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Ancient Africa's Black Kingdoms


#1 African History - The Nok

#2 African History - Ile Ife
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Arabs Aryans? Hahaha! True Iranian Aryans:







Ancient Africa's Black Kingdoms


#1 African History - The Nok

#2 African History - Ile Ife
i am not racist and i defend africa but for someone to qustion your ancastors and say like many ignorent people say that the people of ancant egypt are gone and that we are arabs then i wont just shut up and let him
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African Civilizations Part 2: Nigeria

When Black Ruled The World
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i am not racist and i defend africa but for someone to qustion your ancastors and say like many ignorent people say that the people of ancant egypt are gone and that we are arabs then i wont just shut up and let him
We are Africans, and ancient Egyptian civilization is an African civilization, not necessary black.

DNA studies on modern Egyptians. Egypt has experienced several invasions during its history. However, these do not seem to account for more than about 10% overall of the ancestry of current Egyptians when the DNA evidence of the ancient mitochondrial DNA and modern Y chromosomes is considered. While Afrocentrists such as Ivan van Sertima argue that the Egyptians were primarily Africoid before the many conquests of Egypt diluted the Africanity of the Egyptian people,[29] other scholars such as Frank Yurco believe that Modern Egyptians are largely representative of the ancient population, and the DNA evidence appears to strongly support this view.[30]

Various DNA studies have found that the gene frequencies of modern North African populations are intermediate between those of the Horn of Africa and Sub Saharan Africa while often bearing stronger affinities to North African ones,[31] though possessing a greater genetic affinity with the populations of North Africa than they do with Sub Saharan Africa.[32][32][33][34][35][36]

Luis, Rowold et al. found that the diverse NRY haplotypes observed in a population of mixed Arabs and Berbers found that the majority of haplogroups, about 60.5% were of Saharan origin. They found that markers signaling the Nilo Saharan expansion from the Afro-Asian constitute the predominant component. The remaining 39.5% were clades that belonged to Haplogroup E1b1b, found exclusively amongst the populations of the Horn of Africa and the Mediterranean basin. E1b1b and its derivatives are characteristic of some Afro-Asiatic speakers and is believed to have originated in either the Near East, North Africa, or the Horn of Africa.[37][38]

A study by Krings et al. from 1999 on mitochondrial DNA clines along the Nile Valley found that a Eurasian cline runs from Northern Egypt to Southern Sudan.[39] Similarly, an mtDNA study of people from the Gurna region near Thebes in Southern Egypt revealed that North African haplogroups represented 61% of the population, with the remainder 39% being of Ethiopic origin. The oral tradition of the Gurna people indicates that they, like most modern day Egyptians, descend from the Ancient Egyptians [40]

A 2009 study on modern Upper (Southern) Egyptians using comparisons based on frequency and molecular data found that :[41]

“ No differences were observed in comparison with a general caucasian population from Cairo in any of the nine loci compared, or with Egyptian Coptic Christians from Cairo…Multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) based on pair-wise FST genetic distances of Upper Egyptian and other diverse global populations. OCE, Oceanian; ME, Middle Eastern; NAF, North African; EAS, East Asian; SSA, sub-Saharan African; UEGY, Upper Egyptian; SAS, South Asian; EUR, European. The figure shows that Oceania and American populations are very distant from Upper Egyptians (marked by a grey triangle) and other populations. The Upper Egyptian population is closer to the North African, South Asian and European populations than others. ”

The results of these genetic studies is consistent with the historical record, which records significant bidirectional contact between Egypt and the Levant/Near East within the last few thousand years, but with general population continuity from the Early Dynastic period up to the modern day era.[39][42]

Population history of Egypt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nubia the forgotten kingdom 1

Nubia the forgotten kingdom 2

Nubia the forgotten kingdom 3

Nubia the forgotten kingdom 4

Nubia the forgotten kingdom 5

Nubia the forgotten kingdom 6
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What?! proooooooof plz...

If you read all my comment you would now the proof.

The oldest inscription about aryans is in Iran, a place called behistoon.
and according to that, to be aryan is to be from Iran land( then known as persian).

dates back to about 2600 years ago.
You are right some how,

Ary·an adj.
Word History: It is one of the ironies of history that Aryan, a word nowadays referring to the blond-haired, blue-eyed physical ideal of Nazi Germany, originally referred to a people who looked vastly different. Its history starts with the ancient Indo-Iranians, Indo-European peoples who inhabited parts of what are now Iran, Afghanistan, and India. Their tribal self-designation was a word reconstructed as *arya- or *rya-. The first of these is the form found in Iranian, as ultimately in the name of Iran itself (from Middle Persian rn (ahr), "(Land) of the Iranians," from the genitive plural of Er, "Iranian"). The variant *rya- is found unchanged in Sanskrit, where it referred to the upper crust of ancient Indian society. These words became known to European scholars in the 18th century. The shifting of meaning that eventually led to the present-day sense started in the 1830s, when Friedrich Schlegel, a German scholar who was an important early Indo-Europeanist, came up with a theory that linked the Indo-Iranian words with the German word Ehre, "honor," and older Germanic names containing the element ario-, such as the Swiss warrior Ariovistus who was written about by Julius Caesar. Schlegel theorized that far from being just a designation of the Indo-Iranians, the word *arya- had in fact been what the Indo-Europeans called themselves, meaning something like "the honorable people." (This theory has since been called into question.) Thus "Aryan" came to be synonymous with "Indo-European," and in this sense entered the general scholarly consciousness of the day. Not much later, it was proposed that the original homeland of the Indo-Europeans had been in northern Europe. From this theory, it was but a small leap to think of the Aryans as having had a northern European physiotype. While these theories were playing themselves out, certain anti-Semitic scholars in Germany took to viewing the Jews in Germany as the main non-Aryan people because of their Semitic roots; a distinction thus arose in their minds between Jews and the "true Aryan" Germans, a distinction that later furnished unfortunate fodder for the racial theories of the Nazis.


