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Learning by Doing The Pakistan Army’s Experience with Counterinsurgency

my internet is bit slow the site is taking time to load. But can u tell me which source is it?
Western or indian or anyother one who wishes to learn from Pak army's experience?

The paper is published by the Atlantic Council, it's an American institution. The paper is authored by Shuja Nawaz who has also authored Crossed Swords, the authority on Pakistani military and its history. Shuja Nawaz is from a military family, he is the younger brother of the late Gen. Asif Nawaz who headed our militry as the 10th Chief of Staff from 1991 to 1992 when he died of an heart attack. Shuja Nawaz is highly respected by our military and academia and in my opinion presents a very balanced and well researched set of arguments.

Interesting part from report,

"When the Pakistan Army rolled into FATA after 9/11, they
faced a wall of resentment as an “alien force” doing the
bidding of a foreign power, the United States. Locals said
that even their uniforms were “American,” referring to
the camouflage pattern of the shirts and pants that the
Pakistan Army sported. In Balochistan, according to one
former inspector general of the Frontier Force, the locals
often said that these Pakistani soldiers were not Muslims
since they urinated while standing up (as opposed to the
local custom of squatting, to prevent oneself from being
soiled by urine, making one impure for prayers according to
Islamic tradition)." @nuclearpak

would comment on report later

I noted that point too. It just comes to show how deep the penetration of the Islamist/****** culture is in our Northern Areas since the Afghan-Soviet debacle, perhaps.
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The paper is published by the Atlantic Council, it's an American institution. The paper is authored by Shuja Nawaz who has also authored Crossed Swords, the authority on Pakistani military and its history. Shuja Nawaz is from a military family, he is the younger brother of the late Gen. Asif Nawaz who headed our militry as the 10th Chief of Staff from 1991 to 1992 when he died of an heart attack. Shuja Nawaz is highly respected by our military and academia and in my opinion presents a very balanced and well researched set of arguments.

I noted that point too. It just comes to show how deep the penetration of the Islamist/****** culture is in our Northern Areas since the Afghan-Soviet debacle, perhaps.
Nope, i belong to these areas, it has to do with history......people still remember British army and their ways......walking around in Patloon, the dress of farangis, is kind of blasphemy in these areas
Nope, i belong to these areas, it has to do with history......people still remember British army and their ways......walking around in Patloon, the dress of farangis, is kind of blasphemy in these areas

Oh, sir, please do enlighten us more about these norms as you being from these areas can better represent the sentiments of the people that inhabit this rugged yet beautiful area.
my only observation against the article is the enemy perception and down grading India as not being primary enemy.
the clues and reasons lie all in the present how we are dealing with each other, let the past be past gones be by gones as Musharraf said.
but the reality remains that since we have started talking instead of shooting at each other. tell me one sigfinicant ahcievement between India and Pakistan. Siachin, Water SirCreek to name the few remain unresolved and Indians are even reluctant to stamp the so called agreements our leaderships agreed some time ago and not to forget the bulk of Indian forces deployment along the Pakistani borders. take one unfortunate incident along the border and the whole Indian media and its state organs go on a hyper mode of blood lust and from the expat Indians to the ones in the urban cities talk about beheading and hanging the corpses of Pakistani athletes, artists and travelers in India. I am sorry but no amount of PC sugar coating can hide it and I have not even mentioned the K word. the water issue is going to be our biggest bane.

Indians win by default in the international courts despite going against the letter and spirit Indus Water treaty due to the corruption and criminal negligence of those who are supposed to protect our rights, we are slowly but surely moving towards a major conflict if not in near future but for sure in the future if the trend of building dams on the Indian side continues for time to time.

