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Pak race for tactical nukes adds new poison to the mix

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First of all, from Pakistan's perspective the investment on nuclear assets is probably the best investment Pakistan has ever made.

Also, it is not wasting money because it keeps India at bay.

First of all Paks investment in nukes is its worst investment. India never ever wanted to invade or cause problems in Pak.
It is only Pak that has forever been trying to be sneaky first by attacking india in 65, then by doing kargil with nuke umbrella and now sending terrorsits knowing that the nuke is a detrrent
what did pakistan get in return. nothing. it has spent money on nukes so that it can continue to be a bad boy in the neighbourhood.
All Pakistanis here are giving the viewpoint that they can't penetrate into India in the case of a war, instead India will deeply penetrate inside Pakistan. Very nice way of explaining the reality. :D

Read the doctrine of the Pakistan army " Offensive-Defensive " but that is for another thread :azn: ... This is a hypothesized " worst case scenario " but of course some people are considering it as some proof of their make.believe reality ... :lol:
I think I said " negligible population " ... What part of it do you not understand to characterize " Lahore " as such ? :azn: ... An entire armoured column can be laid to waste in the deserts of Thar ... What with this new delusion of " a few Indian tanks " ? Care to elaborate ...

Again, read and understand, if India attacks Lahore Pakistan wont be able to use its "tactical" nukes. So why would we go running around thar to attack, we will simply capture Lahore.

Dude a tactical nuke ain't gonna obliterate half of Lahore or half of Amritsar if detonated somewhere in the middle; it would have more or less (probably less) the blast radius of one of those thermobaric bombs that the US (I'm thinking of the BLU series one of which was dropped, from what I've heard, in Libya & blasted everything in a 1-2 mile radius).

You aren't going to attack a CBG before it crosses the LoC I assume?

Given that Lahore is around 20 miles from the border, would you detonate it at the outskirts of Lahore given there has to be a response time before the nuke is launched?

Thermobaric vs Nuke??, do you know the worse effects of the "tactical" nuke would come from radiation, and thats not limited to 1-2 mile radius, say welcome to radiation Lahore. :lol:
First of all Paks investment in nukes is its worst investment.India never ever wanted to invade or cause problems in Pak.

Yes , the thing which has prevented three wars is my country's worst investment , miss !
Again, read and understand, if India attacks Lahore Pakistan wont be able to use its "tactical" nukes. So why would we go running around thar to attack, we will simply capture Lahore.

You aren't going to attack a CBG before it crosses the LoC I assume?

Because you understand little of military matters and are simply parroting the same imagined crap again and again ! ... Lahore is ill suited for such type of adventures because of its natural defences ... The only feasible option is the deserts of Thar and Cholistan ... Sure , go on capture it ... What happens to your population then ? :azn: ...

Yes , you will use a CBG to invade the other side of LOC :rofl: ... Made my day , kid ! :lol:
Because you understand nothing of military matters and are simply parroting the same imagined crap again and again ! ... Lahore is ill suited for such type of adventures because of its natural defences ... The only logical option is the deserts of Thar and Cholistan ... Sure , go on capture it ... What happens to your population then ? :azn: ...

Yes , you will use a CBG to invade the other side of LOC :rofl: ... Made my day , kid ! :lol:

Who cares what is suited, all we know is Pakistans gonna be nuking its own territory for fear of Indian tanks, quite an achievement by Pakistan I must say, never done by any nation in the past. :lol:

CBG==IBG, I must say I am not that good at spoon feeding every single detail to retards. :D

Thats why its a sub-kiloton nuke spiked with plutonium to increase the yield for lesser amount of enriched Uranium & why its called a 'deterrent' !

Besides there is no guarantee of us using it withing Pakistani territory !

If India attacks its not gonna attack in Indian territory I am pretty sure...:rofl:

Has Pakistan made some magic discovery to stop radiation?
Given that Lahore is around 20 miles from the border, would you detonate it at the outskirts of Lahore given there has to be a response time before the nuke is launched?

Thermobaric vs Nuke??, do you know the worse effects of the "tactical" nuke would come from radiation, and thats not limited to 1-2 mile radius, say welcome to radiation Lahore. :lol:

Thats why its a sub-kiloton nuke spiked with plutonium to increase the yield for lesser amount of enriched Uranium & why its called a 'deterrent' !

Besides there is no guarantee of us using it withing Pakistani territory !
Guys, please! This is the fourth time you people are discussing the use of tactical nuclear weapons in the Indo-Pak environment. This debate goes round in circles with no conclusion!
IA strike corps is destroyed by a TNW in Rajhistan. Indian commanders brief the Prime minister about the ground situation and asked for retaliation on Pakistan with full fledged nuclear attack. PM will ask them that after nuclear strike on Pakistan will we be able to achieve our objective or just we want to satisfy our ego by killing unarmed millions of civilians? After all militarily India has suffered huge losses already..

** Will the international community allow you to attack civilians by nuclear weapon?

So, there is no way India can attack Pakistan with strategic nuclear weapons after its strike corps are wiped out by a TNW.

Not possible. Any use of nuclear weapons on Indian soil is directly considered a strategic strike and will be responded in a strategic strike.

The entirety of PA's nuclear defence rests on using TNW on Pakistani soil. That itself will be debatable as i mentioned in my last post. India is not going to play by rules set by Pakistan.
Guys, please! This is the fourth time you people are discussing the use of tactical nuclear weapons in the Indo-Pak environment. This debate goes round in circles with no conclusion!
I think we might need clothes for nuclear winter.

Totally agree with your post. These threads never result in any conclusion.
Who cares what is suited, all we know is Pakistans gonna be nuking its own territory for fear of Indian tanks, quite an achievement by Pakistan I must say, never done by any nation in the past. :lol:

CBG==IBG, I must say I am not that good at spoon feeding every single detail to retards. :D

And we are back with the little kid who is playing Tom Clancy's and saying " Who cares ? " :lol: ... Kid , there are limitations in the real world for the military :azn:

Make it IBG or CBG ... You are going to cross the LOC with tanks and artillery ? :rofl:
Not possible. Any use of nuclear weapons on Indian soil is directly considered a strategic strike and will be responded in a strategic strike.

And you will be the next Indian to avoid my question ... Are you willing ( for the nth time I am asking this question with no rational question ) to risk billions of Indians just because a few armoured columns are wiped out ? :azn:
Prithvis and Agnis are huge and they take time to assemble. This is something you cannot hide under the rug considering how heavily IA's and PA's strategic weapons are monitored. As soon as the word gets out that IA is assembling her strategic nukes, expect PA to give out the same order too. As soon as IA fires her nukes, PA fires her nukes.
You would be aware that DRDO has reached a critical level of knowhow in Missile technology. New missiles are being churned out quite fast. Prithvi is planned to be replaced already by Shourya. Solid Fueled. Cannisterized unless needed to be loaded up with different warheads. Much much smaller than Prithvi, much more mobile and much higher readiness state.
They are resigned to penetration.

Deep penetration.

What is being discussed is their response when the pain reaches a certain threshold.


A defensive strategy does not mean allowing penetration. May be we let your "mighty armored corps" come in few kilometers in Thar desert (in our trap), then after your corps burial ceremony in desert, we counter attack...

May be then you will know what deeeeeeep penetration means :smokin:

Also at the same time we may be sitting in Akhnoor.. Oh God, then you will definitely know for sure what penetration mean..:guns:
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