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Peshawar Boy Sentenced for Making Vulgar Video of a Girl

mate think about the damage they did to the girl & family, her life is practically ruined after his, in our societies of Indo-Pak subcontinent where a rumour can destroy the prospect of marriage for a girl & here we re talking about a video on the internet of the victim ! the boy got what he deserves

You are right ... This type of boys have ruined lives of several innocent girls ... But I should not say them innocent because firstly they give to them their modesty with their own but those girls have so much trust upon their boy friends ... This thing is worst ..........
Young Peshawar Boy Sentenced for Making Vulgar Video of a Girl

I would have given him the option to either serve the 8 years or be publicly lashed and have his face plastered over a government sanctioned website highlighting the countries deviants.

Pakistan needs to start employing facial recognition software (and possibly additional monitoring software/equipment) like other countries are using to bring people who make these types of videos (or freely participate in them) to trial as well as pick out individuals committing other crimes (though this may need to be monitored by an independent agency).

We do not want Pakistan becoming a society of single mothers made up largely of unwed teen parents and a population where STD's are rampant or where things like rape and sexual harassment of women is commonplace and accepted like in various parts of Africa, India, etc...
The boy probably did not have connections otherwise the case would have been suppressed. Had one like that in my uni back home between a generals kid and another girl. At the end, all the general's kid got was a slap by the director while the girl's reputation was ruined for life.
Excellent!! India should learn from it and reform the Juvenile laws accordingly. For grave crimes like this laws should be harsh, be it Juvenile or anything. A person who commit such crimes might be Juvenile by age but not by mind.

mate think about the damage they did to the girl & her family, her life is practically ruined after his, in our societies of Indo-Pak subcontinent where a rumour can destroy the prospect of marriage for a girl & here we re talking about a video on the internet of the victim ! the boy got what he deserves

This is a great example for the sub-continent courts, people, and Police to follow. My full support is for the girl's family, who took her into confidence and approached the Police. In Sub-continent, parents are afraid to take the crime to police station, afraid, that disrepute would be bought to the Family.
And Salute the Police and Judgement.
I would have given him the option to either serve the 8 years or be publicly lashed and have his face plastered over a government sanctioned website highlighting the countries deviants.

Thats a good idea. I hope we bring Lashing as a punishment into our law.
Better to kill this moron in front of public, to set an example.
Does one have to be having an affair to respect the fairer sex ?

no one dosnt!
but i usually dont c people understand a deeper meaning which i feel u did!
i havnt met many in my lyf havin same thinking as u hav whn not in serious love(love doesnt refer to here as wife gf only it mayb a just friend or bst friend)...u might b different!
ps sry but my experience says this only as i live in punjab nd most of boys unless in serious reln dnt bother abt any emotion of girl nd dont undrstand them
nd love i refered is not for only lyf patners!.....or reln..its for true female friends.....sry if i wasnt able to express wht i wanted to say!.......
mate think about the damage they did to the girl & her family, her life is practically ruined after his, in our societies of Indo-Pak subcontinent where a rumour can destroy the prospect of marriage for a girl & here we re talking about a video on the internet of the victim ! the boy got what he deserves

Not just that, in one of the incident in peshawer a khar-dimagh brother killed her sister when some one made the video of her sister on mobile video while she was just waiting at bus stop , the anonymous culprit uploaded the simple video with pashto song............

Recently many colleges and universities sex scandals have emerged in Peshawar which has strengthened the resolve of many conservative pakhtun parents not to send their daughters to universities where there is co-education.
8 years is too harsh for a young boy. He should be given chance to reform.

i guess you never met pakistani kids, our kids aren't as immature as most kids, they know what they are doing, our kids more mature then adults from america, he knew exactly what he was doing, 8 years is enough, he lucky the girls family didn't kill him lol.
8 years is too harsh for a young boy. He should be given chance to reform.

His reform will come in the form of peppering his angus in prison. Big Bubba is gonna be blackmailing him all night long...
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