TTP, LeJ. BLA and all their clones are indeed a major concern for the state of Pakistan and its security forces but so are the Naxalites for Indians but they have not superseded Pakistan or China in India's threat perception and ranking in risk. tackling insurgency lies beyond the military confines its more to do with guts, honesty and self respect than the guns and bullets, its an open secret who is funding our religious extremist organisations both their political and militant wings. the sponsor is not going to stop unless we put a foot on the supply for one our military and political leadership will have to decide if letting the things go as they are is worth the risk for finding a sanctuary in KSA or UAE and some oil on deferred terms?

The paper is published by the Atlantic Council, it's an American institution. The paper is authored by Shuja Nawaz who has also authored Crossed Swords, the authority on Pakistani military and its history. Shuja Nawaz is from a military family, he is the younger brother of the late Gen. Asif Nawaz who headed our militry as the 10th Chief of Staff from 1991 to 1992 when he died of an heart attack. Shuja Nawaz is highly respected by our military and academia and in my opinion presents a very balanced and well researched set of arguments.

I noted that point too. It just comes to show how deep the penetration of the Islamist/****** culture is in our Northern Areas since the Afghan-Soviet debacle, perhaps.

just goes to show you how deep and multi-meaning this word ignorant is ,

while urinating while standing and clean shaving is Haram and kufer but stopping the public transport going to Northern Areas or Parachinar and executing the families belonging to Shia communities is perfectly Islamic, whats more, beheading , bombing , throwing acid and shooting at point blank is all justified when it suits them.
... its an open secret who is funding our religious extremist organisations both their political and militant wings. the sponsor is not going to stop unless we put a foot on the supply for one our military and political leadership will have to decide if letting the things go as they are is worth the risk for finding a sanctuary in KSA or UAE and some oil on deferred terms?
just goes to show you how deep and multi-meaning this word ignorant is ,

while urinating while standing and clean shaving is Haram and kufer but stopping the public transport going to Northern Areas or Parachinar and executing the families belonging to Shia communities is perfectly Islamic, whats more, beheading , bombing , throwing acid and shooting at point blank is all justified when it suits them.

These questions, if answered honestly, would put us at odds with brotherly nations. Thousands have died and will continue to die until the Hydra's lifeline is cut.

But who's going to do it, Prince Sharif or Sheikh Zardari ??

Your second part should have made it clear to those who still believe that this is some sort of Islamic movement that turned violent. TTP is purely political, anti-Pakistan and anti-Islamic with no regards to Islam except to use the title of Caliph.
Despite of all the COIN tactics and what not, results are poor, the think tank didnt bother to cross-check his report with opinions of local pashtuns...let me mention few things why tribals have resentments towards pak army

1- At army check posts in FATA, there are no stop or halt signs, people are themselves supposed to know where to stop their vehicles, at a distance well clear of the post. Those who unwittingly makes the slightest mistake, bullets are sprayed on them..lot of unpleasants accidents have occured, in many instances families got killed when they didnt stop at the specific distance. Moreover the driver has to raise his hand in air as in surrunder while walking towards check post, a security measure, but awkward and insulting for a tribal in his own area.

2- You can not overtake a military vehicle in FATA and adjacent settled territories in south, fire would be opened on you if you try to overtake it. In the one of the incident in my area, a wedding coach tried to overtake a large and slow military truck, bullets were sprayed on coach killing 12 individuals including groom who was sitting in the front seat.
3- Heavy use of artillary and mortars by army whenever their checkposts are attacked. Heavy collateral damage occurs from use of heavy weaponry by army, lot of civilian deaths and damage to properties.

