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Saudi official injured in brawl at Islamabad airport

Why are you guys so obsessed with this story?
Whether its the Saudi or the Pakistani fault it doesn't matter. No country is being humiliated, its just a fight in an airport. I didn't know us Saudis command that much attention in Pakistan. People talking about diplomatic relations!WTF!
The question is why hasn't authorities released CCTV footage? Something to hide probably...
Anyway, with the low pay & horrible conditions, the security guys most likely snapped & lashed out at the poor man and his son.
Note to self, don't visit Pakistan...
Oh wait I was never planning too:P
Oh wait I was never planning too:P

Good don't bother. Knowing Pakistani govt there is just as good a reason as protecting the ASF personal as suggested by you they may not release the video cos it shows Sauds in a bad light

I have watched this thread weave itself off topic and then back on topic.

1. I have stated that we must show support for our security personnel unless it can be shown that he used disproportional force. Note Arabs come to Pakistan for training. No doubt we teach our security to use restraint and proportionate force in the cause of their duty

2. The second thing that we can take note of is it would appear further anecdotal evidence that some Saudis are racists and hold Pakistan and Pakistanis in contempt. I mean this was not an uneducated Bedouin on a camel but an officer in the Saudi Air Force. I am surprised that any on here defend this Saud in the absence of evidence. Would a sane person can go into any country insult it's nationals, raise a hand at security officials and expect the security official to just ignore him.
Oh shut up and stop derailing the thread. You know the rules start a new thread and I will come and wipe the floor in any debate with you.

Back to topic. If all officers behaved in this manner some Arabs would not call Pakistanis and Pakistan derogatory names and look down upon us. I know some are suggesting its not an Arab thing but it is they on the whole exude a lack of class and would be better of with camels in the desert than in civilised company

Oh yesterday u were preaching tolerance which is quite obvious from ur attitude.....Any how it shows your mentality
definitely agree with first part of your post.......

by the way, in any country if some official were struck his immediate reaction may be to strike back in defence.......at least he didnt pull out a service pistol or anything like that

incidents like these are very unfortunate though, i hope it would never repeat again

I know what you are trying to say, I am not defending arab here. All i afraid is this type of boost and encouragement to already UNPROFESSIONAL & CORRUPT institution will have serious impact on common Pakistanis traveling. We are educating that ASF can take law it's own hands and give justice on spot, isn't it? If a person dressed in Shalwar Kameez wearing Chapal going to do labor already have to face ill treatment by ASF and on his way back after 3-4 years when that poor man is bringing some gifts for his family than again he have to bribe them to go out, on other hand a wife of politician/bureaucrat will go without paying any customs on her expensive shopping. I don't see that from now onwards Goras and Royal families of Pakistan will be stopped on check points and will behave well, all i see is that ASF will be more charged to be rough with people like me who are not accompanied by security or any ASF/CAA official.

I know we Pakistanis are hot-headed but it shouldn't be case with our professional institution - when someone is acting to get personal revenge than he is clearly violating the obligation of his profession. From the detail - all i can figure out that he didn't slapped him when he was abusing Pakistan or Pakistani nation but he acted when he was slapped. So, he clearly acted on his own insult not for Pakistan.

And we must not forget that we are proud on our hospitality and don't raise our hand on someone who come to our home - It would have been worst than slap for this arab if they had put him in jail and he have to spend couple of days with prisoners of "servants" and after that deported with ban on re-entry. I don't feel any proud on thrashing any foreigner in my home - there are examples where Pakistanis have taught good lessons to these kind of idiots on their own land.

