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Pakistan is a threat to regional stability: Afghan foreign ministry.

Afghanistan is the biggest threat to Pakistan national security and stability. Pakistan should annex Afghanistan at all cost.
that wont happen unless Pakistan doesnt merge into theirs fathers land ie afghanistan .
Its funny to read how weapons issued to ANA end up on this side of the border. :unsure:.
Nobody is stopping afghanistan not to choose sides, I believe they dont want pakistan to get taliban on board and want US to crush taliban once for all but US is smarter than them as they have seen 10 years of war got them nothing
The problem is these stooges actually never got in the govt through elections.
what so funny about it ....also punjabis are native of punjab..

There is a difference in Paksitani and Indian Punjab..... Indian punjab belong to Sikhs..... how can muslim dominated paksitanis punjab claim a sikh dominated Indian Punjab....
Our Indian friends are very hypocritical in this matter.

They immediately place them selves on moral high ground, a holier then thou approach...
In other words: 'it's okay if we do it'.

For some reason the Afghans don't agree with your assessment of our relations.
ok then what about kashmir...it is muslim dominated...

i think u know that in three wars which were faught between india and pakistan the people of fata faught at front from pakistan side...it is not true that they claim the seperation of fata from pakistan..
Yes it is Muslim dominated it is a fact... But Kashmiris are different from Pakistanis....(we can argue over that)...

in my personal opinion Indians and Paksitanis are of same ethinicity.....

Pakistanis does not have a seperate History, a seperate language, or a seperate cuisine.....

Ordinary Pakistanis are more related to indians than kashmiris....
Shouldnt we have a policy to deport the 3 million thankless Afghans back to their stone age country?

Their country if resembles what you say, is because of monster you created along with Yanks. After afghanistan war you could have disbanded them but you choice not do so for yr narrow interest.

And you shouldn't forget it , it was thanks to these Afk war that you were able to afford F16 and nukes. And lands were you proclaim to be giving shelter to pashtoons is actually their lands which Brits gifted yr tribe for doing their bidding.
So by giving shelter to pathans you are doing no favor.You have been very handsomely paid for yr service and not to forget that you got over 20 billion dollars post 9\11 because of Afghanistan quagmire.
It was Afk who bore the brunt of USSR attack and provided you a buffer. Had Afghan readily accepted Russian as their master. Man even Yanks and Yr ummah brother couldn't been able to save you from Hindu wrath. !!!
You Pakjabis should Thank pashtoons for saving yr assss.
now why do i find some posts here funny?

1)Pakistan destroyed the lives of numerous Afgans by bringing about the Taliban rule in Afganistan just becaus they Wanted Strategic depth and now they expect Afgans to be Pakistan friendly

2) Pakistan says it is sheltering Afgans within its country.....but why did afgans have to sneek into your country?---its because you created havoc in theirs with the creation of taliban regime .........and now you call them thankless....well should they even be thankfull?

3) you claim to have saved Afganistan from the soviets? really ...all that you did was acualy to ----Prevent USSR from sharing its border with you due to fear of having an Indian ally next to you rather than actually help Afganistan (in other words you saved your *** with US help)

4) After the Soviet war ....instead of stablizing Afganistan (yes it was your primary duty not that of the US) you chose to breed terrorism there so that you could use them against India.....i.e you used Afgan lives as fuel to your obcession with India.......

After doing all this , you guys call Afgans as thankless people....well should they be even thankfull? and then you say say they are Anti-Pakistan.....well hey have a hell lot of reason to be Anti - Pakistan.....ever heared-"what you sow so you reap"
Afghanistan is the biggest threat to Pakistan national security and stability. Pakistan should annex Afghanistan at all cost.

annex the "Threat"???thats something..like making Pressure mine a pillow.. :cuckoo:

ok then what about kashmir...it is muslim dominated...

i think u know that in three wars which were faught between india and pakistan the people of fata faught at front from pakistan side...it is not true that they claim the seperation of fata from pakistan..

I thought it was Pakistan Army,and not civiliaans from FATA who fought us..and you forgot,Kashmir's ruler annexed their state to India,not Pakistan.
Their country if resembles what you say, is because of monster you created along with Yanks. After afghanistan war you could have disbanded them but you choice not do so for yr narrow interest.

And you shouldn't forget it , it was thanks to these Afk war that you were able to afford F16 and nukes. And lands were you proclaim to be giving shelter to pashtoons is actually their lands which Brits gifted yr tribe for doing their bidding.
So by giving shelter to pathans you are doing no favor.You have been very handsomely paid for yr service and not to forget that you got over 20 billion dollars post 9\11 because of Afghanistan quagmire.
It was Afk who bore the brunt of USSR attack and provided you a buffer. Had Afghan readily accepted Russian as their master. Man even Yanks and Yr ummah brother couldn't been able to save you from Hindu wrath. !!!
You Pakjabis should Thank pashtoons for saving yr assss.

You are really a homo... Just like Bangladeshi migrants keep pouring in india and was disturbing your balance and you decided to help them in 1971, we did the same,,,, afghan migrants keep pouring in to Pakistan,,, creating disability and many other things and at the same time pashtoons were fighting with Russians, so we did same what you did with Bengalis.

Your congressi Aiyar said right, you indians are ignorant,,, always open mouth without critically thinking or putting thought in their own words.

Gay Hind!
The man speaking was part of the N.Alliance,which kissed the American feet and fought for mother America against their own countrymen. Afghans 'defending' Afghanistan against forigeners are NOT the ones the ones sitting in the cabinet. Northeren alliance warlords disguised as ministers....yea right on!
We don't want influence in Afghanistan.

Just a friendly government, non-hostile. If that means exerting influence, then so be it.
Not like treacherous Karzai government that breeds anti-Pakistan elements and invites our enemies to join.

That we should not be asked to tolerate.

How come being North Korean, you are talking like Pakistani :omghaha:

or I should called you false flagger who is more proud to be North Korean:omghaha:
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