4- Army doesnt know how to interact with locals neither they are trained for it, searches and checking by army is stern and gruff...check posts at every second with army having this attitude, tribals feel as if they dont belong to pakistan. It should be done through FC and levies who belong to area and know how to interact with locals.
5- Heavy use of air strikes in FATA, cause heavy collateral damage. In addition to human losses , Air strikes by jet fighters destroy houses, shops, markets, crops etc. The fact that high level air force is used on them, makes tribals feel that they are treated as adversaries and their area as enemy territory.
6- Wherever operation has taken place in FATA, the area present the view of war zone. Houses, shops, madrassas and other buildings are demolished...these are poor people , they wont be able to re-construct it. No aid to assist them.
8- More than million IDPs in KPK...due to operation rahe e nijat in south and situation in north waziristan...they were asked by military to leave the area without provision of food and shelter. They are in very bad condition in camps. Those who returned to south waziristan , found their houses completely destroyed. They are living in conditions like refugees in their own waziristan...they are proud people, their dignity is badly injured.
9- When army caravan move on road, first road is cleared then there is automatic curfew , no announcement to locals. When you see approaching caravan from far distance, you have to halt at your location. Army shoots any moving human being at sight...lot of ugly incidents have occured in which many people including childern were shot because they were moving when army caravan was approaching.
10- "Action in Aid of Civil Power Ordinance, 2011" is imposed on FATA for the purpose of giving a free hand to troops to conduct search-and-arrest operations without prior notice. The law even empowers them to execute any person without due legal process on the basis of mere suspicion that he or she may have, or might establish, links with militants...

the list is long. But simply understand that military presence, comprised of non-locals is not welcomed in FATA...Counter-insurgency should be handled by civil armed forces and pro-governament militias.

@nuclearpak, @TaimiKhan , @Aeronaut, @Abu Zolfiqar, @Spring Onion, @RazorMC @Secur, @haviZsultan, @Last Hope, @F.O.X, @Emmie @Safriz, @luftawaffe, @Armstrong, ', @Rajput_Pakistani @Capt.Popeye, @Umair Nawaz @Irfan Baloch, @A1Kaid, @Slav Defence
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Perhaps there is still a lot to learn and develop for the PA. But this is exactly what the publication points out. From the early 2000s to today's scenario when the TTP and other groups are running for cover.

The emergence of the radical mindset was the biggest setback for an already under-developed region like FATA. Infact, the government needs to upgrade FATA with provincial status as soon as they are able. The longer we postpone their integration with Pakistan, the more dangerous it will be for us.
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Despite of all the COIN tactics and what not, results are poor, the think tank didnt bother to cross-check his report with opinions of local pashtuns...let me mention few things why tribals have resentments towards pak army

1- At army check posts in FATA, there are no stop or halt signs, people are themselves supposed to know where to stop their vehicles, at a distance well clear of the post. Those who unwittingly makes the slightest mistake, bullets are sprayed on them..lot of unpleasants accidents have occured, in many instances families got killed when they didnt stop at the specific distance. Moreover the driver has to raise his hand in air as in surrunder while walking towards check post, a security measure, but awkward and insulting for a tribal in his own area.

2- You can not overtake a military vehicle in FATA and adjacent settled territories in south, fire would be opened on you if you try to overtake it. In the one of the incident in my area, a wedding coach tried to overtake a large and slow military truck, bullets were sprayed on coach killing 12 individuals including groom who was sitting in the front seat.
3- Heavy use of artillary and mortars by army whenever their checkposts are attacked. Heavy collateral damage occurs from use of heavy weaponry by army, lot of civilian deaths and damage to properties.

4- Army doesnt know how to interact with locals neither they are trained for it, searches and checking by army is stern and gruff...check posts at every second with army having this attitude, tribals feel as if they dont belong to pakistan. It should be done through FC and levies who belong to area and know how to interact with locals.
5- Heavy use of air strikes in FATA, cause heavy collateral damage. In addition to human losses , Air strikes by jet fighters destroy houses, shops, markets, crops etc. The fact that high level air force is used on them, makes tribals feel that they are treated as adversaries and their area as enemy territory.
6- Wherever operation has taken place in FATA, the area present the view of war zone. Houses, shops, madrassas and other buildings are demolished...these are poor people , they wont be able to re-construct it. No aid to assist them.
8- More than million IDPs in KPK...due to operation rahe e nijat in south and situation in north waziristan...they were asked by military to leave the area without provision of food and shelter. They are in very bad condition in camps. Those who returned to south waziristan , found their houses completely destroyed. They are living in conditions like refugees in their own waziristan...they are proud people, their dignity is badly injured.
9- When army caravan move on road, first road is cleared then there is automatic curfew , no announcement to locals. When you see approaching caravan from far distance, you have to halt at your location. Army shoots any moving human being at sight...lot of ugly incidents have occured in which many people including childern were shot because they were moving when army caravan was approaching.
10- "Action in Aid of Civil Power Ordinance, 2011" is imposed on FATA for the purpose of giving a free hand to troops to conduct search-and-arrest operations without prior notice. The law even empowers them to execute any person without due legal process on the basis of mere suspicion that he or she may have, or might establish, links with militants...

