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Why Ottoman Empire joined Central Powers in WWI

Vienna's defensive walls were very close to falling. The Ottomans were preparing to detonate the walls but were stopped moments before they could detonate and destroy certain areas in the walls. Had this happened Ottoman soldiers would have rushed in and overwhelmed the remaining Habsburg soldiers in the city. Had Vienna fallen, I think Venice or Milan would have been next... Or Venice may have payed off the Ottomans to not attack them and Milan would be attacked and then eventually Rome.

One thing the Turks should have done in newly conquered areas is they should have massacred a number of locals to instill fear in the new populations, the light-touch policy of the Ottomans wasn't effective in the long-term, also Ottomans should have instilled their culture and language in the local populations.

Yes we were very light , compared to other large powers. Heck we even conquered Otranto , we were going to ROME. ROME SHOULD HAVE BEEN OURS. Then we would have had the most important and historical cities in the world. Istanbul , Mecca , Medina , Jerasulem , Damascus , Rome etc

Ottoman invasion of Otranto - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Since it was only 28 years after the fall of Constantinople, there was some fear that Rome would suffer the same fate. Plans were made for the Pope and citizens of Rome to evacuate the city. Pope Sixtus IV repeated his 1471 call for a crusade. Several Italian city-states, Hungary and France responded positively to this. The Republic of Venice did not, as it had signed an expensive peace treaty with the Ottomans in 1479.
In 1481 an army was raised by king Ferdinand I of Naples to be led by his son Alphonso II of Naples. A contingent of troops was provided by king Matthias Corvinus of Hungary.
Otranto should have been reinforced and probably half the locals massacred, otherwise too many rebellions will create difficulty in controlling the city or land. A population of Turks should have been sent to Otranto to settle down there.
Otranto should have been reinforced and probably half the locals massacred, otherwise too many rebellions will create difficulty in controlling the city or land. A population of Turks should have been sent to Otranto to settle down there.

you love this massacre lol . I agree we should have sent Turks to settle in mass in areas we had.
you love this massacre lol . I agree we should have sent Turks to settle in mass in areas we had.

No I do not love massacre, I only propose because my studies of history and thought tells me that if you do not massacre to some extent, newly conquered people will rebel. You must instill fear so that the newly conquered people know who their new rulers are. Failure to control the population from the beginning will lead to problems down the road, look at Greece and Bulgaria rebellion in the Balkan wars. After generations things should normalize. So I propose massacring out of necessity not personal preference.
No I do not love massacre, I only propose because my study and thought tells me that if you do not massacre to some extent, newly conquered people will rebel, you must instill fear so that the newly conquered people know who their new rulers are. After generations things should normalize. So I propose massacring out of necessity not personal preference.

I knew what you meant :) Thats true these had happened in history . We made big mistakes in the past , big mistakes in the past affect the future.

The little things we have missed in our eyes in the past , have now become bigger than us :D
If the Turks did the same the Europeans did in America and Australia we would still own quarter of Europe. But we didn't and kept our humanity to ourselves which they don't appreciate. That is another story though.
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