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US plans to keep nine military bases in Afghanistan: Karzai

good news..will protect afghan interests..
9 bases and how many troops?

Some of these will be just outposts.

Total number will be similar to the time of President Bush (12-15k).

That should have been the level all along

But President O had to show he knows better (but he didn't).

Whatever makes him happy. Americans are not staying end of story. Will believe it if it comes from a Nato official.
There goes the hopes of all the talib sympathizers who were declaring taliban would reconquer afganisthan after us withdrawal

Weren't people telling the same after the US started its campaign in Afghanistan ? The Taliban will be finished and peace and stability will return and what not , so what happened ?

Except for Taliban ousted from power , nothing significant has been gained in the decade long war , the Taliban are still controlling many parts of Afghanistan and the country is as torn as ever . The ANA is not ready and the Central Govt exists not .

Reconquer or not , the situation isn't expected to magically turn better in Afghanistan as the US withdraws as some people are hoping here .

For Pak too.

I disagree , sir .

How is US presence in that country in our interests ? Keeping in mind , the historical Afghan hostility towards Islamabad since its creation and the nonsensical statements by Mr.Karzai in the last few weeks .
The bases would do little to bring down the insurgency. The USA believes in a very blunt engagement of the insurgents and this creates more and more recruits for the insurgents. It would be best for the Afghani security forces to handle most of the counterinsurgency programmes. The best case scenario would be for an Pak-Afghan alliance against the insurgents, the Pak armed forces have more experience at fighting the insurgents as a proper frontline force. Sadly, Kabul is raising old skeletons that would antagonise our relationship.
Maybe Karzai is fooling his own people like a bazaar salesman.

"They wanted nine bases, but I negotiated them down to two!"

Actually , the statements of the mayor of the Presidential palace are to be taken with a pinch of salt , he changes its stances everyday .

First he was against US campaign in Afghanistan forbidding asking for air support and now he wants Taliban to fight Pakistan while claiming that PA is 50 km inside that part of the Durand Line . Suddenly , the US is an angel and he's negotiating with them like before , nothing more than a joke .

This man's a nut job , wait for more credible sources .

Excellent News for afghan people!!! Guaranteed security blanket.

You kids amaze me , really !

A million couldn't jack to improve the lives of the Afghan people in a decade , the law and order situation is as worst as ever , but yet some have hope with a token force of 6,000-10,000 soldiers which would be left in a few bases after 2014 .

Actually , the foreign forces remaining in Afghanistan after 2014 is the most suitable excuse for Taliban to continue doing what they are doing at the moment with public support , which would have been difficult if the coalition left completely from the country , it also ensures ready made recruits abundantly available to fight with the " occupying power - both the ANA and US " and further weakens the position of Afghan Govt which barely controls Kabul in the eyes of the Afghan public .
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You kids amaze me , really !

A million couldn't jack to improve the lives of the Afghan people in a decade , the law and order situation is as worst as ever , but yet some have hope with a token force of 6,000-10,000 soldiers which would be left in a few bases after 2014 .

Why are you consistently underestimating ISAF trained 350000 strong ANA ??.US force would only serve as back up with air cover and ofcorce CBG not very far away for them.

ye kaisa naam rakha hai yaar??:P

Virtual world ka digital nam.:offpost:

Actually , the foreign forces remaining in Afghanistan after 2014 is the most suitable excuse for Taliban to continue doing what they are doing at the moment with public support , which would have been difficult if the coalition left completely from the country , it also ensures ready made recruits abundantly available to fight with the " occupying power - both the ANA and US " and further weakens the position of Afghan Govt which barely controls Kabul in the eyes of the Afghan public .

I agree, it has to be the indigenous population engaging the terrorists not foreign troops who are not answerable to the natives. This creates more problems than solutions.
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Why are you consistently underestimating ISAF trained 350000 strong ANA ??.US force would only serve as back up with air cover and ofcorce CBG not very far away for them.

What is there to overestimate ? the ANA is being trained for the last 10 years and fighting alongside the US army and still the situation is the same . Has it turned better ? If not , then why should I expect anything better from them when the US withdraws all/majority of the forces from Afghanistan .

A newly raised army with low levels of training and poor morale which cant operate without the coalition's supervision is nothing to boast about for now .
Why are you consistently underestimating ISAF trained 350000 strong ANA ??.US force would only serve as back up with air cover and ofcorce CBG not very far away for them.

Virtual world ka digital nam.:offpost:

Sir, do you really believe that the US armed forces would be accountable to the Afghani government? No, they shall do what they think is right and their tactics are far too blunt to be effective in the long term. This is not a purely military problem and thus does not present a purely or heavily military based solution. The US should actually help the Afghans in civics and economics that would help them more than keeping bases.
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