the list is long. But simply understand that military presence, comprised of non-locals is not welcomed in FATA...Counter-insurgency should be handled by civil armed forces and pro-governament militias.

@nuclearpak, @TaimiKhan , @Aeronaut, @Abu Zolfiqar, @Spring Onion, @RazorMC @Secur, @haviZsultan, @Last Hope, @F.O.X, @Emmie @Safriz, @luftawaffe, @Armstrong, ', @Rajput_Pakistani @Capt.Popeye, @Umair Nawaz @Irfan Baloch, @A1Kaid, @Slav Defence

I totally agree with your analysis on the success rate of the military presence in FATA as I have heard the exact same things from others who belong to FATA (I've met only people hailing from Waziristan, other agencies might have it different). However, I think that the focus of the paper was on the re-orientation of the army and I'm glad that we've made progress on that part, at least, we've incorporated COIN tactics in our military training, this shows some transparency or permeability of the military.

Secondly, as per my interaction with the military personnel, it seems that the military recognises that the responsibility of the whole FATA scenario mainly rests with the civil govt. and it has been a bleak prospect. Furthermore, the army, especially the young cadets (I've interviewed PMA-130 and 128th long course cadets) are motivated against the terrorists, this is a double edged sword: they come to FATA regions ready for war and thus might be brash. (just speculation) A Waziristan gentlemen stated the problem perfectly to me: 'You need to realise that Pakhtuns are extremely proud and introvert people, let a Pakhtun handle the Pakhtuns, anyone else will not be able to or would be seen as an outsiders and history is witness to how fiercely independent we are.'

Thirdly, the article does point out that local cultural training should be implemented. I see this as paramount, if our soldiers can converse easily in Pashto it would help us achieve a better understanding with the people of FATA and in the long term allow a better integration of the Pakistanis.

Fourthly, I agree with your overall analysis and would like to point out that we can only progress if we establish a flourishing economy where everyone is educated, free, and equal.

Perhaps we could author a report and present its findings to the authorities by professionals here at PDF? It is extremely important that people like you keep us in the loop.

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i will not tell you the name but my really close friend in Army Aviation was deployed there in S-Waziristan. He told me an incident that an army convoy was on the move. He was tasked to look over the movement in helicopter. My friend told me that at a crossing traffic was halted, when he noticed a pick-up moving in from opposite side. My friend radio in the ground to check it. After 1,2 minutes the word was "Sir, its ok. 3 women and 2 children are at the back". My friend said that as soon as the convoy start passing from that convoy. The pick-up jumped off and collided with the 3rd truck. Huge explosions and in that incident he told me 24 soldiers embraced Shahadat. Civilian casualties were also countless.
My friend also told me that there are many other similar incidents where militants use traditional pashtun burqa on purpose.

The purpose of telling you this incident is that TTP are using women and children as human shield. It provide them a great advantage. However, the things you have mentioned above are greatly exaggerated.
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i will not tell you the name but my really close friend in Army Aviation was deployed there in S-Waziristan. He told me an incident that an army convoy was on the move. He was tasked to look over the movement in helicopter. My friend told me that at a crossing traffic was halted, when he noticed a pick-up moving in from opposite side. My friend radio in the ground to check it. After 1,2 minutes the word was "Sir, its ok. 3 women and 2 children are at the back". My friend said that as soon as the convoy start passing from that convoy. The pick-up jumped off and collided with the 3rd truck. Huge explosions and in that incident he told me 24 soldiers embraced Shahadat. Civilian casualties were also countless.
My friend also told me that there are many other similar incidents where militants use traditional pashtun burqa on purpose.