The earliest epigraphically-attested reference to the word arya occurs in the 6th century B.C. Behistun inscription, which describes itself to have been composed "in arya [language or script]" (§ 70). As is also the case for all other Old Iranian language usage, the arya of the inscription does not signify anything but "Iranian".[2]
Indus Valley Civilization


The Indus Valley is one of the world's earliest urban civilizations, along with its contemporaries, Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt. At its peak, the Indus Civilization may have had a population of well over five million. Inhabitants of the ancient Indus river valley developed new techniques in metallurgy and handicraft (carneol products, seal carving) and produced copper, bronze, lead, and tin. The civilization is noted for its cities built of brick, roadside drainage system, and multistoried houses.

Indus Valley Civilization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Aryan means to be from Iran, it does not matter what you look like.
No, Iran was always called Persia, but in the 1930's you changed it to Iran to say you are Aryans and a lot of Persians didn't like that.Name of Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I don't know why Iran has so many Identity problems. Some say we are Muslim and others say no that's Arab religion. Some say we are Aryans and others say no we are not.

i am not racist and i defend africa but for someone to qustion your ancastors and say like many ignorent people say that the people of ancant egypt are gone and that we are arabs then i wont just shut up and let him
ALL Egyptians claim to be Arab. Except maybe Copts.
No, Iran was always called Persia, but in the 1930's you changed it to Iran to say you are Aryans and a lot of Persians didn't like that.Name of Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I don't know why Iran has so many Identity problems. Some say we are Muslim and others say no that's Arab religion. Some say we are Aryans and others say no we are not.

ALL Egyptians claim to be Arab. Except maybe Copts.

Most of the Iranians who claim they are not Muslims are either of Zoroastrian religion, Jewish, Christian or other religions groups or even atheists, and all they represent is 2% of the population of Iran.

Recent DNA studies have indicated that ancient Egyptians had an approximate 90% genetic commonality with modern Egyptians, which would make the current population largely representative of the ancient inhabitants.[4]

Position of modern scholarship
Main article: Population history of Egypt

Modern scholars who have studied Ancient Egyptian culture and population history have responded to the controversy over the race of the Ancient Egyptians in different ways. The focus of some experts who study population biology has been to consider whether or not the Ancient Egyptians were primarily biologically North African rather than to which race they belonged.[119]

It is now largely agreed that Dynastic Egyptians were indigenous to the Nile area. About 5,000 years ago the Sahara area dried out, and part of the indigenous Saharan population retreated East towards the Nile Valley. In addition Neolithic farmers from the Near East are known to have entered the Nile Valley, bringing with them their food crops, sheep, goats and cattle.[120][121] Fekri Hassan and Edwin et al. point to mutual influence from both inner Africa as well as the Levant.[122]

Dynastic Egyptians referred to their country as "The Two Lands". During the Predynastic period (about 4800 to 4300BC) the Merimde culture flourished in the northern part of Egypt (Lower Egypt).[123] This culture, among others, has links to the Levant in the Near East.[124] The pottery of the later Buto Maadi culture, best known from the site at Maadi near Cairo, also shows connections to the southern Levant.[125] In the southern part of Egypt (Upper Egypt) the predynastic Badarian culture was followed by the Naqada culture. These people seem to be more closely related to the Nubians and North East Africans than with northern Egyptians.[126][127]

Due to its geographical location at the crossroads of several major cultural areas, Egypt has experienced a number of foreign invasions during historical times, including by the Canaanites (Hyksos), the Libyans, the Kushites (Nubians) the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Persians, the Macedonian Greeks, the Romans, Byzantium, the Arabs, the Ottoman Turks, the French and the British.

UNESCO convened the "Symposium on the Peopling of Ancient Egypt and the Deciphering of the Meroitic Script" in Cairo in 1974. At that forum the "Black Egyptian" theory was rejected by 90% of delegates,[128][129] and the symposium concluded that Ancient Egyptians were much the same as modern Egyptians. The arguments for all sides are recorded in the UNESCO publication General History of Africa,[128] with the "Origin of the Egyptians" chapter being written by Diop.

More recent comparisons between the DNA of both modern and ancient Egyptians would appear to support the UNESCO view that modern Egyptians are genetically much the same as the ancient population.[4]

In 1996, the Indianapolis Museum of Art published a collection of essays, which included contributions from leading experts in various fields including archaeology, art history, physical anthropology, African studies, Egyptology, Afrocentric studies, linguistics, and classical studies. While the contributors differed in some opinions, the consensus of the authors was that Ancient Egypt was a North African civilization (although ethnic type was not mentioned), based on Egypt's geographic location on the African continent.
Ancient Egyptian race controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Most of the Iranians who claim they are not Muslims are either of Zoroastrian religion, Jewish, Christian or other religions groups or even atheists, and all they represent is 2% of the population of Iran.

Ancient Egyptian race controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Most Iranian youth are Atheists, you can thank the Iranian government for that.
As for Egyptians, it has nothing to do with race, I explained this a thousand times.
While most Egyptians in Sina and Saed trace themselves to Arab tribes, the rest were Arabized. It means they adopted the Arab language/culture.
Leave it to the Iranians to look at everything through race lenses.
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