There is a famous saying "Apni gali mai tu K-utta bhi shair hota hai"
Why are you guys so obsessed with this story?
Whether its the Saudi or the Pakistani fault it doesn't matter. No country is being humiliated, its just a fight in an airport. I didn't know us Saudis command that much attention in Pakistan. People talking about diplomatic relations!WTF!
The question is why hasn't authorities released CCTV footage? Something to hide probably...
Anyway, with the low pay & horrible conditions, the security guys most likely snapped & lashed out at the poor man and his son.
Note to self, don't visit Pakistan...
Oh wait I was never planning too:P

refer to my posts and fellow Pakistani posts on this who agree that the level of force used against the Saudi individual was excessive and unjustified.

answer to few questions you raised.

after supporting or opposing the act of the ASF if we had stopped at that then this thread would have died out in fisrt 3 or 4 pages.
so some of us brought in the political aspect
the over all behavior of Saudi authorities and employers with Pakistanis in Saudia
and then the sectarian aspect and the fatwas started flowing

if some of us justified the ASF act then people were branded Shia or Ahmedi etc. likewise the other group that was siding with the Saudi individual or Saudi regime in general was branded a wahabi and Saudi slave.

all of this above was irrelevant and unjustified. like I said in my previous posts I dont care about the nationality of the person and how Pakistanis are treated in his country. the issue was the unprofessional conduct of the ASF, CCTV footage will just confirm what we already see in the picture.

the guy has been beaten up in front of his son and so badly. we all have missed that aspect. its the most humiliating aspect of all. this is something what Israelis and American occupation forces do to us, they humiliate us in front of our family, these psychological scars are far more deeper than the physical wounds. I dont know if in the process his son also got beaten up or not because its not covered in the report.

CCTV might show that the Saudi traveler was out of the line, aggressive and abusive but thats where the training and professionalism of a security force comes in who is supposed to deescalate the situation, not take it to next level. simple gripping and restraining with a help of few colleagues would have brought down the rowdy individual.

I am sorry I am repeating what I have said already. but bottom-line for me is that the level of force used by ASF staff was unjustified against the unarmed passenger an apology is in order and the people involved need to be removed from active duty and sent on a training course to properly conduct themselves. because both the domestic and other foreign passengers can have the same experience at their hands.

they must exhibit that they are not American thugs with twitchy fingers manning a checkpost in occupied Iraq or Afghanistan but the fellow citizens doing their duty to protect the passengers and the airport.

for the rest of the people who like to brand others Shia , Rafidi, Wahabi or Ahmedi.. please quit it. this is not a fatwa forum and Pakistan is neither Iran or Saudi Arabia and never will be insha-Allah.
those who cant accept that fact and conspire against us get the drone therapy and get pooped in the forehead eventually no matter how close they live near the military academy or the red house of God in the capital.
Attack on Saudi officer condemned
Friday 1 June 2012
Saudi Ambassador to Pakistan Abdul Aziz Alghadeer yesterday strongly condemned the attack on a Saudi military officer by nine Airport Security Force (ASF) members at Benazir Bhutto International Airport and described it as a criminal attack.
Speaking to Arab News by telephone, Alghadeer said Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari and a number of ministers had contacted him to express their condemnation of the attack on Col. Shukri Al-Shahri, who was seriously injured as a result of the beating.
The ambassador denied Pakistani media reports that ASF members reacted when the Saudi man abused one of them. “Even if what they are saying is true, they should have followed the law and taken other measures instead of badly beating him,” Alghadeer said.
“I would not accept an attack on any Saudi in Pakistani territory. We have asked Pakistani authorities to try the attackers and provide us with the result of the court verdict,” he said.
The ambassador said he visited the airport soon after receiving a call from the officer. “Blood was flowing from his face as a result of injuries caused by the attack,” he said, adding that the ASF personnel had also attacked the Saudi officer’s son.
“I contacted Pakistani security authorities from the airport and informed them about the incident,” he said. The embassy recorded the names of ASF members who attacked the officer. “We took the officer to a government hospital to get a medical report before taking him to a private hospital for treatment.” Alghadeer said the officer’s condition has improved
If the ASF story is true than it's a display of nonprofessionalism from both sides.

P.S - Like the tough stance taken by the Saudi embassy.....shows that they care about their citizen's.
Anyway, with the low pay & horrible conditions, the security guys most likely snapped & lashed out at the poor man and his son.
Note to self, don't visit Pakistan...

