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Strongest Empires by timeline

No, Iran was always called Persia, but in the 1930's you changed it to Iran to say you are Aryans and a lot of Persians didn't like that.Name of Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I don't know why Iran has so many Identity problems. Some say we are Muslim and others say no that's Arab religion. Some say we are Aryans and others say no we are not.

you don't get it it have been Iran all the time ,now if European called it with wrong name all these time it's not our problem ,in 1930 we asked them to please call it with correct name .

by the way as proof you can go and read Ferdowsi Shahnameh which is date to more than 1000 years ago and you'll see in all of it it called our land as Iran-Zamin (land of Iran) but never as Persia . from old time only the land in central southern part of our country were called Pars the location of today's Fars Province
Most Iranian youth are Atheists, you can thank the Iranian government for that.
As for Egyptians, it has nothing to do with race, I explained this a thousand times.
While most Egyptians in Sina and Saed trace themselves to Arab tribes, the rest were Arabized. It means they adopted the Arab language/culture.
Leave it to the Iranians to look at everything through race lenses.

what makes you say that about Iranian youth? please elaborate, because I have a different view confirmed by the late elections, and by knowing personally that most of them are pious, but they do not look like it and they are modern in their thinking inside the norms of Islam. I know also that Saudi youth are like that too but unfortunately the western Influence is Absorbed a bit too blindly, so, prudence is required since Mecca and Medina are a trust between your hands and not the hands of any foreign influence to Islam.
Most Iranian youth are Atheists, you can thank the Iranian government for that.
As for Egyptians, it has nothing to do with race, I explained this a thousand times.
While most Egyptians in Sina and Saed trace themselves to Arab tribes, the rest were Arabized. It means they adopted the Arab language/culture.
Leave it to the Iranians to look at everything through race lenses.
what are you talking about what culture did we take from you it is egypt who change arabs culture not the other way
exept bedwen we are all egyptian
List is incomplete without Persian empire during the period of Cyrus the great whose empire spread three continents, Macedon empire headed by Alexander the Great who conquered then known world by the time he was 30, Genghis khan's mongol empire which became the largest contiguous empire in the history & ofcourse Roman empire which lasted over 500yrs.
i made this list and it was STRONGEST EMPIRES BY TIMELINE but people went trolling and started fighting , when easily its obvious which is strongest by timeline , debatable when its Overall Strongest
@ottoman-turk. post # 757. Could be. but all those empires you listed belongs to AD. If you go back & look at the history... Ahcaemenid empire (persian) lasted good couple of hundred years between 550 to 330BC & cyrus the great is universally regarded as the greatest military leader ever, even ahead of Alexander the great. Same goes to Roman empire, history of which stretched to 1000yrs since the day Roman monarchy founded in 753BC & ended in 509BC, Roman republic began in 509BC & ended in 27BC... empire started in 27Bc & continued on for 500yrs. But there was continuous 1000yr + Roman rule under one form or other.
Sadly greek & mongol empire depended on individual brilliance & faded once the chaismatic leaders Alexander the great & ghengis Khan met their end.
haha no its not the reason in that map arabia isnt included is because it was just desert but still land therefore it wasnt put in map( this was told to me by a person who knows alot) that is not at 1683 its greatest extent , plus that is a joke because any turk will know that ottomans controlled HABESISTAN which was land below Egypt even anyone who knows ottoman empire will know that plus i dont care if we controlled all of africa , the only thing is THE LAND WE CONTROLLED IN EUROPE WHICH IS THE STRONGEST UNITY TODAY THE EUROPEON UNION , ALL BALKANS , HUNGARY , SOME OF AUSTRIA , WENT EVEN TOWARDS RUSSIA , POLAND , FOUGHT THE STRONGEST COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD , COMBINED HOLY ROMAN LEAGUE , SPANISH EMPIRE , POLAND LITHUANIAN COMMENWEALTH HASBURGS

This one looks more accurate:


letter by french king to sultan suleiman begging for help

“I, sultan of sultans, king of kings, the shadow of God who bestows the crown to the monarchs on earth, the supreme ruler of the Mediterranean and Black Seas, the Balkans and Anatolia, Azerbaijan, Damascus and Halep, Egypt, Mecca and Medina, Jerusalem, and all of the Arab dominions, and Yemen, and the sultan and the supreme king of many nations,

I am the son of Sultan Selim Khan and grandson of Sultan Bayezid Khan, and you, King Francis, are the governor of the French province.

