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Taliban carries out rare frontal attack on U.S. base in Afghanistan

From where? You know very well where those factories are..

Afghanistan itself has enough recruits. Those so called factories are already under attack by drones and result is they are still have huge presence in Afghanistan. What else would happen when you are attacking a place just because you are pissed for your failure in a war. Not going to help you win against an enemy.
That's not a blame, they caught him with his Pakistani truck it's a failure to ISI not us!

it's a possibility, since ISI isn't God (the way you think it is) and is also prone to mistakes.....how many trucks pass the border every day? Do you have any idea?

many of those trucks carry GOODS destined to your country.....all the bomb makers are already in Afghanistan. bombs are very seldom crossing the border; just fertilizer which your people keep using to build bombs
Can we keep Pakistan out of this thread, it has nothing to do with it, the Taliban are your own Afghan people; your blind hatred for Pakistan is making you go off-topic.

To the point you have dragged this topic it's now related to Pakistan, US/NATO leaving Afghanistan then why they are negotiating? for Afghanistan? hell no, the only hurdle for them is losing time to gain their interests they dreamed before attacking Afghanistan; you see Balochistan too much on the headlines these days? it's not coincidence!
it's a possibility, since ISI isn't God (the way you think it is) and is also prone to mistakes.....how many trucks pass the border every day? Do you have any idea?

many of those trucks carry GOODS destined to your country.....all the bomb makers are already in Afghanistan. bombs are very seldom crossing the border; just fertilizer which your people keep using to build bombs

Good mistake can you imagine how many people would die if that '10 tons' explosives reached it's target? last time I checked ISI agent was arrested carrying explosives in paint boxes, so basically it's not a mistake it's a daily routine..
"The Talibans have a saying 'you have the watches, we have the time'.

They're just waiting for this withdrawal to take place, and they'll be back in town."

John Bolton

Afghanistan at Risk for Civil War After U.S. Withdrawal?

To the point you have dragged this topic it's now related to Pakistan, US/NATO leaving Afghanistan then why they are negotiating? for Afghanistan? hell no, the only hurdle for them is losing time to gain their interests they dreamed before attacking Afghanistan; you see Balochistan too much on the headlines these days? it's not coincidence!

This thread is about Afghanistan & the Taliban, who are the Afghan people. Can we stick to that, rather than bringing Pakistan, Balochistan; which have nothing to do on this thread? We can talk about that on a separate thread.

You see that question mark? they are here for another decade so:

'The US have bought another watch and the Taliban have the time but a bad time'

This thread is about Afghanistan & the Taliban, who are the Afghan people. Can we stick to that, rather than bringing Pakistan, Balochistan; which have nothing to do on this thread? We can talk about that on a separate thread.

No it's about the US and the Taliban and Taliban have sanctuaries, camps in Pakistan so it does need to be dragged into this topic.
No it's about the US and the Taliban and Taliban have sanctuaries, camps in Pakistan so it does need to be dragged into this topic.

Come on there is no proof for that except what the Americans say ! The same Americans who attacked Iraq based on the same 'credible intelligence reports' !

But even if they are there, isn't it equally plausible to suggest that TTP have sanctuaries in Afghanistan ? Are you guys supporting them and we're supporting the Taliban ? Or is it because the border separating our two countries epitomizes the words 'porous' and 'unmanable' ?
You see that question mark? they are here for another decade so:

'The US have bought another watch and the Taliban have the time but a bad time'

No it's about the US and the Taliban and Taliban have sanctuaries, camps in Pakistan so it does need to be dragged into this topic.

Who is here for another decade? The US/NATO Forces? They have a military presence till 2014, & a strategic one post 2014. They won't be assisting the ANF in the line of battle like they were currently. When the Taliban attack sensitive areas of Kabul at will, their recruiting power all over the country is stronger than ever, are they really in a bad time?

When your entire country is one big Taliban sanctuary, you are worrying about a little North Waziristan region in Pakistan? Why don't you apply more outposts & checkposts at the border there to stop the infiltration (like we stop the infiltration from Afghanistan into Pakistan), instead of resorting to drone strikes (for the most part) in the border regions? Oh yeah I remember, you guys took off your border checkposts.
Come on there is no proof for that except what the Americans say ! The same Americans who attacked Iraq based on the same 'credible intelligence reports' !

