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Tahir ul Qadri demolished by Chief Justice at the Supreme Court Day 1


The bigger the theif the big post, Master of all theifs our mr %%%%%%%%
u right but they dont even listen to supreme court, so if marshal law comes generals are even worse so the best we dont get aid, so no aid. No money. No theif


why this you croupt SOB CJ?
Our entire judicial system is a symbol of British slavery and their colonial rule over Muslims when they destroyed our faith, ideology, identity and society. Our judges are the custodians of the British Anglo-Saxon law made to enslave humanity under the Roman laws adopted by the British.Isnt it shameful that even after 65 years of "Independence", our rulers and judges still proudly wear dresses of their former colonial masters who enslaved and destroyed our civilization. Pakistan was NOT made for Anglo-saxon laws. Any reform plan, any tsunami, any long march, which does not promise to change the British era Anglo-saxon kafir law is a fraud, another form of slavery in the name of reforms. Know this well before you join any crowd for change!

I'm shocked, how all political parties got together for the risk of being victim of article 62-63, even mullas are worried.

Where as I. Khan's statement is on record.. that article 62-63 is applicable for angles and not human beings.

This makes Imran Khan as inherent law violator. Any one who joins IK is technical a traitor and shall be hanged.

Article 63 says any one who bad mouth Army is out of the race, and IK is out before he opens his innings.
Thank God I am not like a visionary Pakistani mr. Qadri who acquired Canadian passport for the relaxation in the visa issuance process. Duh, there he puts your travel document in gutter!

Isn't it true? Your travel document is a piece of $hit. Honestly. We Pakistanis have made a mess of Pakistan and this shows the disgust with which our passport is checked.

Going back to the point of dual nationality. Tahir ul Qadri is still a citizen of Pakistan. He can file a petition in Supreme Court and he must be heard too. I think Supreme Court is no no mood to hear him. Supreme Court wants the system to run. No matter how flawed. Their logic is to allow the system take its course. Its a sound logic.

But Tahir ul Qadri has to realize , he is too late in the game. Good intentions but too late.
Leave other dual nationals aside for a while, just answer me why did he (TuQ) acquire dual nationality? Didn't he mention yesterday that acquisition was made for the relaxation in the visa process?

If you accept his argument at face value, isn't it true that in order to travel he needs a credible travel document? His party has done tremendous job in Canada in creating the air of understanding among religions and for better understanding of Islam. He is not like Rehman Malik or Altaf Hussain who left the country as fugitives.

After 9/11 it had become difficult for Pakistanis to travel abroad. If you are a Pakistani and going for some religious mission, its like carrying a loaded gun to the immigration counter. So he did the right thing in that context.

I m not his advocate in anyway. Just that we Pakistanis have become generally very cynical and see actions of others from a very pessimistic prism.
it ws very interesting when TUQ said "your honour i have a question" and justice azmat saeed replied "Mr qadri,here question is what we ask"
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