You have sent to my Gate, the sanctuary of many kings, a letter by the hand of your faithful servant Frangipani. He has made known to me how the enemy overran your country, so you are now a captive. You have asked aid, for your deliverance. All this your saying having been set forth at the foot of my throne, which controls the world. Your situation has gained my imperial understanding in every detail, and I have considered all of it.

There is nothing astonishing in emperors being defeated and made captive. Keep your heart content and do not grieve. In these situations our glorious predecessors and illustrious ancestors, may God keep alight their tombs, never ceased from making war to drive back their foe and conquer his lands. We ourselves have followed their path; we have at every time conquered provinces and citadels both great in strength and in difficulty of approach. By night as well as by day our horse is always saddled, and our saber ever girded on.

May God the Most High advance righteousness! May His will, whatsoever it portends, be accomplished. For the rest, ask it from your envoy and be informed. Know that it will be as said.”


this is response by him


haha no its not the reason in that map arabia isnt included is because it was just desert but still land therefore it wasnt put in map( this was told to me by a person who knows alot) that is not at 1683 its greatest extent , plus that is a joke because any turk will know that ottomans controlled HABESISTAN which was land below Egypt even anyone who knows ottoman empire will know that plus i dont care if we controlled all of africa , the only thing is THE LAND WE CONTROLLED IN EUROPE WHICH IS THE STRONGEST UNITY TODAY THE EUROPEON UNION , ALL BALKANS , HUNGARY , SOME OF AUSTRIA , WENT EVEN TOWARDS RUSSIA , POLAND , FOUGHT THE STRONGEST COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD , COMBINED HOLY ROMAN LEAGUE , SPANISH EMPIRE , POLAND LITHUANIAN COMMENWEALTH HASBURGS

letter by french king to sultan suleiman begging for help

“I, sultan of sultans, king of kings, the shadow of God who bestows the crown to the monarchs on earth, the supreme ruler of the Mediterranean and Black Seas, the Balkans and Anatolia, Azerbaijan, Damascus and Halep, Egypt, Mecca and Medina, Jerusalem, and all of the Arab dominions, and Yemen, and the sultan and the supreme king of many nations,

I am the son of Sultan Selim Khan and grandson of Sultan Bayezid Khan, and you, King Francis, are the governor of the French province.

You have sent to my Gate, the sanctuary of many kings, a letter by the hand of your faithful servant Frangipani. He has made known to me how the enemy overran your country, so you are now a captive. You have asked aid, for your deliverance. All this your saying having been set forth at the foot of my throne, which controls the world. Your situation has gained my imperial understanding in every detail, and I have considered all of it.

There is nothing astonishing in emperors being defeated and made captive. Keep your heart content and do not grieve. In these situations our glorious predecessors and illustrious ancestors, may God keep alight their tombs, never ceased from making war to drive back their foe and conquer his lands. We ourselves have followed their path; we have at every time conquered provinces and citadels both great in strength and in difficulty of approach. By night as well as by day our horse is always saddled, and our saber ever girded on.

May God the Most High advance righteousness! May His will, whatsoever it portends, be accomplished. For the rest, ask it from your envoy and be informed. Know that it will be as said.”


this is response by him



Are you sure your map depicts the real picture? I mean, part of Morocco? The whole of present day Libya, Algeria and Tunisia as pictured in your map in stead of relatively small strokes of these countries? And that too as vassal states? And Saudi-Arabia? The heartland of Saudi-Arabia has never been under Ottoman rule or influence, as far as I know, only the region of Hejaz and Al-Hasa, the latter from which the Ottomans were driven out in 1670 by Arab tribes.

Your map says 1683. I can tell you that in 1683 Holland (and Belgium) were independent from the Spaniards, they gained it in 1648. Your map seems to be off at certain points.
saudi arabia was never controlled by ottoman? there was no saudi arabia , that peice of land was nothing important in those days which is why they are not shown in maps , todays saudi arabia was under full controll of ottomans whereby we would not impose anything on them but the sultan would appoint something like an imam who would control mekka and medina and other lands and sultan under ottoman land , basically something like a vizier specially for land of what is today SA as mekka and medina was there which was very important and as land was so far apart he appointed something like a vizier , driven out by arab tribes in 1670 ? you are wrong , i dont know about belgium and holland but we had the barbaross reis who did go into them parts of northern africa and had many naval battles with spaniards
most nomads countries fall in modern days expect turkey,because you are lucky that you are close to europe,you can get advanced military tech from europe easily.

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