The purpose of telling you this incident is that TTP are using women and children as human shield. It provide them a great advantage. However, the things you have mentioned above are greatly exaggerated.

Why an army soldier would admit their blunders to any one? It would defame them. Read the following news.
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Deadly bomb shakes Pakistani city
This blast occured in police station (which was actually an interrogation cell for taliban) , adjacent to our house in peshawer. Just infront of the police station were army flats built near railway tracks. The car laden with bombs exploded to the wall of station. Our neighbour woman, who was returning from shopping, ran towards army flats on blast to seek protection. The army soldiers on gate gunned her down by mistake. In tommorow newspaper media and ISPR was claiming that burqa wearing woman with suicide jacket was also gunned down by "chaak o choband" fauji jawans...you cant imagine how much we were angry and sad at the death of our neighbour and lie about her.
Due to our house adjacent to sensitive cell and near army flats, we shifted to another area in peshawer.

Pak faujis are meant to die in wars, if they are on right path they would be shaheed and go to jannat . A mard e momin is not afraid of death. A soldier job is die while protecting lives of civilians. But spraying bullets on civilians on mere suspicion just to save their own lives, is unislamic and is violation of humanity.
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Why an army soldier would admit their blunders to any one? It would defame them. Read the following news.
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Deadly bomb shakes Pakistani city
This blast occured in police station (which was actually an interrogation cell for taliban) , adjacent to our house in peshawer. Just infront of the police station were army flats built near railway tracks. The car laden with bombs exploded to the wall of station. Our neighbour woman, who was returning from shopping, ran towards army flats on blast to seek protection. The army soldiers on gate gunned her down by mistake. In tommorow newspaper media and ISPR was claiming that burqa wearing woman with suicide jacket was also gunned down by "chaak o choband" fauji jawans...you cant imagine how much we were angry and sad at the death of our neighbour and lie about her.
Due to our house adjacent to sensitive cell and near army flats, we shifted to another area in peshawer.

Pak faujis are meant to die in wars, if they are on right path they would be shaheed and go to jannat . A mard e momin is not afraid of death. A soldier job is die while protecting lives of civilians. But spraying bullets on civilians on mere suspicion just to save their own lives, is unislamic and is violation of humanity.

So the soldiers are dying? Aren't they?
This terrorism has nothing to do with Pashtuns or Pashtun nationalism. If that would have been the case, Uzbeks, Chechans, Punjabis and Arabs wouldn't have been fighting alongside TTP. All major ops like PNS Mehran, Kamra attack, GHQ attack, Peshawar air base attack.. all were carried out by non-pashtuns.
The biggest nationalist party of Pashtuns, ANP wouldn't have been in the firing line of TTP.

Ever visit the pages of ****** on FB? You know for them everyone is Kafir, who dont agree with their thoughts.
OBL, Rasheed Ghazi, KSM all are their heroes.

FC, Peshawar police, Levies all are Pashtuns? Aren't they? Pak Army also has major strength compose of Pashtuns at all ranks. Even now atleast 25% Generals are also Pashtuns. So, if the ground situation is so bad that Army is shooting civilians on the go, at will, then Pakistan should have been long gone.

First you need to get urself clear, on which side you are. Then it will be much better to argue.

