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RAW Spy-network Exposed


Mar 31, 2007
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RAW Spy-network Exposed

Recently, Pakistani government released Indian spy, Surjeet Singh who was handed over to the Indian authorities at the Wagah border crossing. He was given death sentence in 1991.

He openly admitted that he was in Pakistan to spy when he was arrested in 1982, In this regard, Surjeet Singh said, “I was a RAW (Research and Analysis Wing) agent. No one bothered about me after I got arrested.” Surjeet told reporters soon after stepping on Indian soil.

Quite opposite to the admission of Surjeet, on June 29, Indian Home Secretary RK Singh told a news conference in New Delhi, saying, “We do not accept this that Singh was Indian spy…it is completely wrong.” However, it shows Indian illogical approach as New Delhi denies facts in order to conceal the presence of other Indian spies in Pakistan.

On the other hand, while reaching India, Surjeet Singh again admitted before Indian reporters that he sent to Pakistan by Indian secret agency RAW for espionage purposes.

While, Pakistan’s President Asif Ali Zardari commuted death sentence of another Indian spy of RAW, Sarabjit Singh into life imprisonment on June 26. Sarabjit Singh is in Lahore’s Kot Lakhpat Jail.

Surjeet Singh revealed, “Sarabjit Singh is a terrorist and terrorists are neither released.” On the other side, Indian External Affairs Minister SM Krishna who welcomed Surjeet Singh’s release, stated on June 25, it was now “time for Sarabjit Singh to be freed.” Like Indian home secretary, even external affairs minister is defending the Indian agents. It shows that Indian high officials are deliberately and officially supporting RAW agents to destabilise Pakistan.

Besides, Indian spy also pointed out, “All Indian prisoners are treated well in Pakistani jails. Sarabjit Singh is also doing well there…I was treated well by prison officials and I am thankful to them.”

While India has arrested hundreds of Pakistan’s citizens, often accusing them of being spies after they have strayed across the land or maritime border due to unconscious mistake. It also includes some tourists who went to India. Quite contrary to the well-treatment of Indian spies in Pakistani jails, RAW and other security agencies employ various techniques of torture on the so-called Pakistan’s suspected persons. Most of the Pakistani nationals have also been killed in Indian jails, while a majority of them have been killed by Indian security agencies in fake encounters.

However, both Surjeet Singh and Sarabjit Singh were responsible for the string of blasts in Faisalabad, Lahore, and Multan in 1990 in which several innocent people were killed. They were also behind other terror-activities in Pakistan.
On June 28, 2012, BBC reported, in recent years, “several Indians returning from Pakistani jails have admitted to spying for Indian intelligence agency RAW” and some have criticised India’s government for abandoning them.”

It is mentionable that in April 2011, Gopal Das, one of Pakistan’s longest-serving Indian prisoners, was released after Pakistan’s President Asif Ali Zardari intervened in his case.

Upon his release, Das admitted he was an Indian spy. Similarly, Kashmir Singh, sentenced to death in Pakistan in 1973 for spying, was released in March 2008. Afterwards, he also admitted that he was spying for RAW.

The fact of the matter is that admission of the Indian spies indicates that RAW has a well-organised spy-network in Pakistan. In this respect, Indian RAW with the tactical assistance of American CIA and Israeli Mossad have well-established its espionage network in Afghanistan. Besides, a religious Madrassa of Wakhan, located in Afghanistan is functioning under the patronage of Indian officials—with the consent of CIA. It is being used for brainwashing of very young boys who are Afghans, Uzbeks, Tajiks and Caucasians. They have also been made to learn Pashto and traditions of Pathans. Posing as volunteers, they join the Taliban activists to fight against Pakistan’s security forces. In this context, India’s several secret training camps are also present in Afghanistan from where highly trained militants, equipped with sophisticated weapons including motivated suicide bombers are being sent to Pakistan’s various places to conduct target killings, bomb blasts, attacks on civil and military installations, forced abductions and sectarian violence regularly.

