and India today are rumor mongers in your books? Again, doing some good deeds with wealth amassed illegally doesn't make him a God. It is not his money. he earned it by trickery and spent a portion of it to keep mouths shut.

And why would you bring other religions into it? does it some how make it right to molest children?


Eh? i wonder why is a US citizen worried about indian gods?i dont see the connection.Arrest? lol your hillary clinton was about to make a visit to get his blessings.What a shame USA went gaga over swami rajnessh.Thats your USA!P.S. don't forget Yoga and hindu spirtuality has more takers in USA. ;) Lemme guess the sunday attendance is dwindling?
what are you talking about? I am an Indian citizen. looks like you can't figure out my background to attack me back. so you are randomly attacking americans, muslims and christians.
so BBC and India today are rumor mongers in your books? Again, doing some good deeds with wealth amassed illegally doesn't make him a God. It is not his money. he earned it by trickery and spent a portion of it to keep mouths shut.

And why would you bring other religions into it? does it some how make it right to molest children?

BBC And India Today had proofs and they didnt go to court shame on them!Such reputable organizations not complaining?WOW
What wealth amassed illegally he was born in a poor non descript village with nothing AND YOU CLAIM HIM TO BE HOAX? what about you born in USA do emulate his feats and then tell me.Otherwise STFU!Whose money? lol he never claimed it to be his money, seriously didnt i say before we pooled our money and made good with what we had, He supplied water to entire Rayalaseema and even Tamilnadu thats why your atheist CM karunanidhi invited him and said he was like god on stage~!
Have you ever been there ?

Even the then CM of AP Chandrababu Naidu said he couldnt do such feat of water to everyone in rayalaseema as he didnt have the money.What can you say what he did when a CM of Indian state couldn't?

what are you talking about? I am an Indian citizen. looks like you can't figure out my background to attack me back. so you are randomly attacking americans, muslims and christians.

Well i can figure out who is who so i know where im going.;)

so BBC and India today are rumor mongers in your books? Again, doing some good deeds with wealth amassed illegally doesn't make him a God. It is not his money. he earned it by trickery and spent a portion of it to keep mouths shut.

And why would you bring other religions into it? does it some how make it right to molest children?

what are you talking about? I am an Indian citizen. looks like you can't figure out my background to attack me back. so you are randomly attacking americans, muslims and christians.

BBC And India Today had proofs and they didnt go to court shame on them!Such reputable organizations not complaining?WOW
What wealth amassed illegally he was born in a poor non descript village with nothing AND YOU CLAIM HIM TO BE HOAX? what about you born in USA do emulate his feats and then tell me.Otherwise STFU!Whose money? lol he never claimed it to be his money, seriously didnt i say before we pooled our money and made good with what we had, He supplied water to entire Rayalaseema and even Tamilnadu thats why your atheist CM karunanidhi invited him and said he was like god on stage~!
Have you ever been there ?
so BBC and India today are rumor mongers in your books? Again, doing some good deeds with wealth amassed illegally doesn't make him a God. It is not his money. he earned it by trickery and spent a portion of it to keep mouths shut.

And why would you bring other religions into it? does it some how make it right to molest children?

what are you talking about? I am an Indian citizen. looks like you can't figure out my background to attack me back. so you are randomly attacking americans, muslims and christians.

Oh well i know where im attacking,its not random i can assure you that ;)
Well i can figure out who is who so i know where im going.;)

BBC And India Today had proofs and they didnt go to court shame on them!Such reputable organizations not complaining?WOW
What wealth amassed illegally he was born in a poor non descript village with nothing AND YOU CLAIM HIM TO BE HOAX? what about you born in USA do emulate his feats and then tell me.Otherwise STFU!Whose money? lol he never claimed it to be his money, seriously didnt i say before we pooled our money and made good with what we had, He supplied water to entire Rayalaseema and even Tamilnadu thats why your atheist CM karunanidhi invited him and said he was like god on stage~!
Have you ever been there ?

how did a man born poor amass so much wealth? he was sitting in a golden throne . no person wth the slightest amount of decency would do that in a land of so much destitution.


The only comfort is that the "God" is dead and we no longer have to witness his shenanigans.

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