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Homosexuals of Pakistan

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I was just mentioning that a country with such medieval/draconian laws as "blasphemy" wouldn't treat homosexuals that well.

Ease up there boy. Nothing is objective. There are a thousand reasons behind everything that there is and was, well everything except the Australian aboriginal subjugation. So get your head out of your bottom.

Anyway, homosexuality has been in and around Pakistan for many many years. It's a bit of a hushed issue. No one accepts it and at the same time no one goes out hunting for homosexuals. Everyone jokes about it and pretends it does not exist. I've had a couple of openly gay friends, they never had a problem, not saying that problems do not exist at all.

How I see it is that a man's or a woman's sexual preferences are his/her own private matter and should be kept as such. I for one am no one to judge or make my business out of it. Don't accept homosexuality if you must but you do have to accept homosexuals.

ps: xdrive I actually agree with you on the blasphemy law.
I used to have in my team someone who was gay and got married due to the gay marriage provisions in my state. They have adopted 8 kids besides 1 biological daughter from previous marriage of one the partners. They are doing a wonderful job. So I would say what the heck and who am I to judge a gay.
grown men do not hold hands. if one does that they are either gay or bunch of fruitcakes wussies.

Yeah they do :D

Gay phenomenon ? Please elaborate. What is it ? and which countries have it ?

I already it. Read my post again.

By 'phenomenon', he was talking about the media hoopla. If you see the interview, it is very clear he was emphasizing the word 'phenomenon' and not 'gay'.
But if homosexuals did not marry the opposite sex then their gene pool ends there. Thats a guarantee.

There can be no guarantee. It is legal in the US for homosexual couples to have kids via surrogate mothers or sperm donors.

But if homosexuals did not marry the opposite sex then their gene pool ends there. Thats a guarantee.

There can be no guarantee. It is legal in the US for homosexual couples to have kids via surrogate mothers or sperm donors.
Sorry but no one born gay rather than raised as a gay. what you have said is nonsensical and unbacked western theory unless you provide scientific evidence.
Just to make it easy for you.There are no scientific proofs that homosexuality is determined by genes. To conclude this, homosexuality resulted of many social factors not biological relevant.

Does your country have any scientists capable of proving this "western theory" wrong ? Please don't talk about scientific evidence. You live in a country where justice is decided by the whims of 3 fat lunatics , without the use of any forensics whatsoever. You stare in their eyes and yeah , I guess that's 10 years right there :lol:. Yours is not a society that accepts or values scientific evidence. If you really care , research has proven time and again that homosexuality is all in the genes.
Does your country have any scientists capable of proving this "western theory" wrong ? Please don't talk about scientific evidence. You live in a country where justice is decided by the whims of 3 fat lunatics , without the use of any forensics whatsoever. You stare in their eyes and yeah , I guess that's 10 years right there :lol:. Yours is not a society that accepts or values scientific evidence. If you really care , research has proven time and again that homosexuality is all in the genes.

Who are these 3 fat lunatics?
Ease up there boy. Nothing is objective. There are a thousand reasons behind everything that there is and was, well everything except the Australian aboriginal subjugation. So get your head out of your bottom.

Haha, i love when people respond to my posts talking about Australian aboriginals. It's completely irrelevant and it's stupid to try to use it as some sort of "defence" not to mention most people have no idea about what actually happened.
Homosexuals will never get acceptance in Pakistani or Muslims societies it is one of the biggest sin in Islam and its punishment is death so no chance of accepting them

Corruption is a great sin yet they find acceptance in Pakistan;
Murder is a great sin yet they find refuge in Pakistan;
Deceit is a great sin yet it's practiced far and wide in Pakistan;
Lying is a great sin yet its a norm in Pakistan.
If lying, cheating, murdering, deceitful, corrupt Pakistanis can find refuge in Pakistan then so can your relatively harmless homosexuals of Pakistan. Stop hiding behind faith and flag every time you feel like condemning those you do not agree with. What they do in their bedrooms should be of no concern to you.
this is stupid thinking that in Pakistan and India people will accept homosex. Befair, our calture and religous not allow...yeah we hug eachothers for showing our respect.
gays should not be allowed to adopt. that is a monstrous crime to the child.

That is not actually true. I'll show a video here about a gay family. If you keep your mind open, you might get another perspective. And no it doesnt affect the children. At all. Recently, there was a guy, I couldnt find the video for it, talked about how he was raised by a lesbian couple. Ill put a link for that one below too. I myself have friends who are gay and who have partners. Some of them adopt, and some of them have their own kids through surrogate parents etc.,

Guy raised by 2 women:

Gay family:

this is stupid thinking that in Pakistan and India people will accept homosex. Befair, our calture and religous not allow...yeah we hug eachothers for showing our respect.

India will accept it. Its a matter of time. Even almighty United States hasnt fully accepted it, but India just decriminalized homosexuality. An Indian court even recognized marriage between 2 women even though there were no provisions according to law. We also have gay pride parades every year in select cities. I think such liberalism is welcome and we can be proud of such liberal views.
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its not suprising that majority of indians on here like and support gays. :)

Indeed it is not surprising because we are humane. We do need more liberalism though.

But that said, except for a few ignorant Pakistanis, I am happy to see that some of them are enlightened and are actually quite liberal.
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