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India to have fastest super computer soon!!

tell me when do you have the no 1 spot and how many supercomputers do you have now please, the chronic champions of delusional braggers!

oh so you had one ddint you! the world of rabbits must have kindly waited for the turtle!

can you guarantee there will not be a power breakdown?

Like I said before in another thread, you are no better. You are posting here about some supercomputer of yours that was the fastest in the world and bragging about it. Yeah, it was fastest in the world for less than 1 year, before another overtook it. So you see super computing advancements and records are not permanent. They fluctuate and they change more rapidly than you are willing to admit.

Now India when it developed the EKA back in 2007, was at number 4. Today it is at number 58, because no systems were built inbetween. If India develops this computer, then maybe it will end up in one of the top 10. For a short while, before something else might over take it. Its just the way it is.

Calm down buddy!

India just makes itself into a laughing stock by announcing projects way in advance and then, apart from ISRO, rarely meeting the deadline.

Take a leaf out of Chin'a book and achieve and THEN announce.

India will be respected then.

Sorry, we dont take leaves out of repressive regimes' and their books lol. India is a democracy and as such, our government tends to be a little bit more transparent. And they dont shoot us for asking questions ^^., though you might be hanged for asking too many questions :D. And yes, the fact that you KNOW that India's efforts failed, succeeded, partially succeeded etc, is because India is a little bit more transparent. Atleast when compared to China, which basically controls China's image. Like refusing to put out pictures about their rocket launch failures, poverty in central china, the ghost towns built in the name of infrastructure that are never occupied, and the growing slums around them etc.,

All the potshots aside, the ultimate goal is to meet our needs, not to overtake someone. The amount of India bashing from the Chinese shows that the Chinese suffer from some form of Inadequate Male Syndrome, that they always wanna be perceived as "powerful", "better than someone" etc. ^^. On the other hand the Indians are just being proud of their country's achievements. So contrary to all the BS you have been spewing in a lot of threads that I have read, YOU my friend are the bragger. So get off your high horse, dipshit.
rofl only Asia :lol: :lol:

China Unveils the Fastest Computer in the World

The Tianhe-1A, which is at the National University of Defence Technology in Tianjin, is the fastest computer in the world:

China Unveils the Fastest Computer in the World - Neatorama

so stop big mouth, less talk work hard

:lol: I would take everything that is coming from China with a pinch of salt

Most things are fake. Who knows even this 'super computer' is fake
Why doesn't India come out with the world's fastest computer and then make an announcement. This is just like the world's cheapest tablet for $30. Whatever happened to the Aakash?? Oh, that's right, nothing happened. Same as this.
no one is begrudging Indian achievement. Indians are hard working people like everyone else
The problem is that while most countries achieve something great, announce it to the world, then celebrate.
Indians Announce something, celebrate, then maybe achieve it.

Which is why everyone laughs at them.
Why doesn't India come out with the world's fastest computer and then make an announcement. This is just like the world's cheapest tablet for $30. Whatever happened to the Aakash?? Oh, that's right, nothing happened. Same as this.

If CCP hasn't blocked google, please search for it.. thousands have been delivered.. :wave:

If CCP hasn't blocked google, please search for it.. thousands have been delivered.. :wave:


I have no doubt Indians can buy a $60 tablet from China and sell it at a loss for $30 in India and proclaim it some sort of an achievement. My point is still the same, nothing happened. You sold a few thousand Chinese tablets at loss and slapped a Made in India sticker on the back and stuck an Indian version of the now outdated Android 2.2 on it. Big deal. Hardly a game changer.
no one is begrudging Indian achievement. Indians are hard working people like everyone else
The problem is that while most countries achieve something great, announce it to the world, then celebrate.
Indians Announce something, celebrate, then maybe achieve it.

Which is why everyone laughs at them.

Most of the times we do not announce it for the world but for our people to know what we are working on so that many can take inspiration from this in our own country..
Why doesn't India come out with the world's fastest computer and then make an announcement. This is just like the world's cheapest tablet for $30. Whatever happened to the Aakash?? Oh, that's right, nothing happened. Same as this.

ok , i m going to talk a little off topic , dont ban me , same goes to your cpc , take the diao yu dao from japnese first and then call it yours , how about that?:chilli:
lol , that was after we showed u the way :yahoo:

Yes India cracked the top 5 in the world WAY BEFORE chinese. Then the Chinese got the inspiration from India to try for their own super computer.. ingrateful chinese !!

India will gain guide the world by bringing out this one. cheers to the great hardworking scientists... !!
I have to laugh at 5 year prediction on the field of computer:

"India plans fastest supercomputer by 2017"

Frankly no one can predict what happens a few month from now.
I have to laugh at 5 year prediction on the field of computer:

"India plans fastest supercomputer by 2017"

Frankly no one can predict a few month from now.

yup that is true..but when government puts money into something they have to give time limit(Which of-course is not always met)
I have to laugh at 5 year prediction on the field of computer:

"India plans fastest supercomputer by 2017"

Frankly no one can predict what happens a few month from now.

Obviously the target is to make one 61 times more powerful than the present ones ;)

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