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Guy holding AK in Blue Area Islamabad

Zamrud Khan is brave only to the extent that after falling he rushed to save the kids.
But otherwise he was fool to try this. ...

But sill thank God and Well Done!

Luck is with the brave. There is a hairline difference in stupidity and bravery. Despite my all dislikes for Zamurad, I consider him a brave guy. I think the good thing he did was, once rushed towards children as soon he recovered after falling which forced unnerved Sikander to raise hands and fire in air, these few moments enabled police to grab him. I think during this Sikander may have been shot in leg or foot
No thanks. He is a hero even without that.
:omghaha: Emotional South Asian Philosophy . Well ! this guy was a serious Nut that is what media attempted to prove whole time and the truth is that Mr Zamarud have managed to captured a nut head.

Whata brave person Zamurad Khan (Same person who provided Home, Security and funds to Qaid-e-Azam Family few years ago).

WELL DONE...!!! What a crappy way to handle situation. Sikandar did fire back, only his gun was pointed up... or there could have been causalities ... Pathetic training of our security forces. Zamurad Khan's brave man. Yes. But he almost got himself or others killed.

DSP is injured too... Well Done for such a poor handling... If u wanted to get shot wouldn't it be better to shoot the guy beforehand.... No no no we'll wait only to let him shot at ppl & till one DSP receives a bullet from the guy. Then it's a good drama & news media will have someone to make heros ...

At the end he was shot in leg & fell. Then arrested... How hard was it to do the same 5 hours earlier... When he was fully exposed away from children/wife...!!!

But thank God he did manage to injure a DSP.....


he captured you trigger happy stupids

Trigger happy are those who shot at innocent. Like Americans in Afghanistan who are drunk like you are all the time... Killing likes of Sikandar is NOT being trigger happy. & would have spared DSP & the other police man from getting shot. You must be brain dead to think that this was the right way to end this.

ur trigger-un-happiness almost got those children & Zumurad killed whom u were tryng to save.

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