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2014 Elections - Grave Implications for India


Aug 14, 2013
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General Elections 2014 – Grave Implications for India

After 2 consecutive terms of UPA rule , India will head for general elections in 2014 to elect 16’th Loksabha . This is perhaps one of the most crucial elections in electroal history of modern India as India is passing through make or break phase !
Indeed the recent slump in economy is vindicative of total mismanagement of economy by Our economist PM . India seems to be at serious risk of getting stuck in middle income group unless timely measures are taken to kickstart the economy. The Golden Sachs created BRICS bubble has burst except China all other BRICS nations are not doing well and among them India has been the biggest disappointment . And the UPA led mismanagement of economy, indecision ,poor insight , policy paralysis all have contributed to current state . India has squandered the golden opportunity to step in China’s shoes . China has been growing at double digit rate for last 4 decades and Indian economy has faltered within just 2 decades . Poor infrastructure and populism , lack of economic reforms are main reasons why it has happened .
A decade of UPA rule has pushed a atleast decade behind . It has completly undone works of previous governments ( including that of PV Narsimha Rao government )
India committed serious bluder by electing UPA and denying Second chance to Visionary leader like Mr AB Vajpayee . After gaining power one time- UPA managed to stick to power through its vote winning populist measures . UPA came back stronger but nation had got weaker and weaker .

India is passing through great demographic transition . Today average age of India in 24 . If unless appropriate job opportunities are made available to this working population it can lead to complete anarchy and if this power of this enormous working population is harnessed it can push India in necessary growth acceleration required to eliminate poverty. Jobless youth is the ultimate recipe for total social anarchy.Once India has entered that vicious circle of Jobless youth -> violence ->poverty ->rapes -> Jobless youth , nobody can save India. Already social ills of unemployment are being seen in form of increased rapes all across India. There fore coming elections are extremly crucial for India to set things right .
Stable and efficient government at centre is necessary for steering nation through this difficult times . We have seen bugling of foreign policy and strategic blunders by current regime due to inherent weakness. Unfortunately given all the forecasts India is heading for another hung parliament . This has very very serious repercussions to not only already faltering Indian economy but also security scenario around India.
Congress led UPA is going to lose coming elections if surveys are to be believed . However UPA’s loss is not translating into NDA’s gain. BJP is likely to emerge as Single largest party . Yet it does not appear anywhere even near midway the magic mark of 272. Given BJP's political untouchability , unless BJP has right numbers it will be impossible for BJP to cobble up coalition to form next government. Non existent Third front is likely to gobble up largest vote share and seats . If this is what happens then prospect of Third front led Congress supported government is the most likely prospect. Don’t be shocked to see somebody like Mulayam Singh Yadav or Mayavati at red fort on next Independence day . Such Experimental Third front led Congress supported government will be unstable to begin with endgame will be recurrent General elections .
Imagine idiots like Mulayam singh yadav ruling India . all the governance will be left to be managed by bureaucracy which is already dithering to take decisions due to activism of CVC, CAG, Supreme court etc.
Hung parliament , Third front government are stark possibilities and killing measures for already ailing Indian economy and Indian nation .

Grave time ahead for India !
@Indo-guy, so what's your prediction of GE 2014? Another term for Congress?
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@Indo-guy, so what's your prediction of GE 2014? Another term for Congress?

I can't predict ...Indian elections are not that easy to predict . Exit polls have been proved totally wrong during all last 3 general elections ...
I would personally like to see BJP led government which is stable ...But I am not for person like Narendra Modi ...Anybody else like Sushma Swaraj, Arun Jetly at the helm will do ...But these are my wishes . Don't know what verdict our people will throw .

After 2 terms of Congress led rule ....enough is enough !.
No way ....But possible that congress can have backdoor entry ...In India politics can play out in strange way .