But even if they are there, isn't it equally plausible to suggest that TTP have sanctuaries in Afghanistan ? Are you guys supporting them and we're supporting the Taliban ? Or is it because the border separating our two countries epitomizes the words 'porous' and 'unmanable' ?

I am man of my word, if TTP the killer of innocent Pakistanis are in Afghanistan it's our obligation to eradicate them ASAP but the fact is they are safer in FATA than Afghanistan.

USSR and today Americans say this, why? because they are fighting them and they see them crossing the border they have captured 100s of them, they have intel from inside Pakistan.
You see that question mark? they are here for another decade so:

'The US have bought another watch and the Taliban have the time but a bad time'

No it's about the US and the Taliban and Taliban have sanctuaries, camps in Pakistan so it does need to be dragged into this topic.

The Kunar province also has sanctuaries for the Anti-Pakistan groups.

Edit: you've agreed with me. Would you also agree with me that they are getting equipped from within Afghanistan so either the Indians or Nato are funding them, and hence it is futile for Pakistanis to accept that they will make any attempt to do away with them??
I am man of my word, if TTP the killer of innocent Pakistanis are in Afghanistan it's our obligation to eradicate them ASAP but the fact is they are safer in FATA than Afghanistan.

USSR and today Americans say this, why? because they are fighting them and they see them crossing the border they have captured 100s of them, they have intel from inside Pakistan.

The TTP leadership is in Kunar & Nooristan, & they have their sanctuaries there; which they use as a base to launch their cross border attacks into Pakistan.
Who is here for another decade? The US/NATO Forces? They have a military presence till 2014, & a strategic one post 2014. They won't be assisting the ANF in the line of battle like they were currently. When the Taliban attack sensitive areas of Kabul at will, their recruiting power all over the country is stronger than ever, are they really in a bad time?

When your entire country is one big Taliban sanctuary, you are worrying about a little North Waziristan region in Pakistan? Why don't you apply more outposts & checkposts at the border there to stop the infiltration (like we stop the infiltration from Afghanistan into Pakistan), instead of resorting to drone strikes (for the most part) in the border regions? Oh yeah I remember, you guys took off your border checkposts.

Strategic pact was signed by Obama and security pact will be signed in July keep your self updated! and we don't need them fight by our side, all we need is training and equipment we are better in killing.

We took off barely 4 or 6 border check posts in early 2011 and they are restored back in 2012.

We are not worrying about any place in Pakistan all I said was an answer to your question for negotiations with Taliban.

The Kunar province also has sanctuaries for the Anti-Pakistan groups.

Edit: you've agreed with me. Would you also agree with me that they are getting equipped from within Afghanistan so either the Indians or Nato are funding them, and hence it is futile for Pakistanis to accept that they will make any attempt to do away with them??

They aren't in Afghanistan at first place, secondly why would mullah's get equipment from Hindus?

The TTP leadership is in Kunar & Nooristan, & they have their sanctuaries there; which they use as a base to launch their cross border attacks into Pakistan.

Any official prove to what you said?
I am man of my word, if TTP the killer of innocent Pakistanis are in Afghanistan it's our obligation to eradicate them ASAP but the fact is they are safer in FATA than Afghanistan.

USSR and today Americans say this, why? because they are fighting them and they see them crossing the border they have captured 100s of them, they have intel from inside Pakistan.

How could they be safer in FATA then in Afghanistan when the Pakistan Army is present in most of the agencies or has cleared most of them ?

Any incontrovertible evidence to suggest that 'they've been crossing over from Pakistan with sanctuaries in Pakistan' ? Why doesn't USA take Pakistan to the ICJ to put an end to this once and for all ?
Strategic pact was signed by Obama and security pact will be signed in July keep your self updated!

What's your point? It's been agreed in principle.

and we don't need them fight by our side, all we need is training and equipment we are better in killing.

I think you do. Almost every Taliban attack the ANF has repelled has been assisted by the NATO helicopters, one way or the other.

We took off barely 4 or 6 border check posts in early 2011 and they are restored back in 2012.

Good mistake can you imagine how many people would die if that '10 tons' explosives reached it's target? last time I checked ISI agent was arrested carrying explosives in paint boxes, so basically it's not a mistake it's a daily routine..

yeah to you people any Pashtun with a gun or who is livid of NATO presence is an ISI agent....:laugh:
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