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Wary of Pakistan, India hesitant over Karzai wish list for military hardwar

well we are not the one who's stopping you from electing Hindu extremist groups. please do so .
i as a Pakistani believe Congress had harmed Pakistan more than any other Indian group.

the unemotional analysis is that NOT because of Pakistan but because of own intersts the Indian govt has taken the decision and thats the right one
You as an Indian consider Congress as Pakistani entity. Thats funny again.

your belief and analysis is wrong, The congress which was brave died in 70s. In 80s The Congress became Islamic, They left secularism for vote bank. For vote bank these ppl behave more Muslim than a Muslim. The desparation of Vote bank have make them more Muslim than a "true Arab Muslim"...

Modi is secular so does BJP. Calling him Hindu extremist is wrong.

Secular: A person who doesn't appease any community.
Communal: A person who appease a sect or community..

Since BJP don't appease Muslims, BJP is secular...

@Topic: Congratulation for this battle victory.. You Pkaitsni won without firing a bullet..
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1. The shortage is NOT that big that you cant provide. Secondly you are NOT at war but Afghanistan is having a war so you can spare the weapons for them.

2. The Emotional side has nothing to do with strategic decisons. nawaz or no nazwaz neither India trusts Pakistan nor we so friendly friendly talk is just a hogwash

3. to Afghanistan whom

1. Yes we are not at war..... But i dont remember we providing any support to a country which is in war......

2. It is not emotional atall... It is strategic......

3. I am not aware of any request made to pakistan to supply weapon recently.... Was there any request?????
your belief and analysis is wrong, The congress which was brave died in 70s. In 80s The Congress became Islamic, They left secularism for vote bank. For vote bank these ppl behave more Muslim than a Muslim. The desparation of Vote bank have make them more Muslim than a "true Arab Muslim"...

Modi is secular so does BJP. Calling him Hindu extremist is wrong.

Secular: A person who doesn't appease any community.
Communal: A person who appease a sect or community..

Since BJP don't appease Muslims, BJP is secular...

@Topic: Congratulation for this battle victory.. You Pkaitsni won without firing a bullet..

it has nothing to do with braveness if it was the case you will not have to spend heavily on weapons wrg to occupied Kashmir and it would have been solved.

it has to do with circumstances and in the 70s all were in favour of India. its NO more 70s.

rest of your post shows your hate for your own Muslims :)

1. Yes we are not at war..... But i dont remember we providing any support to a country which is in war......

if that is so its a fair point

2. It is not emotional atall... It is strategic......

3. I am not aware of any request made to pakistan to supply weapon recently.... Was there any request?????

India wont do away with a strategic edge to score friendship with Pakistan. Thats the reality hence its just that India does not see any benefit in providing weapons to Karazai.

no such request made to Pakistan. i was saying even we wont like to provide any even if the groups we see as friendly are in office.
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Indian strategies suck big time - Ditch friends and allies for some fears and stupid principles.

Nepal - India should have provided arms for Nepal Monarchists against Maoists - India did not - now India fears Chinese influence in Nepal.

Maldives - India should have supported the Mohamed Nasheed - they did not and now the religious fanatic group will host China.

SL - SL tamilians were seeing India as their supporter but now they do not - and SL was not a friend anyways else they would not have supported Pakistanis in 1971. Would have hosted a US base in Trincomalee if not for pre-emptive strike by Rajiv by way of Operation Poomalai and subsequent IPKF deployment(and again it is not SL tamil interests but for pure Indian benefit that IPKF was sent)

Add one more to the list - Afghanistan. Morons do not realize that a strong Afghanistan is in the best interests of the India and Taliban in Kabul will be a recipe for disaster for India with terrorists trained in Afghanistan flooding India big time.
it has nothing to do with braveness if it was the case you will not have to spend heavily on weapons wrg to occupied Kashmir and it would have been solved.

it has to do with circumstances and in the 70s all were in favour of India. its NO more 70s.

rest of your post shows your hate for your own Muslims :)


I don't have any problem with Muslims.. I just don't like appeasement. Leaders are like father, I will definitly get angry at leaders if they appease his Muslim son.. And why only Muslim, there must be no appeasement policy.. We all are equal son of India we need equality..