I for one , do not think that the Saudi military trainee was the only one heading for International Departure :P
Bottom line no one can mess in your country. It would have been most appropriate he was moved in preventative custody for 24hrs. Should have given a very clear message.
Physically assaulting an officer in duty, the Arab should be happy he isn't serving jail time.
Why is everyone crying about " the ASF shouldn't have resorted to violence, restrained himself etc".

It's something called the heat of the moment.
In any civilized country, and especially what I experience here in the Netherlands myself, even touch a man in uniform slightly, and you'll face a good trial in court, with countless accusations thrown at you.
It's a very stupid thing to do.

He should be happy he only got a beating, and that the Pak Govt licks SA's heels, otherwise this individual would've had much more to worry about.

We do not live in a dreamworld where force is not necessary.
Look around you, go out, there are plenty of people who CANNOT be restrained by minor force or mere words.
You need to take it up a notch, that is a fact of life, and we all can sit here and discuss this through the internet, pretending to be very civilised criticizing the ASF officer, but the fact is, in reality, a situation can get out of hand quickly, and one has to take responsibility and matters into own hand, which the ASF officer did.
Why are you guys so obsessed with this story?
Whether its the Saudi or the Pakistani fault it doesn't matter. No country is being humiliated, its just a fight in an airport. I didn't know us Saudis command that much attention in Pakistan. People talking about diplomatic relations!WTF!
The question is why hasn't authorities released CCTV footage? Something to hide probably...
Anyway, with the low pay & horrible conditions, the security guys most likely snapped & lashed out at the poor man and his son.
Note to self, don't visit Pakistan...
Oh wait I was never planning too:P

seems that it's you who is now becoming emotional

first of all this was at the Islamabad airport -- the officials there i dont know what their salary figures are (maybe you can tell me?) but they dont exactly work in poor conditions.......maybe your side should be more careful next time about who it sends.
an Air Force official (of any country) --- in that field you have to be a calm, composed, rational and calculated individual. This guy was obviously not fit for his rank or his uniform. You don't slap and verbally abuse airport officials. Maybe he learned now that it was not a wise decision.

as for CCTV footage - yes i think it should be released....perhaps the Saudi embassy itself would request that the video not be made public, to spare itself the embarassment.

but in the end i dont think anything major will come out of it.....what happened has happened, so in the future hopefully no such thing would repeat again.

refer to my posts and fellow Pakistani posts on this who agree that the level of force used against the Saudi individual was excessive and unjustified.

answer to few questions you raised.

after supporting or opposing the act of the ASF if we had stopped at that then this thread would have died out in fisrt 3 or 4 pages.
so some of us brought in the political aspect
the over all behavior of Saudi authorities and employers with Pakistanis in Saudia
and then the sectarian aspect and the fatwas started flowing

if some of us justified the ASF act then people were branded Shia or Ahmedi etc. likewise the other group that was siding with the Saudi individual or Saudi regime in general was branded a wahabi and Saudi slave.

all of this above was irrelevant and unjustified. like I said in my previous posts I dont care about the nationality of the person and how Pakistanis are treated in his country. the issue was the unprofessional conduct of the ASF, CCTV footage will just confirm what we already see in the picture.

the guy has been beaten up in front of his son and so badly. we all have missed that aspect. its the most humiliating aspect of all. this is something what Israelis and American occupation forces do to us, they humiliate us in front of our family, these psychological scars are far more deeper than the physical wounds. I dont know if in the process his son also got beaten up or not because its not covered in the report.

CCTV might show that the Saudi traveler was out of the line, aggressive and abusive but thats where the training and professionalism of a security force comes in who is supposed to deescalate the situation, not take it to next level. simple gripping and restraining with a help of few colleagues would have brought down the rowdy individual.

