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India's Mars mission sparks another UK aid row

A rover blitz has been going on....the more sources of info we have the better (lotsa cross referencing). we actually have more science going on on Mars than we did the Moon (discounting returned specimens). Missions that complement each other do the best good for now.
Totally right. Lets hope Indian mission do other observations that your missions hasn't been done. NASA can ask ISRO to work together just like Chandrayaan mission.....May be its time for cooperation more with NASA and learn and work with them more often.
Today I feel more proud to be an Indian than ever before ,look at those loosers comments in article.
Guys we really outgrown them ,we thrashed their prophecy in 65years ,Imagine in next 10-15 years we are Aiding these guys,bailout their banks and institution and offcourse how could we forget to put a notice board in our hotels and restaturant saying Dogs and British are not allowed [\B]. That day I will call India a real superpower and an Indian era ,Our Era.

you mean an India in the following video

India in 2030!!!!!!!! - YouTube

India would have a lot of disgusting white servants by 2030?

Actually we paid them with billions of dollars of our money, treasures, gold, diamonds etc.....

You should ask for the British to return them. Otherwise, attack them with Brahmos.
Totally right. Lets hope Indian mission do other observations that your missions hasn't been done. NASA can ask ISRO to work together just like Chandrayaan mission.....May be its time for cooperation more with NASA and learn and work with them more often.
Each mission can only hold so much...the more the merrier....some co-ordination is needed to prevent too much over-lap. India is one of the few nations that does real science as opposed to national masturbation missions. (not that these are bad...it all helps in the end)
india was united before from times of asoka empire,gupta empire,maurya empire and finally mughal empire, still you people will jump up and say british united india....:drag:

India never existed before the British rule. All these empire you mentioned were empires that existed on land in Indian subcontinent. But they are not related to present day India. So its still true that British united and created India. Just like the British colonized America and created America. Both America and India gained their independence from the British.
India never existed before the British rule. All these empire you mentioned were empires that existed on land in Indian subcontinent. But they are not related to present day India. So its still true that British united and created India. Just like the British colonized America and created America. Both America and India gained their independence from the British.
One little difference...we were colonisers...not colonised.
India’s Transition to Global Donor: Limitations and Prospects (ARI)


Theme: India has increasingly sought to expand its activities as a donor, both to reposition itself as an emerging power and to use aid as an instrument for engaging with other developing countries. This ARI looks at the current state of India’s donor programme as regards both its size and scope, identifies India’s role within the multilateral aid scenario and evaluates the challenges and prospects for further growth.

Abstract: India has expanded its aid programme over the past decade, emerging as a serious donor in certain countries. While the amounts remain small, India’s emergence has focused attention on its possible motives.

The term ‘emerging donor’ has, over the past decade, become an accepted part of the development world’s lexicon, providing further evidence of the rise of emerging economies. This does not mean that the donors themselves are new. What is new is an increased recognition globally that emerging donors are now a viable complement, and in some cases a substitute, to aid from traditional donors.

The emergence of these donors is particularly evident now because it occurs at a time when the developed world faces fundamental questions about its own socio-economic model. The financial crisis has undermined confidence amongst OECD countries, put their aid commitments in doubt and given rise to questions about their social welfare and free market models. It is into this vacuum that India has willingly stepped in to offer its own philosophy of development and growth.

Disbursements by emerging donors were estimated at €8.5 billion in 2006.[1] While small (aid by OECD donors in 2006 totalled €103.9 billion),[2] the competition that these donors insert into what was once an oligopoly of high-income OECD nations has caused much consternation in development circles: China’s aid programme has prompted both awe and fear;[3] India’s stirs a mix of confusion and frustration abroad and pride and criticism at home.

India started its aid programme soon after independence, with the budget speech of 1958 referring to INR100 million in multi-year grants to Nepal and an INR200 million loan to Myanmar.[4] Since then, but particularly over the past decade, India’s aid programme has evolved substantially, growing both in scale and ambition.

This paper analyses the evolution of India’s giving in recent years. However, rather than simply describing what India gives and to whom, it primarily looks at three related questions: (1) what are the main characteristics that distinguish India’s aid?; (2) as India grows into a global donor, how is it likely to view multilateral engagement?; and (3) against the backdrop of almost certain growth in giving in the future, what are the challenges and options ahead?


