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The big three who can help save Afghanistan

lets analyse the big three

1) india: we all know how they love to utilize afghans just to 'sorround' pakistan, technically afghans have nothing to offer afghans other then their land being used for massive activities in pakistan, what do they have in common with afghans, for god sake they dont even share a border, why is india in big three, did they fight the talibans and lost lives for afghanistan's sake?? i dont think so

2) Russia: we all know the russian obsession for afghanistan, which destroyed the country and turned it in ruins, did they sacrifice their soldiers for afghanistan?? no!!

3) Iran: finally the iranians are only strengthening the northern alliance in the veil of shia brotherhood, there are two reasons, one is geographical, another one is strengthening the shia brotherhood around the world whether it be assad, hisbullah or northern alliance.. the shia refugees are being kicked out of iran and most afghan refugee are totally kept separate from the rest, did iran send its support to afghanistan in anyway?? are they even related to the present war anyway??

now the only remaining country which has real stake in afghanistan is pakistan, and we are only interested in afghanistan because their capital is closer to our country which makes our country vulnerable every time afghanistan is in mess, we are the only country how have never refused the million afghan refugee till today, the only country which has lost so much just because of afghanistan and didnt get anything in return other then those delusional thankless barbaric afghans
^^ How was pakistan unleashing Mullah omar brand taliban helpful for Afghanistan?
to counter big three's northern alliance, btw the big three's master america helped in creating mullah omar and bin laden
open a new thread so that each member can share his/her views without derailing this particular thread ...
Thanks buddy, I think I'll do that. It would be an interesting discussion! :agree:
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3487860 said:
to counter big three's northern alliance, btw the big three's master america helped in creating mullah omar and bin laden

By your own admission, America helped.. The main tool indeed was Paksitan...
^^ How was pakistan unleashing Mullah omar brand taliban helpful for Afghanistan?

How was India supporting and financing Northern Alliance helpful for Afghanistan ? :azn: Just because you lost there , doesn't mean it clears your name or suddenly makes you innocent ... As I said , competing warlords each one supported by a country for its national interest ...
Lets burst you bubble, Northern alliance commanded by the great, Ahmed Shah Masoud, handed over the biggest defeat to taliban (with it's pakistani commanders embedded fighting units) in its all glory in kabul. Thats what NA is!

There was direct military assistance to the taliban scumbags from pakistan, do not forget your history, do not wish for direct Indian involvement.

The difference between taliban and mujhhideen is just as the difference between kullah omar and Ahmed Shah Massoud.

In what universe was NA that great ? :azn: ... It is not my problem if you haven't researched the Afghan history well and now confusing Hekmatyar for Taliban ... Pakistan got involved and supported Taliban only after they were defeated in certain areas by Indian backed NA , not before ... I am not sure what you mean by the biggest defeat though ... Taliban's major victories against other opponents from 1994 are also well known ... We all saw what happened after ISI chose the Taliban faction to neutralize the Indian threat , your great Masoud's statement is on record when he had to retreat from Kabul and other areas ... Will you remind me how exactly Kabul fell to Taliban who then established the rule over Afghanistan and controlled the country till 2001 if your great NA was so powerful and Massoud wasn't able to do **** ? :azn: ... So , spare us these **** and bull fancy stories of your delusions ... You talk as if Ahmed Shah Massoud was some sort of angel for the Afghans and only the Talibans were bad , but in reality they were just mere warlords and factions fighting for their own dominance over the country backed by others ... Yes there was direct military support , the same as Indians provided to NA before ... Direct Indian involvement ? Yes , we saw the results before ... :azn:

There is simply no difference , each one was/is a criminal and a violator of human rights , its a known fact what crimes they have committed against other races and even with opponents from their own race , US just chose and glorified the ones who were ready to fight for their interests to defeat the Soviets , even calling these animals as moral equivalents of American founding fathers and an example to all ... :azn: ... Not knowing , what those armed bandits can mutate into ... But of course , it is the " gospel truth " for you , since the source is your beloved " US President " , isn't it ? :usflag: ... So you have suddenly started supporting Mujahideen ? :lol:
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3488838 said:
obviously american helped in afghan jehad also ;)

That is true, according to some here , Pakistan was forced by US and other arab countries to jump with Jehad :D
That is true, according to some here , Pakistan was forced by US and other arab countries to jump with Jehad :D

Pakistan chose to act on its own accord after the fear created by the Arabs and American of impending USSR invasion in Pakistan - if past was any indication ...
Pakistan chose to act on its own accord after the fear created by the Arabs and American of impending USSR invasion in Pakistan - if past was any indication ...

Dwindle all other options and then you by your own accord choose to act on the only one left :cheers:
Dwindle all other options and then you by your own accord choose to act on the only one left :cheers:
What other options ? :azn: Chose and succeeded then , perhaps ? Only if the Americans hadn't abandoned Afghanistan back then , as they doing now ...
A Taliban dominated Afghanistan is much more dangerous for Iran than a government that is in U.S line.Because those Taliban nutjobs don't care about the people,they just want to enforce their own religious will on the country and people.But a U.S supported government will at least try to rebuild Afghanistan,in which it heavily needs Iran's help,the same as India and even Pakistan if it's interested.
I don't still understand why Pakistan supported the Taliban government in 90s,can any Pakistani member elaborate?

1. Because the government backed by your religion is very close to India rather than Pakistan.

2. Because Khomeni used dollars to invest in secular tesnions in Pakistan.

3. Majority population in Pakistan doesn't follow Iran's religion.

4. Persians are in general very discriminatory and unreliable people.
Not to jump and not to get scared, basically having the balls to say no..

Actually for the record , there was reason for us to get scared , USSR had supported India against us well before , who was to say it wouldn't have acted anti-Pakistan again and flared up tensions at our Western borders ? ... What it would have done if it had managed to take control of Afghanistan is a known unknown ! ... We can never know for sure ... No to whom ? :azn: ... Back then , there was no threat , just calls from the Americans to support them against communism ...

4. Persians are in general very discriminatory and unreliable people.

Change this last one , it is racist !
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