I am sorry I am repeating what I have said already. but bottom-line for me is that the level of force used by ASF staff was unjustified against the unarmed passenger an apology is in order and the people involved need to be removed from active duty and sent on a training course to properly conduct themselves. because both the domestic and other foreign passengers can have the same experience at their hands.

they must exhibit that they are not American thugs with twitchy fingers manning a checkpost in occupied Iraq or Afghanistan but the fellow citizens doing their duty to protect the passengers and the airport.

for the rest of the people who like to brand others Shia , Rafidi, Wahabi or Ahmedi.. please quit it. this is not a fatwa forum and Pakistan is neither Iran or Saudi Arabia and never will be insha-Allah.
those who cant accept that fact and conspire against us get the drone therapy and get pooped in the forehead eventually no matter how close they live near the military academy or the red house of God in the capital.

good points, as always
He got what he deserves.
these saudis and UAE'S treat alot of pakistanis with disrespect.
a year ago back at college my Iraqi friend told me how one time a group of arab in dubai were slapping a pakistani and the poor guy told the authority and they simply laughed at him.

what is funny is how they called Persian's racists and how we think we are superior, yet they are the ones going around acting like they are better in day light. it is pathetic, I hope next time their heads get broken.
He got what he deserves.
these saudis and UAE'S treat alot of pakistanis with disrespect.

My lot is called " مسكين " which means somebody " who's really poor and has no one to take care of " ... That is how they treat my fellow countrymen in Gulf countries in their day to day lives thinking they are superior ! Not only the Pakistanis , A few months ago even Egyptians were protesting against the treatment being meted out to their nationals working in KSA ...
My lot is called " مسكين " which means somebody " who's really poor and has no one to take care of " ... That is how they treat my fellow countrymen in Gulf countries in their day to day lives thinking they are superior ! Not only the Pakistanis , A few months ago even Egyptians were protesting against the treatment being meted out to their nationals working in KSA ...

you should see how the saudis get treated here in the UK :lol::lol:
My lot is called " مسكين " which means somebody " who's really poor and has no one to take care of " ... That is how they treat my fellow countrymen in Gulf countries in their day to day lives thinking they are superior ! Not only the Pakistanis , A few months ago even Egyptians were protesting against the treatment being meted out to their nationals working in KSA ...

Yet we have a small minority that still wishes to pay deference to them in Pakistan, but its good times are changing as that Saudi officer found abusing people can get you in trouble.

To be honest what I would be worried is about the Saudi officer's judgement I mean he is supposed to be a pilot? Cool under attack not
He got what he deserves.
these saudis and UAE'S treat alot of pakistanis with disrespect.
a year ago back at college my Iraqi friend told me how one time a group of arab in dubai were slapping a pakistani and the poor guy told the authority and they simply laughed at him.

what is funny is how they called Persian's racists and how we think we are superior, yet they are the ones going around acting like they are better in day light. it is pathetic, I hope next time their heads get broken.

Pakistanis do get slapped in Pakistan as well.

But, why all of hate brigade is stressing on general treatment of Pakistanis in middleast?

If Pakistanis are mistreated in middleast than it is because our embassy officials are traitors.

Waiting for revenge until a Saudi visit Pakistan is a wrong approach and shall not be preached.

I also believe Saudis had been visiting Pakistan in previous regimes also but no such incident ever popped in history.

the guy has been beaten up in front of his son and so badly. we all have missed that aspect. its the most humiliating aspect of all. this is something what Israelis and American occupation forces do to us, they humiliate us in front of our family, these psychological scars are far more deeper than the physical wounds. I dont know if in the process his son also got beaten up or not because its not covered in the report.
Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/strate...brawl-islamabad-airport-22.html#ixzz1wgFQ6c4v

What shall i say to those who are celebrating from the page1, deplorable indeed.

you should see how the saudis get treated here in the UK :lol::lol:

What shall we do with this piece of information?

I for one , do not think that the Saudi military trainee was the only one heading for International Departure :P

So.. which other International flight was departing at the same time?

Sorry, your wits are inappropriate! :disagree:
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