Defining India’s Giving

At the outset it is worth establishing what constitutes aid in the context of India’s donor programme. Like most emerging donors, India’s aid-related activities do not follow the traditional definition of the Development Assistance Committee (DAC). Rather, an alternative definition can be considered: spending that furthers India’s standing as a donor. There are three parts to that spending, namely grants and preferential bilateral loans to governments, contributions to international organisations (IOs) and financial institutions (IFIs), and subsidies for preferential bilateral loans provided through the Export Import (EXIM) Bank of India.

In 2010 India’s aid-related budget allocations were INR36.66 billion[6] (US$785 million in current dollars), a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.9% from 2004 to 2010. In addition, the EXIM bank in 2008 approved loans and guarantees worth INR352.47 billion with US$3.75 billion in operative lines of credit (see Table 2 and Graph 1).

These numbers, while big, cannot compare with the giving of China or any of the established donors (China is estimated to have donated US$616 million in 2007 to Africa alone).[7] Thus, India’s ability to use its aid well depend not on how much it gives, but rather on how it directs its aid and what else it offers.

Towards this end the country’s multilateral budget has increased rapidly. In 2008 and 2009 India spent INR30,719.4 and INR67,630 million respectively (US$2.1 billion) towards increasing its IMF share quota (IMF investment accounted for 66% of the entire budget in 2009). India has also been an enthusiastic donor to the World Food Programme (WFP).

Secondly, these deficiencies expose India to the entire risk of aid giving, in particular allegations of neo-colonialism (a criticism often directed at OECD donors) or of undermining human rights (a criticism directed at China). Any move to expand direct aid should thus be made with caution.

Conclusions: There is no doubt that recent changes to India’s aid programme mirror a more general re-think of India’s role in the world. Responding to increasing ambitions the programme has evolved to be more global, economic and bilateral. India has sought to engage more closely with the multilateral system, while creating its own niche within the development universe by remaining distinct from other donors.

China has often used aid to facilitate access to natural resources. India’s approach, by contrast, is described by Kragelund[15] as being ‘on a smaller scale, a bit tardier and not spurring the same dichotomous reactions’. It can be argued that this has prevented India’s giving from realising its full strategic potential. However, that smaller scale and tardiness have also prevented India from tripping up on its own good intentions in what is still an early period of its programme.

The risk is that as India increases its giving it may try to achieve too many things –political pre-eminence in its vicinity, economic links with East Africa and access to strategic resources (natural or military) in Burma or West Africa–. As that happens, India will expose itself to the same criticisms levelled against China and against traditional donors –a risk amplified by India’s institutional limitations that hinder transparency and accountability–. In short, India’s ambitions will continue to outstrip available resources and capabilities.

Those limited resources should therefore be used as much to gain direct leverage as to promote India’s private and non-profit sectors in the developing world. Collaboration with other donors can happen, so long as it promotes those general principles. What is needed is a more conscious, transparent and cohesive approach to develop this strategy, rather than the current opportunistic one, because these sectors have always been India’s strengths.

Dweep Chanana
Advisor to private and institutional philanthropists with a Swiss private bank


In the last week of April, India announced a us $5.4 billion credit to African countries for developing their infrastructure and meeting other development goals. This five year package also included duty free imports from 50 Least Developed Countries, of which 34 are in Africa. The government also announced a grant of us $500 million to African countries and doubled the number of fellowships given to students from African and Asian countries.

Largesse with agenda | India Environment Portal
:lol: you would think for a country that has more poverty than Africa would give first priority to increasing the living standards, but not the Indian regime. I can understand building a military for protection (even though they are spending way beyond what they would need), but I just cannot get my head around all the moon and mars missions. All to massage the ego.

To make things worse, India is still a net debtor nation, runs a large current account deficit, rising debt levels, currency is collapsing. You would think first priority would be to cut spending and sort out the economic troubles, but not the Indian regime. They want global fame all the while their people suffer and the economy goes down the drain.

