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China's 294 megatons of thermonuclear deterrence

Still have doubts.... or do you have any news or links about a 50 or whatever KT Nuclear explosion near Antarctica the day Agni V was fire ?.

What is meaning of this? You made a claim that India has a 450kt thermonuclear warhead, but you don't have evidence back it up. Now you are mumbling something about Antarctica.
India only has DESIGN for a 200 kt device, not an actual one.

Such a device will be manufactured once Indian govt. removes self-imposed moratorium on testing.
What is meaning of this? You made a claim that India has a 450kt thermonuclear warhead, but you don't have evidence back it up. Now you are mumbling something about Antarctica.

Since you being as dumb as you are... read again what I said about the 450kt warhead.... Its a new design which would be used in the SLBM version of Agni V.

The Nuclear program of India is a closely guarded one and little is know... that too without any links or sources... same about the Indian SSBN/SSN/SLBM programs.
Since you being as dumb as you are... read again what I said about the 450kt warhead.... Its a new design which would be used in the SLBM version of Agni V.

Where is the evidence for this new 450kt thermonuclear warhead? I'm still waiting for it.
I'm not worried about India's tiny nuclear arsenal hitting china, I'm worried these clowns will detonate their warheads on themselves because of severe corruption.

Indian military is such a 2nd rate rag tag military as is common with all 3rd world countries, I won't be surprised if they nuke themselves through sheer incompetence.

i remember that they call china 3rd world country also :lol:;)
and for your sake no one know how many nuke china have as they always bark more then they have.
i would not be surprised by your comments. you chiks think like a bull. i am engineer from mit so let me give you some hint. baby megaton boms were 1970s story when accuracy of missile were low so to have desired result large bombs were made. with high accuracy missiles you need small sophesticated nukes and with you could have mirv to increse potency. and i know india has 200kt bomb only but their missile accuracy is finest in world - agni 3 has circular error probability of 40 meter. it is like it can hit you even in your toilet accuratly if then want. agni mk 2 re-entry vehicle is only of its kind that can maneuver as it is tailor made for 1000 kg bomb but indian bomb is only 250 kg. and rest is filled with 200 kg of liquid fuel and a motor. it has high accuracy because re entry vehicle can maneuver to target, while other countries has to put their rv in exact trajectory to reach target.

Other countries have stealthy cruise missiles of 3000 km range that can manoeuvre to any place in India including your family's bedrooms, where you dream too much. 200 kt nuclear device is what India calls a thermonuclear device, since it does not have one.
Other nations have ballistic missiles technologies India only dreams of having.
you have lowered the MIT engineering programs to such a level that if the deans of the programs hear about it, they will expel you at ounce; if you are a genuine engineer from MIT of course!!!
Actually it will manoeuver insde your*** and blow it off till your dirty brain.
Everyone knows how big is your ***, so please do hide it somewhere along your primitive brain and missiles.
Everyone also knows that your technologies if they can be called that are an amalgam of "rests" or leftovers from all over the world.
What a liar stating he is an MIT Engineer. Where did you buy your diplomas, is it the same place where you get your jobs in the US, I mean Indian heroin mobs?
You are not different from most Indians on most forums, you are boosting about missile technology while you are having problems feeding yourselves, it just doesn't sound congruent nor logical, but to a troubled mind like yours it might feed your twisted ego.
My advice is, don't believe every unverified claim you read. That 3000 nukes fantasy has its roots in an American study done by an American professor and his students. That is the same sort of ridiculous study as what Colin Powell presented at the UN when he used a university paper by some random student to justify non-existent Iraqi WMDs. It's all speculation and wishful guesstimates. You might as well speculate that India has around 3000 nukes because it needs that to counter China's supposed 3000 nukes. I find it to be retarded logic.

I just found actual PROOF that those so-called secret Chinese nukes that claimed China had upwards of 3000 nuclear warheads, is a hoax just as I've always suspected. Here is the link...

Jeffrey Lewis • Collected Thoughts on Phil Karber

...Military analyst Jeffrey Lewis, disputed those claims the same way I did here but performed actual scholarly research, along with others, into these claims. Essentially, he traced the entire chain of communication that led to the belief that China has thousands of nukes and its supporting infrastructure. He demonstrated that it is all based on absolutely NOTHING...as in NADAAA. In fact, the source of the so-called leak of China's nuclear secrets was traced back to an American military analyst from the 1980s named Bradley Hahn who had 1 of his reports on China's nuclear weapons status plagiarized by an Internet troll who created his own report to include you guessed it...2350 nuke warheads and non-existent nuclear materials processing centers. These now proven to be made up lies were then published by "The Trend" magazine, which is an anti-China dissident magazine. This myth created by this Internet troll then went on to spread around the world that the China Threat Theory propagandists are so eager to use as justification for yet more anti-China propaganda.
It's more likely that Chinese are playing the "shell game" (that's why all the tunnels) instead of manufacturing thousands of expensive missiles and warheads.

The Shell Game was a proposed MX missile deployment mode. Each of the 200 missiles would have its own oval "racetrack," ten to 15 miles long. Along every track would be 23 underground shelters. A monstrous, 180-ft.-long TEL (transporter-erector-launcher) would move the MX from one shelter to another. Alternatively, the TEL might leave the MX missile in place for a while and carry a dummy MX to another shelter or around the course. Soviet spy satellites could never be sure exactly where the missile was and thus would have to knock out all 23 shelters on each of the 200 tracks.
The MX ICBM Shell Game - YouTube
DF-31 launch from early 90's.
How many Chinese weapon designs used uranium pit? Infamous CHIC-4 design is only what comes to my mind. I remember reading years ago from a science blog (can't find it anymore) what suggested that DF-31 warhead was using uranium pit instead of plutonium.

Uranium would have some advances over plutonium, but of course there would be some cons too.
Jeffrey Lewis • Uranium Reliable Replacement Warhead (URRW)

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