Not only Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi are also my own Muslim. After all , we all are Indian.. :)
So i assumed from PDF Indians that INDIAN DON'T GIVE A DAMN TO PAKISTAN CONCERNS in case of helping Afghans.
What happened !
There was so many bubbles like MKI, LCA, ARJUN etc etc for Afghan friends, they all burst at once. Why do you guys pollute PDF with that much HOT AIR.

India could easily send some Indeginized Bofors and Hal RUDRA to Afghans.



^ A fresh example of my previous POST.

Dude, its not that easy to hand over arms to other countries in aid as it seems while typing the post.
Shame on India for abandoning its only ally in the region. India has let the Afghan people down.

When Sri Lanka needed Pakistan's help, Pakistan armed its ally in the region to the teeth with whatever it could and even provided Pakistani Air Force pilots to obliterate the Tamil Hindu Extremists to extinction right under India's nose.

This news is really going to hurt your Afghan brothers, tut, tut, tut.
India should send at-least 100K troops to Afghanistan to support govt. of Kabul, That will be win win for India, Kabul & Pakistan
We won't send any Troops...PERIOD....:sleep:

Why so, India has done lots of investment in Afghanistan, So India should safeguard her interests and Karzai himself is asking for it. You should not leave your brother high & dry.
Shame on India for abandoning its only ally in the region. India has let the Afghan people down.

When Sri Lanka needed Pakistan's help, Pakistan armed its ally in the region to the teeth with whatever it could and even provided Pakistani Air Force pilots to obliterate the Tamil Hindu Extremists to extinction right under India's nose.

This news is really going to hurt your Afghan brothers, tut, tut, tut.

what is it? weed?
Why so, India has done lots of investment in Afghanistan, So India should safeguard her interests and Karzai himself is asking for it. You should not leave your brother high & dry.

Earlier I had posted this: Afghanistan should realize that they and only they are responsible for the state of their country. Only they can clean it up. Neither US nor Russia is ultimately responsible for the chaos and violence in Afghanistan. Indian Arms will not help. No help from India will help Afghanistan until Afghanistan learns to handle things with maturity... So, I don't want our Troops to be in Afghanistan....Further, Afghan Brother's have our Moral Support ;) & we'll Train them...:cheers:
Afghan pilot using HAL druv

Pilot: What is happening? Why is the fuel indicator going red? We just filled up the tank.

Co-pilot: No idea. The Indian instructors never mentioned anything about it.

Pilot: man. This is what happens when U buy stuffs from India. Our lives have no value to the gov.

Co-pilot: wait let be contact with ground station. Indian instructors are there.

Ground station

Indian instructors at the GS: hello. Chanakya 1 here.

Co-pilot: this is flight 001 to chanakya 1. (mummering about what the hell is chanakya). Our fuel indicator is going red and we are loosing altitude fast. Just a minute ago it was showing full load.

Indians: Did you cover the fuel tank with our DRDO made special leakage-proof casis? 3 casis come along with 1 helicopter.

Co-pilot: What casis? We didn't recieve any casis. What is going on here? Why would U need leak-proof casis to enclose fuel tanks? What kind of heli is this?

Indians: U would need the special casis as the fuel tanks made by DRDO's Indian contractors have constant leaking problem. What can we do? Its pretty advance engineering to make fuel tanks u know? For IA's Druv, we only use specially ordered chinese fuel tanks to aviod the leakage problem. U guys didn't ask for chinese ones, so don't blame us.

Co-pilot: Advance engineering my foot. One wonders why we bothered with your junk.

Indians: hey bro. Why get angry. All the on board equipments are chinese made and hence working fine. U should thank us that we installed chinese systems on board under your request.

Co-pilot: Stop your blabbering and tell us how to solve the situation.

DRDO didn't give the casis but rather sold it as scrape metal to earn some box

One Indian to another: What can be the problem? They should get the casis no?

Indian: 001 please try to abort mission and jump out using the built in parachute given with the suit. U don't have to worry. Those are british made and hence no chances of malfunction.:smokin:

The pilots safely land with the ejection suit abondoning the HAL druv.

10 years later

Future Afghan cadets grow up learning the consequences of buying Indian tech and subsequent gov don't even comprehend imagining buying anything Indian under pressure from the military and masses. Now they developed higher than himalaya & deeper than marina trench relations with China, PAK and Iran.
^^ Nice script mate..... Its time that you meet RGV and work with him................
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