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India’s Subversive Role in Afghanistan

In last Thursday's candidates' debate, Vice President Biden was crystal clear on his view of the administration's Afghanistan policy: America's combat commitment to president Hamid Karzai's government ends in 2014. "We are leaving in 2014"—full stop.
Afghanistan in the Obama-Romney Gap — The Century Foundation

It means only American combat troops are leaving by 2014, after that ANA will be in complete defence of whole of Afghanistan(right now ANA is in control of half of Afghanistan), other Americans defence related staffs will stay in Afghanistan till 2024.
Point is the Indians are using Afghanistan for their own nefarious designs, while the mayor of Kabul is going along with the whole plan. The people of Afghanistan are being brainwashed and being bought out by third class cellular phones and money.

The Indians want to launch attacks from Afghanistan into Pakistan. We can not allow this to happen. Obviously Afghanistan will be turned into rubble once again If they decide to compromise Pakistan's security by sleeping with the enemy.

There is no attack being planned on Pakistan from Afghanistan. The Indian policy is simply to remove/reduce Pakistani influence on its north western border so as to deny it strategic depth. And frankly India has been doing this in a much more benign way than what Pakistan did in Kashmir. The die has been already cast.. All that can happen now is some oscillation in the extent of influence India and Pakistan will have in Afghanistan. And given the fact that India is a part of reconstruction in Afghanistan where as Pakistan is considered to be the source of Taliban extremists, India's image is far better and its influence more sustainable than Pakistan's..Take it as you will
Joe Biden meant only American troops are leaving by 2014, after that ANA will be in complete defence of whole of Afghanistan(right now ANA is in control of half of Afghanistan), other Americans defence related staffs will stay in Afghanistan till 2024. It seems you haven't been following news these months.

What made you think that ANA is going to defend AF From taliban when Nato cannot do it .come out of dream and face the reality America or its allies are in no position to even keep adviser in AF after 2014 see the history how they run away from vietnam and AF in 1990's.

Green on Blue Attack has destoyed their plan to raise AF army and Train them .i think ANA will disintegrate in less then 6 - 12 months times after coalition withdraw from AF.
What made you think that ANA is going to defend AF From taliban when Nato cannot do it .come out of dream and face the reality America or its allies are in no position to even keep adviser in AF after 2014 see the history how they run away from vietnam and AF in 1990's.

Green on Blue Attack has destoyed their plan to raise AF army and Train them .i think ANA will disintegrate in less then 6 - 12 months times after coalition withdraw from AF.

ANA has already been handed large part of Afghanistan including Taliban strongholds like Helmand and Kandahar. ANA troops recently have spoiled many of the Taliban attacks. So, after years of training they are ready to take on security of Afghanistan.
What made you think that ANA is going to defend AF From taliban when Nato cannot do it .come out of dream and face the reality America or its allies are in no position to even keep adviser in AF after 2014 see the history how they run away from vietnam and AF in 1990's.

Green on Blue Attack has destoyed their plan to raise AF army and Train them .i think ANA will disintegrate in less then 6 - 12 months times after coalition withdraw from AF.

All I remember is that Pakistanis were celebrating Obama's election as they believed that he would remove NATO troops from Afg by 2011. 2011 came and went, and the troop strength only increased. 2014 is still 2 years away.. lets see how the ball rolls.. All I see is that iraq is still ruled by a pro USA govt. Dont think Afg will be any different.
We are building their infrastructure, hospitals, schools, roads and electricity sector and dams. . We are building their railways and connectiong iran and afghan to India. We are helping a war torn country with AId. Providing them a source of entertainment called bollywood. There are no Indian armed boots in Afghan. Yes we do have intelligence operations there with Talibanis and Balochis, but India right now is not capable of launching attack on Pak. One day we will be able to do that too. Our operations there will increase and no one can stop us period. All you can do is :cry:.

And who is going to build our infrastructure i guess "Chinese" ,we dont have hospital,school and electricity in our villages our children are malnourish worse than africa and largest population perform daily ritual of open defecation in the world .and how you are going to connect iran - AF - India without pakistan

forget about attacking from north or west we cannot do it today or tomorrow .we can use proxy till american are in AF once they Depart our asset in AF becomes vulnerable and wont be effective.
And who is going to build our infrastructure i guess "Chinese" ,we dont have hospital,school and electricity in our villages our children are malnourish worse than africa and largest population perform daily ritual of open defecation in the world .and how you are going to connect iran - AF - India without pakistan

forget about attacking from north or west we cannot do it today or tomorrow .we can use proxy till american are in AF once they Depart our asset in AF becomes vulnerable and wont be effective.

When do you plan to change to your real flags ?? :)
All I remember is that Pakistanis were celebrating Obama's election as they believed that he would remove NATO troops from Afg by 2011. 2011 came and went, and the troop strength only increased. 2014 is still 2 years away.. lets see how the ball rolls.. All I see is that iraq is still ruled by a pro USA govt. Dont think Afg will be any different.

You talk about iraq is going away from US and buying arms from Russia and bringing russia oil giants in iraq .Iraq dont see at US its moving towards Iran ,russia and china .
When do you plan to change to your real flags ?? :)

its so sad that i have to prove again again that i Am a indian .
i am just expressing my opinion i may be wrong but i have my rights to freedom of speech .

Me Mumbaikar Aahe
And who is going to build our infrastructure i guess "Chinese" ,we dont have hospital,school and electricity in our villages our children are malnourish worse than africa and largest population perform daily ritual of open defecation in the world .and how you are going to connect iran - AF - India without pakistan

forget about attacking from north or west we cannot do it today or tomorrow .we can use proxy till american are in AF once they Depart our asset in AF becomes vulnerable and wont be effective.

were the Americans spending the surplus money ?

were the Chinese done with all their needs so that they give soft loans to many countries ? No, every country does it with some purpose which is financial,strategic, military gains and building up good will and relationship.
And who is going to build our infrastructure i guess "Chinese" ,we dont have hospital,school and electricity in our villages our children are malnourish worse than africa and largest population perform daily ritual of open defecation in the world .and how you are going to connect iran - AF - India without pakistan

forget about attacking from north or west we cannot do it today or tomorrow .we can use proxy till american are in AF once they Depart our asset in AF becomes vulnerable and wont be effective.

The amount we spent in Afghanistan is too low compared to our own requirement. 2 billions usd in 10 years or 200 millions/year, even Pakistan had spend 500 million usd in Afghanistan. Stability of Afghanistan is most necessary for the whole region, so this much spending by GoI is not bad.
even after all these problems , we considered as a Fourth largest economy in world. Pakistan ? day by day downwards....heheh

On the reality check button in your brain people standard of living in this forth largest economy is no where near a develop country people are not able to feed themshelves they are malnourised ,public education sucks "municipalty school ,parents send their children to government school so the kid can have a midday meal and municipalty hospital sucks Travelling in mumbai train is like going in the war, buses are jampack more then half population lives in jhopadpatti SLum .

what is the point of progress when our population cannot taste and enjoy it.there are still so many village where there is no water they have to go long distance just fetch the water,no electricity ,no roads,no doctors.

Economy progress in india is just on paper we were slaves before and we are slaves today thats the reality.

Personal attacks are the last refuge of the incompetent ;)

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