In any case it's extremely serious issue for India !
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Over the last two terms under Congress, India managed close to 8% growth on average. That's pretty good
Over the last two terms under Congress, India managed close to 8% growth on average. That's pretty good

Congress has nothing to do with whatever growth rate we have . Credit completely goes to our corporates and hard working middle class . Congress has strangled our economy ... Growth rate progressively fallen to 5% this year ...
Global slowdown and Eurozone crisis have contributed sure ... But that is only part of the reason. Lot of credit to bungle our economy goes to current regime !
we are right now in Scylla and Charibdys situation . People have very little option to choose . Congress is inept , corrupt and BJP is not very trustworthy too ! It's more like choosing lesser evil ....Right now BJP looks like lesser evil to choose !!!
Congress has nothing to do with whatever growth rate we have . Credit completely goes to our corporates and hard working middle class . Congress has strangled our economy ... Growth rate progressively fallen to 5% this year ...
Global slowdown and Eurozone crisis have contributed sure ... But that is only part of the reason. Lot of credit to bungle our economy goes to current regime !

After Lehman and Euro debt crisis, everyone is down, the world is down. In the previous indian diaspora forum here, LKY said good things about your PM, MMS.

Wish you were right man. But the truth is it is barely 6!
GDP growth (annual %) | Data | Table

6 is not bad, and if you exclude the last few years--crisis period, it should be closer to 8.
After Lehman and Euro debt crisis, everyone is down, the world is down. In the previous indian diaspora forum here, LKY said good things about your PM, MMS.

He is good person ..He initiated economic reforms in 90's as finanace minister but he is absolutely not fit to lead nation. He has become proxy power to Sonia Gandhi . All the prudent fiscal measures that earlier governments maintained were undone by his government . In the name of helping poor billions and billions of dollars were spent on populist measures .
Today India's CAD is whopping -5% . For a trillion dollar economy it is huge !!!. Look at Singapore - their CAD is + 20 % .
Instead of investing government money in creating infrastructure it has been splurged like nothing is non productive " Help poor " schemes - and large share of that has been siphoned off by politicians, middle men .

6 is not bad, and if you exclude the last few years--crisis period, it should be closer to 8.
Growth rate has been dropping - this year it's around 5% . unlikely to improve any soon . Currency is getting devalued . Exports have dropped - imports continue to swell ...Industry output is dropping ...manufacturing has slowed . Whole situation is quite gloomy as far as Economy is concerned !
In Life : Money is Honey ....Economy is engine of nation ...if economy falters everything derails ..

Here goes India's dream of becoming progressive nation down the drains ....

But it's not too late yet . Things can be still changed , if we can have visionary leader to lead us !!!
But no such leader is in any distant sight ...
Perhaps if you count the loot being siphoned off as black money...perhaps...but otherwise....meh :(
After Lehman and Euro debt crisis, everyone is down, the world is down. In the previous indian diaspora forum here, LKY said good things about your PM, MMS.

6 is not bad, and if you exclude the last few years--crisis period, it should be closer to 8.
Congress isn't coming to the power that is certain. Now every thing depends on how many seats will BJP gets.

Scenarios that could happen:

180+ - Modi will be PM
160-170- either Sushma or jaitly
Below 160- Third front
Who do you think will join BJP with Modi as PM besides AIADMK ?
It's going to be tough for Modi.

Modi is a shrewd politician sure .
But I am little wary of Modi whether he can carry on coalition government of 'don't know how many parties' even if they ultimately agree to support , given his autocratic nature .
Sushma swaraj is vocal but we do not know her governance ability . Same goes about Jetley too .
India needs Atal Bihari Vajpayee like visionary leader at the moment ...and we don't have anyone like it.

Will India give chance to Modi ? A million dollar question ....

Congress isn't coming to the power that is certain. Now every thing depends on how many seats will BJP gets.

Scenarios that could happen:

180+ - Modi will be PM
160-170- either Sushma or jaitly
Below 160- Third front

If third front experiment fails , congress can raise Secularism bogey and have backdoor entry to treasury benches ...
No way for Congress and third front ....India needs to vote for BJP !!!
Modi will only come if BJP gets 180+ and if that happens allies will come too, this whole bogey of secularism will go bust make no doubt about it. I believe he can manage a coalition govt. But 160-170 is more realistic and unfortunately many meer jafers (D4) of BJP want that too.

India needs to vote for BJP

Bjp needs to gets serious if they want that to happen, they have the momentum on their side but never underestimate their ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory specially of D4.

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