When you are out of money and in trouble with your finances, the last thing to do is spend on unnecessary things.
You will never leave us behind...as any advance you make only builds on our scaffold. You cannot copy yourself ahead...ask the Chinese...

wow ! no country can surpass yours level of fake prestige which is made up on exploitation and stealing of resources from peaceful various civilizations ,an economy made up of war ,drugs prostitution and dream ....in your world you fear aliens and hate fellow human as they are uncivilized and different human race ...your govt is a fake bullshit propaganda ,the crime your ancestors did in destroying the humanity is unmatched ask the aboriginal australians, red indians ,vietnamese ,INDIAN,africans tribes and middle east brothers,chinese infact whole world except our brave north korean brothers . Peace !
While there is truth in your argument, it has a small assumption - they did us a favour. They had India as a whole because it was beneficial for them.. The by-products of their rule includes united India but the Hindu Muslim divide, two countries but the bloodiest partition, border disputes with almost every neighbour and screwed up beaurecracy...

So,it is wrong to say that we have to be grateful to them after everything their ancestors did to us...

Let's be honest...the religeous factor was already there....if anything the Brits calmed it down a bit.
India never existed before the British rule. All these empire you mentioned were empires that existed on land in Indian subcontinent. But they are not related to present day India. So its still true that British united and created India. Just like the British colonized America and created America. Both America and India gained their independence from the British.

i guess i was talking to a dumbo...go search all these empires and ou will find out they had more area covered than the present day india and the name coined for them was "bharata" somewhere in the south!!
wow ! no country can surpass yours level of fake prestige which is made up on exploitation and stealing of resources from peaceful various civilizations ,an economy made up of war ,drugs prostitution and dream ....in your world you fear aliens and hate fellow human as they are uncivilized and different human race ...your govt is a fake bullshit propaganda ,the crime your ancestors did in destroying the humanity is unmatched ask the aboriginal australians, red indians ,vietnamese ,INDIAN,africans tribes and middle east brothers,chinese infact whole world except our brave north korean brothers . Peace !
Lol, was any of that supposed to make me feel bad?
One little difference...we were colonisers...not colonised.
yes i agreed , you were exploiters and very soon we will see the end of darkness which you have created ...when the world will stop buying your nonsense .
i guess one day all asian countries will unite and terrorise USA for the sake of humanity.......
i guess i was talking to a dumbo...go search all these empires and ou will find out they had more area covered than the present day india and the name coined for them was "bharata" somewhere in the south!!

I don't believe that the Mughal Empire regard itself as the successor to any previous "Bharata" empire. Its a new empire created fromn invasion that replace an existing Muslim sultanate. It never regard itself as a successor of any previous empire in India. Because each new empire regard itself as a new nation, the present day India was created out of the British India.

i guess one day all asian countries will unite and terrorise USA for the sake of humanity.......

I'm glad most Indians do not think like you. Many smart Indians want to be an ally of the US. Are you sure you are a real Indian? You don't even know your history.

Let's be honest...the religeous factor was already there....if anything the Brits calmed it down a bit.

The British did not divided British India into Pakistan and India. Its the choice of the people. Actually, India illegally occupied princely state of Hyderabad. Read up on operation Polo to learn the illegal invasion that should be condemned and rectified.
wow ! no country can surpass yours level of fake prestige which is made up on exploitation and stealing of resources from peaceful various civilizations ,an economy made up of war ,drugs prostitution and dream ....in your world you fear aliens and hate fellow human as they are uncivilized and different human race ...your govt is a fake bullshit propaganda ,the crime your ancestors did in destroying the humanity is unmatched ask the aboriginal australians, red indians ,vietnamese ,INDIAN,africans tribes and middle east brothers,chinese infact whole world except our brave north korean brothers . Peace !

I know these British and British Origin Australians from very close, and their related superiorities in world. bluffs of publicity of Western greatness by their media..... in 2009, there were too many attacks on the international students in 2009 doing Master level studies, by locals of hardly class 6th/7th pass, and few were sent to me that time to discuss the things, why these locals were superior to the international students this way, and related greatness of Western society. and I made the statement for the Australian politicians as below:

"Bluffs of Superiority, based on publicity of greatness, without any credibility or proper educational background."

and I have lived with British and British Origin Australians for so long that whenever I find any Western ranking by their media, their publicity of greatness without any credibility, I just try to find out why they are shiits/pigs, rest, I know their level of thinking :wave:
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