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'Huge Afghanistan attack foiled'

With everything going on we hear a lot of hope from the Afghans. Good stuff and hopefully they make their own way when NATO leaves.
ANSF today controls 50% of Afghanistan and Afghans are very optimistic by their abilities in countering terrorist activities, most of opium farming is by warlords and warlords have support from NATO and government it is a fair blame against Taliban! as NATO leave and new government forms (2014 election) these scums will have no place to live in Afghanistan.

Taliban are currently negotiating and they know there is no chance of victory by force, political compromise is good and fruitful for everyone. There are only 2 major factions fighting against US and Afghan government 'Taliban' and 'Hezb Islami' and fortunately Hezb Islami's peace negotiators came last week to Kabul and met Karzai and every other political personalities and previously they had given their strategy of peace and Afghan government is working with them closely. Hezb Islam is running by Gul Buddin Hekmatyar and in the current government they have 35% seat is parliament, 3 ministries, 8 foreign offices and a lot of governors and deputy governors along with many military and police commanders so in case if Allah wills this group comes to accept peace the already damaged momentum of Taliban will collapse and than the Afghan government could call Taliban as the true enemies of Afghans and Afghanistan and to date Afghan government has called Taliban 'brothers' not enemies!

How can you say the bolded part while sitting in the home while a soldier who traveled more than 3000 KM in Afghanistan says Most of the Afghanistan is under insurgent control?
For Indians and Afghans, everything is ISI. Afghanistan is all peaceful, there is no occupation there, its all success but ISI goes there to spoil their party.

I would urge Afghans to come out of their life of illusions. Its amazing how good is NDS that they immediately know it was ISI and ISI is so stupid that it leaves its fingerprints behind. Can you imagine a premier intelligence agency doing that?

Afghans have a right to resist occupation. If Afghans are targeting foreigners, they are doing a noble thing. I would think those who impose wars in foreign lands will agree that if they are occupied by foreign armies, they will do the same.

But its equally important for those to consider their future who are seen as collaborators of the occupation.

Only the Taliban and thier supporters consider the ISAF to be occupation forces. And an occupation does not start to withdraw it's forces when the said country asks it to.

Your negativity and criticism of the story reveals your love and support for the Taliban. And notice the majority of those caught were Pakistani not Afghans.

I would be interested to know the type of explosives found. Since military and commercial grade explosives are not that hard to trace.
Only the Taliban and thier supporters consider the ISAF to be occupation forces. And an occupation does not start to withdraw it's forces when the said country asks it to.

Your negativity and criticism of the story reveals your love and support for the Taliban. And notice the majority of those caught were Pakistani not Afghans.

I would be interested to know the type of explosives found. Since military and commercial grade explosives are not that hard to trace.

You have a point Thomas but end of the day the Afghans dont exactly welcome invaders with rose petals either. And knowing how easy it is to play on both side of the border it is not surprising that many afghans have pakistani identity docuements and many Pakistanis have Afghani identity documents. And yet many more of them have both.
This operation as usual was planned by Haqqani group but the Pakistani link is all based on speculations due to Pakistani origin of explosives (most likely Urea) and Pakistani license plates on the trucks..obviously the trucks were moving goods from Pak to Afghanistan so they are ought to be Pakistani truck. Rest everything is based on heresy....a yellow journalism effort to further isolate Pakistan from Afghanistan.
With everything going on we hear a lot of hope from the Afghans. Good stuff and hopefully they make their own way when NATO leaves.

The title should be HOW TO DECLARE A LOST WAR AS VICTORY.I would love to believe this delusional propaganda but ground realities are far from this.
Only the Taliban and thier supporters consider the ISAF to be occupation forces. And an occupation does not start to withdraw it's forces when the said country asks it to.

ISAF isn't leaving cause they want to they are leaving cause they have lost the war giving it a spin or different angle does not change the reality.

Your negativity and criticism of the story reveals your love and support for the Taliban. And notice the majority of those caught were Pakistani not Afghans.

we have Millions of afghans living in Pakistan for over 30 years second this is news is given by just visiting afghan mayor of Kabul party even when he cant go to toilet he blames Pakistan for it.

I would be interested to know the type of explosives found. Since military and commercial grade explosives are not that hard to trace.

well as soon as the Afghan just visiting Mayor can buy some from some where you will get to see them.
I would be interested to know the type of explosives found. Since military and commercial grade explosives are not that hard to trace.

It was ammonium nitrate, not really an explosive, but key ingredient for IEDs apparently.
You have a point Thomas but end of the day the Afghans dont exactly welcome invaders with rose petals either. And knowing how easy it is to play on both side of the border it is not surprising that many afghans have pakistani identity documents and many Pakistanis have Afghani identity documents. And yet many more of them have both.

Do you think People crossed the border from Pakistan to carry out terrorist attacks in Afghanistan with all their identification papers and visa stamped on it.
This is nothing more then a propaganda against Pakistan are you that slow to understand that do us all a favor don't help.
By the grace of God our security forces are becoming stronger day by day - this is the second biggest attack by terrorists in which they are failed!

fikar mat ker kake, just relax and enjoy the show, its just started, wait for the real show till american evacuation then every traitor esp hamid kerzai will be dealth like a traitor
It was ammonium nitrate, not really an explosive, but key ingredient for IEDs apparently.

Also key ingredient to be used for farming and its not a banned substance.

fikar mat ker kake, just relax and enjoy the show, its just started, wait for the real show till american evacuation then every traitor esp hamid kerzai will be dealth like a traitor

But this time our border will be closed to the just visiting mayor of Kabul no more stay in Quetta he and his friends and family is welcome to go any where else i guess he can get on the same plane Indians consulate staff will be using.
fikar mat ker kake, just relax and enjoy the show, its just started, wait for the real show till american evacuation then every traitor esp hamid kerzai will be dealth like a traitor

2014 will bring mayhem for Pakistan, not Afghanistan. Americans will still have their presence in Afghanistan even after 2014. when Americans and their NATO ally won't be needing Pakistan any more and will starve Pakistan even for a single dollar for their double game. When Chinese could not help North Korea in Sanctions, same is true for Pakistan. Just prepare youself for the worst. Yesterday, World Bank approved $1.8 billion loan where nato countries and ally have 50%+ votes.
Do you think People crossed the border from Pakistan to carry out terrorist attacks in Afghanistan with all their identification papers and visa stamped on it.
This is nothing more then a propaganda against Pakistan are you that slow to understand that do us all a favor don't help.
The terrorists were speaking in front of the media about their name,which village they came from,which tribe they each belong etc..If it is a lie it can be easily found out and debunked.
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