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Sever ties with India, Pakistan tells Afghanistan

Nope, i am very proud of my pashtun/afghan identity.

hazaras, tajiks, uzbeks to our north also associate themselves with an afghan identity. why can't you just be satisfied with your pakhtun identity as part of Pakistan? if you're so interested in afghan identity go to afghanistan.

and no pakhtun here falls for this crap. they are and will remain proud Pakistanis til the end of time. so just give it up dino.
And punjabis,sindhis make how much of indian population? 2-3%? also they dont share the same religion or culture with ur people....just language..

Absurd, ludicrous and laughable logic to say the least!

India is the bigger country out of two it has many sub-cultures and ethnicities. Indic population (Punjabis, Sindhis, Kashmiris and Mohajirs) are about 80% population of Pakistan. Heck, India even has sizable Pashtun population, whom we call 'Pathans'.

'Pakistan = A home for Indian Muslims where Muslims would be in majority' that was motto of Muslim league and Jinnah. You guys and your identity crisis. Arabs/Persians/Afghans must be laughing their heads off!


Only Pashtuns and Balochis can claim Iranian heritage rest of the Pakistanis are Indo-Aryans linguistically and ethnically but then again so are 80% of Indians. But Pashtuns have their own distinctive culture and identity. They don't need to pose as Arabs or Turks or whatever.

Modern India came into exitence on 15 August 1947. Before that it was British India, Mughal India and many more Indias. So technically 1 day younger than us. :lol:

Let's just say the words 'India', 'Hindustan' or 'Bharat' have existed for thousands of years but the first time ANYONE in this WHOLE WORLD ever heard the word 'Pakistan' was not before 1940s. See the difference?


How can any country ask another country to not have relations with x,y,z country in this day and age. Then they talk about brotherhood and equality :/
Pakistan depends on U.S dollors so America is Pakistan's papa? India has 7 times more population than Pakistan so it is our uncle?....
And Pakistan is not thousands of year old, it has age of only 65 years. India on the other hand is thousands of year old country. Pakistan is a country carved out of India.

Modern India came into exitence on 15 August 1947. Before that it was British India, Mughal India and many more Indias. So technically 1 day younger than us. :lol:
hazaras, tajiks, uzbeks to our north also associate themselves with an afghan identity. why can't you just be satisfied with your pakhtun identity as part of Pakistan? if you're so interested in afghan identity go to afghanistan.

and no pakhtun here falls for this crap. they are and will remain proud Pakistanis til the end of time. so just give it up dino.

All pashtuns are afghans but not all afghans are pashtuns. The "A" in Pakistan stands for Afghania..you can call us "crap" but we didnt join pakistan to serve your punjab or go according to dictations of punjabis.
Not millions some 0.2% - plus Sindh is in Pakistan -

Inclusion of Bengal was not practical from start, it should have been separate entity from start.

Pakistan is on cross roads and we share culture with India, Afghanistan & Iran

There are 3 million Sindhis in India. While Pakistan founder was a Gujarati. His real name was Muhammad Ali Jinnahbhai, both Hindu and Muslim Gujarati put Bhai with their names.
Modern India came into exitence on 15 August 1947. Before that it was British India, Mughal India and many more Indias. So technically 1 day younger than us. :lol:

Ya rite !!

As per your logic, modern Pakistan only came into existence on 16 dec 1971..before that existed untied Pakistan.
So technically Pakistan is twenty four years younger than modern India.
Modern India came into exitence on 15 August 1947. Before that it was British India, Mughal India and many more Indias. So technically 1 day younger than us. :lol:

Some of the Pakistanis were claiming they don't share common ethnicity with Indians.
Is luffy saab having diarrhea from the mouth again?
hazaras, tajiks, uzbeks to our north also associate themselves with an afghan identity. why can't you just be satisfied with your pakhtun identity as part of Pakistan? if you're so interested in afghan identity go to afghanistan.

and no pakhtun here falls for this crap. they are and will remain proud Pakistanis til the end of time. so just give it up dino.

How an afghan refugee can be proud Pakistani?

Some of the Pakistanis were claiming they don't share common ethnicity with Indians.

Most of Indian thinks All Pakistanis share ethnicity with Indians

Absurd, ludicrous and laughable logic to say the least!

India is the bigger country out of two it has many sub-cultures and ethnicities. Indic population (Punjabis, Sindhis, Kashmiris and Mohajirs) are about 80% population of Pakistan. Heck, India even has sizable Pashtun population, whom we call 'Pathans'.

'Pakistan = A home for Indian Muslims where Muslims would be in majority' that was motto of Muslim league and Jinnah. You guys and your identity crisis. Arabs/Persians/Afghans must be laughing their heads off!


Only Pashtuns and Balochis can claim Iranian heritage rest of the Pakistanis are Indo-Aryans linguistically and ethnically but then again so are 80% of Indians. But Pashtuns have their own distinctive culture and identity. They don't need to pose as Arabs or Turks or whatever.

Let's just say the words 'India', 'Hindustan' or 'Bharat' have existed for thousands of years but the first time ANYONE in this WHOLE WORLD ever heard the word 'Pakistan' was not before 1940s. See the difference?

And Arabs & Turks just evaporated in air when British came - :omghaha:
I dont give a damn about halogroups and mitochondrial non-sense...you can say that balti are tibetians but kashmiris are indian people, they converted to islam from hinduism...lighter skin tone doesnt make you non-indic, many hindus across the india are of very light skin tone.

so ******* what?
How an afghan refugee can be proud Pakistani?

Most of Indian thinks All Pakistanis share ethnicity with Indians

I am not a mohajir, mohajirs are those who migrated from Delhi, U.P, Bihar , bhopal, hyderabad, gujrat etc to Pakistan.
Ya rite !!

As per your logic, modern Pakistan only came into existence on 16 dec 1971..before that existed untied Pakistan.
So technically Pakistan is twenty four years younger than modern India.

Pakistan came into existence on 14 August 1947. Even the present Pakistan came in to existence on 14 August 1947. Only a part of its land became another country on 16 Dec 1971.

By the way if present India existed before 15 August 1947 why the hell your ancestors were called servants of Britain instead of servants government of India. :lol:

I am not a mohajir, mohajirs are those who migrated from Delhi, U.P, Bihar , bhopal, hyderabad, gujrat etc to Pakistan.

And also are not traitors and are completely loyal to there new adopted home.

Some of the Pakistanis were claiming they don't share common ethnicity with Indians.

That's wrong.
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