PS: In Swat during Taliban rule, it was usual for any Talib to knock at the door of any house. Ask the father of the girl to marry her daughter with him at gun point. Flogging of women were reported many times. If Pashtuns want this kind of rule, I think PA should leave them alone ASAP.
Despite of all the COIN tactics and what not, results are poor, the think tank didnt bother to cross-check his report with opinions of local pashtuns...let me mention few things why tribals have resentments towards pak army

1- At army check posts in FATA, there are no stop or halt signs, people are themselves supposed to know where to stop their vehicles, at a distance well clear of the post. Those who unwittingly makes the slightest mistake, bullets are sprayed on them..lot of unpleasants accidents have occured, in many instances families got killed when they didnt stop at the specific distance. Moreover the driver has to raise his hand in air as in surrunder while walking towards check post, a security measure, but awkward and insulting for a tribal in his own area.

that is criminally false

warning shots will usually be fired -- and that too only when VEHICLES (whether it be a mehran or a double-cabin) come zooming and disobey CLEAR orders to stop

put yourself in their shoes....youre in an insurgency racked region where terrorists easily blend in with the majority peaceful Pakhtuns who have nothing with militancy

You heard what happened in Quetta the other day? A Frontier Corps jawan sacrificed his life by challenging a truck driven by some whacko terrorist who exploded himself prematurely. Had the FC guy (someone please tell me his name) not done anything fast, there would be more carnage of Hazara community. And that is something that we can not tolerate.

You forgot what happened at the friendly volleyball game in Lakki Marwat --- where anti-taleban tribes were SLAUGHTERED in huge numbers and obliterated by a massive bomb which must've been over 140 kg to cause such destruction

where's your condemnation for that??

200 Pakhtuns were killed or very very very badly inujred that day for what? How many were injuted and lost their arms and legs and are now barely you can recognize them....


2- You can not overtake a military vehicle in FATA and adjacent settled territories in south, fire would be opened on you if you try to overtake it. In the one of the incident in my area, a wedding coach tried to overtake a large and slow military truck, bullets were sprayed on coach killing 12 individuals including groom who was sitting in the front seat.

share a new link (in any language) about this incident.....if it happened, then the army royally screwed up big time

but in general, you really shouldnt be driving close to army vehicles.....incidentally -- despite our lax concept of traffic discipline in Pakistan -- you really shouldnt be over-taking any cars on a 2 lane road

3- Heavy use of artillary and mortars by army whenever their checkposts are attacked. Heavy collateral damage occurs from use of heavy weaponry by army, lot of civilian deaths and damage to properties.

unfortunately, there is truth to this statement; i wont lie and sugar-coat it.....

let me give you some anecdotes here -- Swat offensive (rah e rast) comes to mind.

our "Pak army bashing loving" bastard media and the TTP/TNSM rat-bastards made claims that Swat was full of destroy villages, burning countryside under massive Pakistani army bombardment. Two weeks into the offensive, however, the military felt confident enough to take foreign reporters on a guided tour of Swat to refute those claims. Go on YouTube and watch Al Jazeera documentary on that

out of officers own pay - they were providing the funds for the IDPs (via cash cards) and tens of thousands of these cash cards were provided to families......what did the terrorist rats do for Swat? They beat girls, they threatened barber shops, they bombed music shops -- they raped the local economy

understand that Pak-Army OBJECTIVE here was waging a counterinsurgency operation, not a massive offensive to level the place!!!! If you can't tell the difference -- then it's Army problem?? Perception you have is only made by our "free and fair" media whose loyalties are to their bank accounts and viewer ratings rather than to objective reporting and loyalty to the STATE.

You know, I visited Swat roundabout 1 year after the operations took place. I saw the fruit orchards, wheat fields, forest hills and many of the little towns mostly untouched. I'm sure there was intelligence spooks around to keep an eye on things, but Baine Baba Ziarat area looked fantastic and people were in full spirit. I mean, I didnt see even bullet casings on the ground in some of those areas. Mingura and other areas like Char Bagh - yes there was rebuilding and re-integration effort (by the Army, not the bloody incompetent corrupt unpatriotic civilian government)

- Army doesnt know how to interact with locals neither they are trained for it, searches and checking by army is stern and gruff...check posts at every second with army having this attitude, tribals feel as if they dont belong to pakistan. It should be done through FC and levies who belong to area and know how to interact with locals.

