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US plans to keep nine military bases in Afghanistan: Karzai

Its not New. US always having plan B because once US withdrawn from Afghan then surely Taliban will try to capture the afghan once again and Pakistan also supporting Taliban only not a democratic people rule. So its necessary for with holding few thousands of american troops in afghan at-least till the end of this decade.
USA do not leave a country which is adjacent to its competitor, particularly when it has done with the plans for Xinjiang.
Apparently they will keep the bases from where drones will operate.
Hope USA will not do the mistake what they did in past...

Leaving Afghanistan for Pakistan will create Havoc on earth. Till date Taliban got normal weapon, if USA abandon Afghanistan now, they will get "Dirty Bomb" as well..

@Topic: Nothing surprising, we all know this truth. Only few earthling were in delusion (That USA will leave Afghan in 2014) :P
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2 bases are needed for 6000 troops according to the US officials in the article. so 9 bases means 27000 troops ? :cheesy:

no no,Bagram and Kabul Airbases are largest airbases of Afghanistan.so,it needs more soldiers to maintain.but yes,we might see presence of around 20000 soldiers in Afghanistan,not to mention other NATO troops,which will be around 3000-4000..

2 bases are needed for 6000 troops according to the US officials in the article. so 9 bases means 27000 troops ? :cheesy:

no no,Bagram and Kabul Airbases are largest airbases of Afghanistan.so,it needs more soldiers to maintain.but yes,we might see presence of around 20000 soldiers in Afghanistan,not to mention other NATO troops,which will be around 3000-4000..
The US has built an alternate Pentagon in the heart of Kabul - don't think they are going away so soon.
What will happen to those dreams which depend on US withdrawal from Afghanistan?
Maybe Karzai is fooling his own people like a bazaar salesman.

"They wanted nine bases, but I negotiated them down to two!"

Karzai hasn't stated that he has negotiated them down to two. In fact in the article he says , he is ready for 9 bases if some conditions are fulfilled.
Pakistan should be afraid.

Kind of Childish comment.

Pakistan supplies all the fuel and food for the whole of Afghanistan including US forces.

Why should we be afraid.

Now if we are talking about Talib-B@stards. Yeah. They should be afraid. They won't be able to make a run to Kabul.


Afghanistan ready to OK 9 US bases after 2014 troop pullout, Karzai says

"However, as President Obama has stated, the U.S. does not seek permanent military bases in Afghanistan. We envision that the BSA (Bilateral Strategic Agreement) will address access to and use of Afghan facilities by U.S. forces in the future."

KABUL, Afghanistan – The U.S. can keep nine bases in Afghanistan after the scheduled 2014 NATO combat troop pullout, the country's president said Thursday, the first time he has made such an offer in public.

Hamid Karzai insisted on "security and economic guarantees" first.

Talks over a deal that would outline the American presence in Afghanistan after next year have been in progress for many months, and few details have been released.

Speaking at a ceremony at Kabul University, Karzai said, "When they (the U.S.) do this, we are ready to sign" a partnership agreement.

Karzai said Afghanistan wants a U.S. commitment to boost its security, strengthen its armed forces and promise long-term economic development.

The U.S. Embassy spokesman in Kabul, David Snepp, refused to address details of the agreement. "We have not and will not comment on specifics in the ongoing negotiations," he told The Associated Press.

"However, as President Obama has stated, the U.S. does not seek permanent military bases in Afghanistan. We envision that the BSA (Bilateral Strategic Agreement) will address access to and use of Afghan facilities by U.S. forces in the future."

Still, there was no reference to "existing" bases in Karzai's comments. He said only that the U.S. has requested nine bases in the country.

A senior U.S. official familiar with the talks told The Associated Press earlier that the U.S. and Karzai are at odds over his request that the United States guarantee it would side with Afghanistan if neighboring Pakistan poses a threat. So far the U.S. is refusing, the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to brief reporters.

The negotiations over a strategic agreement have been protracted and at times acrimonious, reflecting Washington's relationship with Karzai, who has often had strong words of criticism for Washington.

In March, when it appeared that the agreement was about to be signed, Karzai made a statement that suggested that the United States and the Taliban were benefiting each other
and even in collusion to keep U.S. troops in the country, though the U.S. has been fighting Taliban insurgents in Afghanistan for two decades.

As a result, the U.S. put the agreement on hold.

Some Afghans who are familiar with the Afghan president that his tough talk is a negotiating ploy to get more from the United States, particularly in relation to Pakistan.

Tensions between the two countries have escalated dramatically in the last two weeks, with both sides accusing each other of unprovoked attacks.

During his speech Thursday marking the 80th anniversary of Kabul University, Afghanistan's premiere post-secondary educational institution, Karzai warned Pakistan against sending its forces across the border or trying to force Afghanistan to accept the old Durand partition line as the international border.

This week Afghanistan accused Pakistan of crossing into its territory. Pakistan's military flatly denied that.

"Let this be absolutely clear that neither Pakistani security forces crossed into Afghan territory at Ghoshta area nor anywhere else along the Pakistan-Afghan border ... This is baseless and fabricated news," a Pakistani military statement said.

In his speech, Karzai issued fresh warnings to Pakistan to stay away from its borders and to stop any attempts at exerting influence over Afghanistan.

"We want a civilized relationship with Pakistan but if any neighbor wants Afghanistan under its shadow ... it is not possible," said Karzai. "If there is any attack or any violation to force Afghanistan to accept the Durand Line, the Afghan nation will never accept it and will never recognize the Durand Line. Impossible.'

The Durand line is a 1893 British demarcation arbitrarily dividing the area between Afghanistan and what was then British-ruled India. Pakistan was created in 1947 when British rule of the subcontinent ended.

The Durand Line has served as the border between the two nations ever since. Karzai has never said what he would accept as an international border.

Historically, the relationship between Afghanistan and Pakistan has been uneasy.

One of the main issues has been allegations that Pakistan harbors insurgents fighting Afghan and coalition forces in Afghanistan. Although the Pakistani army has lost thousands of soldiers fighting its own Taliban at home, its refusal to target Afghan Taliban and its affiliates, like the Haqqani network, and shut down its sanctuaries have marred the relationship between the two countries.



Afghanistan ready to OK 9 US bases after 2014 troop pullout, Karzai says | Fox News

Good for whole region. Taliban and its sympathisers should wake up from wet dream now..
the ones having wet dreams are seeing it for last 11 years
keep having them

they are not even close to finishing Taliban keep fighting for another 11 years

karzari is sucking up to usa so that they stay and offering them bases

Vietnam repeat
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