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Massarce of Muslims by Burma/Myanmar state -- Rohingyas community massacre

And the people who are posing question to India should remember than Burma is an ally of China like Pakistan....So why China being the most influencial country for Burma is not doing anything??? Is any one in this forum is really thought of asking it.....

Agree with this part, China along with India, need to be pressured about Burma's Human Rights problem, no question about it. Both China and India have given this Junta the lifeline to survive and fight insurgency wars with minorities for 6 decades, now the US/West wants to jump on the bandwagon for energy exploration and other opportunities. Burma should not be given anything, till they give citizenship to Rohingya and solve their problems with other minorities like Mon, Shan, Kachin, Karen etc.
Anyways all this started with the rape and beheading of a budhist minor girl.

Stop making excuses for this barbaric act. If one German kills a Turk or a Muslim, I'm not going to butcher all Germans I see around......

If one "Muslim" guy raped and killed a girl, they should hang him upside down and naked. But leave the rest of innocent people alone.
Any one interested to see how our so called "distinguished" people think, please try going through the above link and see what these old experienced people had to say about this issue. Quite a few of them brought up Jamat, that shows Daily Star is RAW infiltrated Newspaper. Most are clueless about the real situation on the ground, as expected. None had studied the history of Burma, current demographics and know anything about internal situation in that country.

I agree about the part that Jamaat arming Rohingyas to the teeth is a fantastic lie made by God knows who.

The Daily Star is too Socialist. And I know of at least one AL chap in a prominent position in that newspaper. But anyhow, it was an interesting discussion.

The real issue that escaped all these people is that after the resolution of maritime issue in UNCLOS arbitration, the remaining one thing that Burmese want from Bangladesh is that we take in all their 800,000 remaining Rohingya. They want them out period.

Unless we do as we are told by them, they will do nothing for us. So Bangladeshi's need to sit down and figure out, what is it that they are going to about it and not make platitudes like confused dimwits.

The guy you quoted was right about the fact that no one in the international arena took our problems seriously.

Although, I do not agree with his support of denying the recent Rohingya influx. The UN did offer us $33 million in aid to support the Rohingya refugees. It was our government who refused it.

Commenting on idiocy of Hasina and her Dipu Moni in not giving shelter to refugees who are running for their lives, would be wasting of my time.

Like anyone would publicly dare criticize them :lol: They'd go straight to the gulag for that!

Bangladesh is in a very complex position as far as foreign policy, national security and military affairs go. That with limited resources while supporting an inevitably growing population!

And those two are not qualified for the job. Not even Khaleda Zia, hell she never even looked at intelligence reports :lol:
Jordan denounces killing of Muslims in Myanmar
Petra | Jul 19, 2012 | 23:31
AMMAN — Jordan on Thursday denounced the killing of Muslims in Myanmar (Burma), where thousands have died over the past two months.

Minister of State for Media Affairs and Communications and Government Spokesperson Samih Maaytah called on the international community to shoulder its responsibility in protecting civilians and preventing the death of more innocents, in addition to resolving the issue of those displaced by arriving at a national reconciliation.

Burma, renamed Myanmar in 1989, is a multi-ethnic country in Southeast Asia and around 4 to 5 per cent of its population is Muslim.
Jordan denounces killing of Muslims in Myanmar | The Jordan Times
lets not bring states here- I spoke about indian mentality, not of your government or state.

indians comments shows alot about their mentality and that is enough for me to conclude what background you people have.
you should have seen the Pakistani Comments on the thread about the UNHRC resolution thread. Then you would have realized that its a common behavior for Pakistanis to ignore kafurs getting slaughtered arround the world and they voice up only when Mulsim get killed by others.
Atleast we INDIANS despite our population density are ready to take these refugees and give them shelter during such crisis. we also give diplomatic pressure to the Barmese to end this conflict.
you should have seen the Pakistani Comments on the thread about the UNHRC resolution thread. Then you would have realized that its a common behavior for Pakistanis to ignore kafurs getting slaughtered arround the world and they voice up only when Mulsim get killed by others.
Atleast we INDIANS despite our population density are ready to take these refugees and give them shelter during such crisis. we also give diplomatic pressure to the Barmese to end this conflict.

Both Pakistan and Bangladesh already host Rohingya refugees. There are 500,000 alone in Bangladesh. Even given our population density (the highest in the world), the Burmese want to throw all of them out toward us. It is already a serious security issue for us.

India diplomatically pressured Myanmar? Source please.
Well, it doesn't say anything about India diplomatically pressuring Myanmar. It is about the visa status for the Rohingyas living in India.

Hell, if it were true, it would been news.
BURMA is a nation in the trasformation from Junta to democray, whom do you voice your concern. The JUNTA does not listen to any one as they have a command structure that decides on their own and does not talk to any one unless they need help. and Angsang Sui Ki, she does not still hold the power to control the Junta.
we have not vocally expressed any thing in the media, but we would have used our INTELIGENCE agency to talk to the right person, and at the least remember we do not interven in a soverign nations internal affires beyond a point, you should have known it when we kept quite when Tamils in SL got slaughtered.(Though its wrong to be mum)
BURMA is a nation in the trasformation from Junta to democray, whom do you voice your concern. The JUNTA does not listen to any one as they have a command structure that decides on their own and does not talk to any one unless they need help. and Angsang Sui Ki, she does not still hold the power to control the Junta.
we have not vocally expressed any thing in the media, but we would have used our INTELIGENCE agency to talk to the right person, and at the least remember we do not interven in a soverign nations internal affires beyond a point, you should have known it when we kept quite when Tamils in SL got slaughtered.(Though its wrong to be mum)


Interestingly, many members of her party do not recognize the Rohingyas as citizens. And they share the same sentiments as the Junta.

Even more interestingly, her father, General Aung San granted the Rohingyas full rights in exchange for support. That was before he was assassinated along with Abdul Razak.
U Razak - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That woman is all drama queen.
Right now,the west and the so-called Muslim world have concentrated on Syria and their money is going to buy guns for Syrian rebels.They are having their personal payoff with Syrian government.
Because of that,no one sees what is going on in Burma.Someone should hang the President of Burma upside down and all those extremist Buddhists.
Extremists in every religion are the main reason of death,blood and destruction.
I don't think India would gain anything by killing Muslims in Burma.Muslims are being killed by some nutjob Buddhist extremists.
Don't try. They see Indian's hand in everything just like we do in our case.
We will remain so for many years to come.

Indians are the master minds of killings of Muslims in Burma.
Agreed, are the culprit...wait a minutee have millions of Muslims in India and they are growing in population and other fields. Why would we try thousands of miles if we can do it right here....hmmm...silly us.

Back up your argument with facts and evidence. You are the first Pakistani poster I have seen who blamed this condition on us.

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