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Arab - India Relations

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Arabs from my experience only understand greed and self-preservation.
You wonder why they recognize and do much more business with India than Pakistan? Because India is the future and they don't care who they have to stomp on to be a part of that future.

It does not matter to them that Pakistanis are part of the "Ummah", nor the fact that Pakistanis share their hatred out of a misguided feeling of brotherhood, nor that India is Pakistan's sword enemy.

They will sell you out to India if they feel it would be beneficial, don't doubt that.

Though they did much good for Pakistan already, look at all the peaceful Salafists/Wahabis in Pakistan today, helping Pakistan become a greater nation with one dead Pakistani child at a time.

I cannot believe I heard these words of wisdom from an Israeli! I will hold you people in high regards compared to these Arabs from now on. Definitely there is a reason why Israel is the leader of middle east. God is fair to you people.

Sorry, had to post the appreciation twice!:toast_sign::toast_sign::toast_sign:
Please clarify which people?

I guess it couldn't be more obvious.

Anyway, guys stick to the topic, no malicious was directed to Pakistanis, and I have never claimed the India is an enemy to change my mind now. After all, not a single word was mentioned against Pakistan, so why are u so insecure?
Come on Indian friends, take part of the topic related discussion and ignore the trolls.
BLACKEAGLE seems to have successfully trolled many Pakistani members here
How can I say this, It was bound to happen that arabs sooner or later will get irritated by some posters.

1. First relations between Pakistan and America plumeted to bottom,
2. As these relations went down, so the POV of Pakistani posters changed and changed radically after Salala incident (which is absolutely right) towards US (It became number one enemy or atleast equal to India)
3. But Bad/Good thing was most of posters started idolizing Iran (its stubborn attitude towards US)
4. The sideeffect of 3rd point was that the American allies arabs, Turkey were started to be called as american lapdogs
5. The major sideeffect was arabs being targeted (seeing over the posts for last three months) for wahabism, terrorism in Pakistan, some terms related camel) and accusation that they sided with Israel and thrown Palestines to wolves (even some Proarab members turned not so proarab)
6. The arabs were then becoming defensive and started counterattacking and result is this thread.
Have to agree on that. Jews definitely have more experience and history dealing with these Arabs than we non-Arabs. They knew the thing which I, a non-Arab, learnt only after embarking on this forum. I would take their experience over that of a few juvenile posters here.

Not meaning to be offensive to anyone but I am in UK and I have done biz with Israelis and Arabs not a lot so I would not want to generalize but I enjoyed doing biz with Israelis they seemed much more and they seemed straight forward people.

Arabs from my experience only understand greed and self-preservation.
You wonder why they recognize and do much more business with India than Pakistan? Because India is the future and they don't care who they have to stomp on to be a part of that future.

It does not matter to them that Pakistanis are part of the "Ummah", nor the fact that Pakistanis share their hatred out of a misguided feeling of brotherhood, nor that India is Pakistan's sword enemy.

They will sell you out to India if they feel it would be beneficial, don't doubt that.

Though they did much good for Pakistan already, look at all the peaceful Salafists/Wahabis in Pakistan today, helping Pakistan become a greater nation with one dead Pakistani child at a time.

Not often i agree with your sentiments - but i think you have hit the nail on the head. Please read this post and i think you will all agree the intention of the OP has been clearly exposed. A classic case of back firing and busted...
Where is Ptex? :D

Where is Ptex:what::what::what::what::what:

do you know that India and Egypt were the founding of biggest diplomatic hypocrisy in the world called NAM.

And India's relationship with Israel improved only when Socialist were kicked out of power in Delhi (P.V. Narshima Rao was a congressman but not a socialist) and we set up diplomatic relations only in 1992.

Furthermore support here does not means military support.
Not often i agree with your sentiments - but i think you have hit the nail on the head. Please read this post and i think you will all agree the intention of the OP has been clearly exposed. A classic case of back firing and busted...

Why is it so hard to piece together why IbnAlwaleed, Mosa, BG and BlackEagle aren't so Pro-Pakistan anymore ? And that the shame isn't theres its ours...!
I guess it's could be more obvious.

Anyway, guys stick to the topic, no malicious was directed to Pakistanis, and I have never claimed the India is an enemy to change my mind now. After all, not a single word was mentioned against Pakistan, so why are u so insecure?
Come on Indian friends, take part of the topic related discussion and ignore the trolls.

We have fought four wars with them so obviously when you say some people are jealous the first guess is...... :agree:
Not often i agree with your sentiments - but i think you have hit the nail on the head. Please read this post and i think you will all agree the intention of the OP has been clearly exposed. A classic case of back firing and busted...

And you're a "THINK THANK"?

Okay, look at the first sentence Pete posted.

Arabs from my experience only understand greed and self-preservation.

Are we Pakistanis (our leaders) not into greed and self-preservation?
Not meaning to be offensive to anyone but I am in UK and I have done biz with Israelis and Arabs not a lot so I would not want to generalize but I enjoyed doing biz with Israelis they seemed much more and they seemed straight forward people

Mate, I told you about my experience in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv already! We are still learning. Jews have dealt with these people for thousands of years and who could know them better than them!:toast_sign:
Guys we are humans and we share and cherish this small planet, if we destroy this planet over rage for our pety differences then we do not deserve the beauty of this planet.
thow your differences and make friends and respect each other for what they are and do not character assasinate some one for which race they belong too
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