Indian RAW, CIA and Mossad have also been supporting the Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) and another separatist group, Jundollah (God’s soldiers) which have been committing various subversive acts in the province of Balochistan. The main aim behind is to separate the province of Balochistan to fulfill secret strategic designs of US, India and Israel.

It is notable that since April, 2011, heavily-armed insurgents from Afghanistan’s side entered Pakistan’s region intermittently, targeting the security checkposts, and conducted several attacks on Pakistan’s police stations, mosques, schools and infrastructure in Upper Dir, Chitral and other areas bordering Afghanistan.

As part of cross-border intrusion, on June 24, this year, more than hundred militants, equipped with heavy arms entered Pakistan’s region of Dir, attacked two checkposts of the security forces, while bloody clashes between the intruders and Pak Army continued on June 25 which resulted in martyrdom of at least seventeen Pakistani troops, beheaded by the Afghani miscreants. The Taliban released a video on June 27 that they showed the heads of 17 Pakistani soldiers captured in a cross-border raid from Afghanistan were beheaded.

Indian RAW is fully backing intermittent incursions to destabilise Pakistan which is the only nuclear country in the Islamic World. For this purpose, in Afghanistan’s Kunar and Nooristan provinces, with the help of foreign secret agencies, their affiliated militant groups which are also penetrated into the Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan have set up safe havens in Afghanistan to conduct cross-border attacks in Pakistan.

Notably, on October 17, 2011, the former ISPR spokesman Major-General Athar Abbas disclosed regarding insurgents’ infiltration in Pakistan, saying, “The attacks in which terrorists loyal to Maulvi Fazlullah, (leader of Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan) who fled to Afghanistan during Swat military operation, killed about 100 members of Pakistan’s security forces.”

During the Swat and Malakand military operations, while hinting towards, India, Maj-Gen Athar Abbas had revealed in on of the press briefings that 400 foreigners and Afghans, having connections with the enemy countries were captured along with huge caches of sophisticated weapons, made of India and America—Afghan fighters had been infiltrated into Pakistan with the help of some external agencies bordering Afghanistan.

As regards perennial disturbance internal criminals, and some Indian Muslims and foreign insurgents who are particularly backed by RAW have joined the ranks and files of the militants of the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, Sipah-e-Sahaba, BLA and other religious sects. They have also got the membership of MQM, ANP and PPP. Besides killing the leaders and persons of the rival religious parties, and attaking the offices of the opponent political parties, these are real miscreants who target the Pushtuns, Urdu-speaking people and even the people, belonging to the interior Sindh.

While, Pakistan’s Federal Minister has repeatedly disclosed that Indian RAW is behind acts of sabotage in Karachi and Balochistan including sectarian violence.

In this connection, RAW-based espionage network in Afghanistan has been in contact with its agents in Pakistan. In this regard, apart from other Indian spies, Surjeet Singh’s clear admission has exposed the RAW spy-network in Pakistan.

Sajjad Shaukat writes on international affairs and is author of the book: US vs Islamic Militants, Invisible Balance of Power: Dangerous Shift in International Relations
Where are the facts/proof/evidence? This is all conjuncture and opinion and the same old BS of CIA/RAW/MOSSAD nexus wrapped up in something that looks credible to the undiscerning reader. You do realise that just because you write something doesn't make it true, right?

Of course India has a network in the region but claiming it is responsible for all the region's woes is utter nonsense. All you are doing is not holding the true culprits to account ie your army and politicians. You can delude yourselves that evil Bharat is around every corner meddling in your state causing all sorts of pain, I'm sure this suits these intel agencies just fine- they don't even have to lift a finger.

There's a point when it's not even funny anymore, it is just sad because you can see these issues aren't going to be addressed anytime soon as you guys are too busy blaming the CIA/MI6/RAW/MOSSAD for all your problems.
Where are the facts/proof/evidence? This is all conjuncture and opinion and the same old BS of CIA/RAW/MOSSAD nexus wrapped up in something that looks credible to the undiscerning reader. You do realise that just because you write something doesn't make it true, right?

