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Shenyang J-15 aircraft carrier-based aircraft

J-15 Flying Shark prototype 554 and J-15S prototype



The J-15 uses the Su-33 airframe but with Chinese avionics, engines and weapons.

It does not use Su-33's airframe. Both Su-33 and J-15 came from a T-10K prototype, which makes them parallel developments. They share the same parent, but that's where similarities end.
It does not use Su-33's airframe. Both Su-33 and J-15 came from a T-10K prototype, which makes them parallel developments. They share the same parent, but that's where similarities end.

T-10K apparently came from Ukraine just the New Aircraft-Carrier. SAC had to create an entire variant of the Flanker family rather than merely coping the SU-33.
It does not use Su-33's airframe. Both Su-33 and J-15 came from a T-10K prototype, which makes them parallel developments. They share the same parent, but that's where similarities end.

The T-10k was merely a designation before the OFFICIAL designation of SU-33 was given. No matter how you twist it the J-15's airframe is a copy of the SU-33.
The T-10k was merely a designation before the OFFICIAL designation of SU-33 was given. No matter how you twist it the J-15's airframe is a copy of the SU-33.
You must be a copy of your father then?

J-15 was developed from a T-10K prototype, not Su-33. We dealt with Ukraine, not some Russian eager to claim credit like you.

You must be a copy of your father then?

J-15 was developed from a T-10K prototype, not Su-33. We dealt with Ukraine, not some Russian eager to claim credit like you.

And the T-10k was a pre-production SU-33. And what credit have I ever claimed? and to make things clear Ukraine had nothing to do with the T-10k other than having possession of it.
Great news congrats
China should be a strong Maritime power in fact the Brest one in East Asia
Can we have the video of the manufacturing footage? Thanks!
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