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US warns Pakistan of ‘multiple repercussions’

It is not a question of whether Pakistan opens up the routes but how soon........ :smokin:
It is not a question of whether Pakistan opens up the routes but how soon........ :smokin:

Well, I thought they would remain closed for only 30 days, and I was wrong. It has been six months already. It may be that the ongoing closure is a given and everyone will work around it.
Brinkmanship to the extreme. Something has to give. I can see Pakistan is in the process of blinking first here. Pakistan defence minister has already set the ball in motion!!
Well, I thought they would remain closed for only 30 days, and I was wrong. It has been six months already. It may be that the ongoing closure is a given and everyone will work around it.

That was US time frame to let the things cool down on pakistani side......... now for US its time for Pakistan to open up the routes or face consequences.
That was US time frame to let the things cool down on pakistani side......... now for US its time for Pakistan to open up the routes or face consequences.

nope, it's time to continue to keep them closed and let US continue to face consequences.

We're already facing consequences, majority of the aid US gives isn't distributed to the public or those in need, it's shared by the officials and higher ups - so taking away the aid won't do anything.

What more consequences are there to face? Attack the country for not opening the routes? Economic sanctions? I doubt it.

Americans have the most powerful army in the world and the most military spending, they should be able to fend for themselves.
That was US time frame to let the things cool down on pakistani side......... now for US its time for Pakistan to open up the routes or face consequences.

It is also likely that USA may use the ongoing blockade to put pressures elsewhere that will serve its longer term goals much better.
US warns Pakistan of ‘multiple repercussions’


Islamabad: The US has now threatened Pakistan with ‘multiple repercussions’, if the six-month-long blockade of NATO supplies is not lifted, Pakistani officials have said.

US warns Pakistan of

Could be that some greedy Pakistani officials want to lift the blockade so they can get American dollars.
i think the damages incurred to us by NATO in terms of economy and infrastructure should be directly billed to gulf Arabs because it is their ideology we are trying to wipe today.
Unlike your ministry of warnings they do take actions most of the times . Afgan,Iraq,Libiya are recent examples .

You seem proud of the massacres and crimes committed by the U.S. It's not about who is more powerful, it's about who is RIGHT. At least that's how normal human beings think.
I long for the day when countries that are "warned" by the U.S. will simply reply by saying "f*** you", and just go on with their lives. We can learn from Venezuela, Iran, Cuba.. apparently it's not impossible.

You can also add N Korea, and the list of countries being ruled by dictators would go on........ :agree:

You seem proud of the massacres and crimes committed by the U.S. It's not about who is more powerful, it's about who is RIGHT. At least that's how normal human beings think.

What was the name of the country that came to the rescue when Muslims were being massacred in Bosnia? Apparently that wasn't the "right thing to do"......... :pop:
What was the name of the country that came to the rescue when Muslims were being massacred in Bosnia? Apparently that wasn't the "right thing to do"......... :pop:

The intervention in Bosnia and Kosova was more about fighting a proxy war with the Soviets/Russians than helping Muslims per se.
Lo., you really dont understand politics, dont ya, boy?
China defeated India in 1962!! Under the cover of the infamous Cuban Missile Crisis when the world was on the verge of a nuclear war! Immediately after the crisis was resolved China withdrew all its forces back into the barracks. That in any books is NOT called a victory!
67 and 87 incidents OTOH are defined as victories because they achieved the objectives of Indian armed forces, which was to STOP Chinese aggression. Period.

Again, you just cemented your ignorance of such matters. Enjoy your payday, boy.

in 1962 we kicked your a$$, 1967 we kicked your a$$, 1987 we kicked your a$$.
that is why you built missiles like agni V, because of all those defeats at the hands of us. your sh*t scared you will get humiliated again.
india was the aggressor and we punished you and defended the peace.
indians just dont know how to win wars, thats why the british fully colonized you for 300 years.
Kiddo , you seem to have been taught an alternate version of history ... The point you are trying to make by bringing " Cuban missile crisis " , is known as " strategy " throughout the world ... Trust me , every country makes use of it ... If you were so keen to fight and take back your areas , why did you accept ceasefire ? Everybody knows an unilateral ceasefire is unbinding on other party ... What is called " victory " in your books ? Loosing Aksai Chin ( 38,000 km2 ) , Demchok and tracts of land in AP along with heavy causalities to the extent that PLA was marching upto Tezpur ? :azn: Chinese claimed those areas and took it ... Hell they even captured AP which was returned only after the ceasefire ... Thank them ! ... Its ironic that Indians still have the nerve to brag about some incidents or skirmishes ending in " Status Quo Ante Bellum " :rofl: Did you take back Aksai Chin in '67 or '87 ? :azn:
Ha, good old "strategy"! Apparently the meaning seems to be lost upon you. Anywho, if you'd care to read up history of the region, you would know that neither the British nor the Maharaja of Kashmir had actual control over that forsaken area. China did not militarily "win" Aksai Chin. Demchok is under Indian control, just FYI.
As for Arunachal Pradesh, it was indeed a military humiliation for India - an act of paranoia by Mao who was convinced that SU, US and India had expansionist agenda vis-a-vis China. However, if they claimed AP why is that they went back into their barracks immediately after the world's attention was relieved when Cuban crisis was resolved? Cold feet, eh? And oh, there was no ceasefire 'agreement' by the belligerants. China unilaterally declared ceasefire when the Cuban missile crisis was over and pulled back its troops. And you call that a "victory"? Noice standards, you have there kid.
India, otoh, stopped Chinese aggression during both 67 and 87 incidents. Due to Indian action, China knew it would be prudent to contain the skirmish and realized it was in its best interest not to aggravate the situation. Objectives achieved for India.

in 1962 we kicked your a$$, 1967 we kicked your a$$, 1987 we kicked your a$$.
that is why you built missiles like agni V, because of all those defeats at the hands of us. your sh*t scared you will get humiliated again.
india was the aggressor and we punished you and defended the peace.
indians just dont know how to win wars, thats why the british fully colonized you for 300 years.
Do you have Clown training schools in China? You must be their Star Student!!

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