Of course India has a network in the region but claiming it is responsible for all the region's woes is utter nonsense. All you are doing is not holding the true culprits to account ie your army and politicians. You can delude yourselves that evil Bharat is around every corner meddling in your state causing all sorts of pain, I'm sure this suits these intel agencies just fine- they don't even have to lift a finger.

There's a point when it's not even funny anymore, it is just sad because you can see these issues aren't going to be addressed anytime soon as you guys are two busy blaming the CIA/MI6/RAW/MOSSAD for all your problems.

You must appreciate the fact that we are predominantly Hindus, all Hindus are baniyas, all baniyas are evil like the jews, some of the terrorists killed were uncircumcised and/or tattooed, no "true mulsim" would kill another muslim, no true muslim can be tattooed and/or be uncircumcised. Afghanistan, a country rife with Hindu hating Taliban has decided to side with "Hindu India" to injure its brotherly Islamic nation of Pakistan.

At the end of the day its all a zionist-baniya conspiracy, open your eyes- we've been ruining the world with our evil schemes- you know because most of us are polytheists. :omghaha:

^^ What do you consider as proof?

What have you ever considered as sufficient proof for your activities?
India has stung every regional country,out of its hegemonic desires of bullying them to submission. It is time when an anti India regional alliance is forged to pay back.

That has already happened sort of according to Indians. And Americans?
^^ What do you consider as proof?

Well how about some concrete evidence of RAW and TTP links:

As regards perennial disturbance internal criminals, and some Indian Muslims and foreign insurgents who are particularly backed by RAW have joined the ranks and files of the militants of the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, Sipah-e-Sahaba, BLA and other religious sects. They have also got the membership of MQM, ANP and PPP. Besides killing the leaders and persons of the rival religious parties, and attaking the offices of the opponent political parties, these are real miscreants who target the Pushtuns, Urdu-speaking people and even the people, belonging to the interior Sindh.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian-defence/242681-raw-spy-network-exposed.html#ixzz2OsIGEhQk

This is all based on what other then personal bias and propaganda?

If India/RAW is behind all this where is the GoP's reaction? Post 26/11 the GoI publicly called out Pakistan and stirred up a storm, by all accounts the TTP have inflicted far more damage on Pakistan but your govt remains quiet?

After 26/11 Kasab gave up his handlers, Indian intel agencies produced tapes of intercepts between the LeT attackers and their handlers in Pakistan, Jundal has been sent to India by the Saudis and is singing a similar tune wrt Pakistani involvement. And yet the Pakistanis can't produce a single shred of evidence/testimony pointing to Indian involvement other than rhetoric?
Indians always interfere in others internal matters and their RAW agency always get caught! They are bullying every country around them, Bangladesh and now Sri Lankas tamils!
Indians always interfere in others internal matters and their RAW agency always get caught! They are bullying every country around them, Bangladesh and now Sri Lankas tamils!

What to do, we are evil that way, paraphrasing a rather witty Indian poster:- Even Hitler was an Indian, it was our local fellow only hence the swastika- what to do we are like that only.

Evil people. :butcher:

Or as @Armstrong would put it, proxy warfare is legitimate if one's goals are "holier" than the opponent's, paraphrasing again of course.
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Indians always interfere in others internal matters and their RAW agency always get caught! They are bullying every country around them, Bangladesh and now Sri Lankas tamils!

Oh don't be so naive. At least we're not being bombarded with rockets and drones. :rolleyes:
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Kargil discussion, your tool of choice for combating India would be proxy warfare.

Absolutely but where did I mention my cause to be 'holier' or otherwise ? We find ourselves in a security paradigm with India, as we maintain, doing the same to us through Baluchistan & possibly more through their presence in Afghanistan ! Now that might be absolute BS or it might not be so. If, however, it is the truth, then I'd very much like to return that favor in kind instead of opening a front on the International Border; exploiting my enemies soft underbelly makes perfect sense to me.

That said, I don't believe in collateral damage, therefore no civilians must ever be targeted or even remotely put in danger ! That would make the proxy war all the more difficult...very difficult in fact, but killing innocent beings is beyond despicable !
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