the Army kind of learned "on-the-job" about how to deal with the locals -- for Pashtun officers/jawans it was easier but for some who hail from other areas -- Army should have done crash-course on the basics of "decor" or modus operandi in those areas --especially unsettled areas like FATA which are ultra conservative and very honour-based people who dont like to be stopped and bothered

5- Heavy use of air strikes in FATA, cause heavy collateral damage. In addition to human losses , Air strikes by jet fighters destroy houses, shops, markets, crops etc. The fact that high level air force is used on them, makes tribals feel that they are treated as adversaries and their area as enemy territory.


Air force, artillery, mortars was NEVER used on built-up areas

6- Wherever operation has taken place in FATA, the area present the view of war zone. Houses, shops, madrassas and other buildings are demolished...these are poor people , they wont be able to re-construct it. No aid to assist them.

the army (and the private sector in Pakistan and NGOs) did what the government either couldnt do or was unwilling to do because they were busy defending themselves against all the many scandals against them

8- More than million IDPs in KPK...due to operation rahe e nijat in south and situation in north waziristan...they were asked by military to leave the area without provision of food and shelter. They are in very bad condition in camps. Those who returned to south waziristan , found their houses completely destroyed. They are living in conditions like refugees in their own waziristan...they are proud people, their dignity is badly injured.

yes it was about 1.2-1.5 million IDPs -- possibly more. Thank God they had family in Mardan or Peshawar or Isloo/Pindi/Karachi or they would be 100% homeless

those whose homes were destroyed --- it's critical for Pakistan to rebuild those houses, fix their shops, compensate them. Otherwise naturally as a human instinct they will be angry.

9- When army caravan move on road, first road is cleared then there is automatic curfew , no announcement to locals. When you see approaching caravan from far distance, you have to halt at your location. Army shoots any moving human being at sight...lot of ugly incidents have occured in which many people including childern were shot because they were moving when army caravan was approaching.

show me ONE link where army shot kids who were moving......show me one proof of this

now of course when army caravan moves, they have to clear the road up ahead.......why is that?

because the terrorist cockroaches and rats bury bombs in the road; and when one explosion goes off, it puts civilian life in danger.....when the explosions go off, more would follow....followed by small arms fire from hidden locations; possibly snipers to take out a few wounded jawans

so if the army has to inconvenience a few people for the sake of their own safety and the safetry of the public itself -- I am supporting it

10- "Action in Aid of Civil Power Ordinance, 2011" is imposed on FATA for the purpose of giving a free hand to troops to conduct search-and-arrest operations without prior notice. The law even empowers them to execute any person without due legal process on the basis of mere suspicion that he or she may have, or might establish, links with militants...

no; the M.O. is usually that those who are confirmed to be harboring terrorists in their homes will have their homes destroyed to the ground

age-old tradition actually

as for extra-judicial killings -- it's wrong and immoral. Our judiciary is shyt and they set some of these RAT bastards off free so there is anger in the military about this among the junior ranks. But they just do as ordered.

in my opinion -- anyone any soldier doing an extra-judicial killing of a terrorist or suspected terrorist who is un-armed and clearly has no explosive jacket on him --- that soldier must be court-martialed

the list is long. But simply understand that military presence, comprised of non-locals is not welcomed in FATA...Counter-insurgency should be handled by civil armed forces and pro-governament militias.

who will enforce the peace? the police??? give me a break! talk to interior ministry about that

by the way, you do know about the existence of the Frontier Corps right? ? ? I'm assuming you do :coffee:

members of the Khyber Rifles, Tochi Scouts, Thal Scouts, Dir Scouts, South Waziristan Scouts, Kurram Militia (which i am very familiar with), Bajaur Scouts, Mohmand Rifles, Mehsud Scouts (just to name "a few") are 100% locals of their respected areas!!!

pro-govt militias are being used since 2008

aur kuch?
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