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Taiwanese proposes unification

Nov 9, 2011
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‘One country, two areas’ proposed by Wu Po-hsiung


Former Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) chairman Wu Poh-hsiung (吳伯雄) yesterday met with Chinese President Hu Jintao (胡錦濤) in Beijing at the annual forum between the KMT and Chinese Communist Party (CCP), during which he proposed that cross-strait matters be tackled under the banner of “one country, two areas (一國兩區)

Both Wu and Hu stressed the importance of continued cross-strait development under the “one China” principle. Wu said the two sides had different interpretations of “one China,” but both agreed to seek a consensus and put aside their disputes.

Wu said Taiwan’s current cross-trait policies are based on the Act Governing Relations Between the Peoples of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area (台灣地區與大陸地區人民關係條例), which uses the concept of “one country, two areas” as its legal basis.

That the Mainland Affairs Council and not the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is in charge of cross-strait policy indicates that “cross-strait relations are not undertaken on a nation-to-nation basis but rather a special relationship basis,” he added.

Wu urged China to be understanding with regards to Taiwanese efforts to expand its international space.

Wu, who arrived in Beijing on Wednesday, defended President Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) efforts to promote cross-strait peace and said the two sides should cherish what he called “the most peaceful and stable period” in cross-strait development for 60 years.

The annual forum, a regular meeting was established by then-KMT chairman Lien Chan (連戰) and Hu in 2005 when Lien led an “ice-breaking” visit to Beijing.

When asked to comment about Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) spokesperson Lo Chih-cheng’s (羅致政) recent visit to China, Wu said the KMT welcomed the efforts of all parties to promote cross-strait exchange.

“The KMT welcomes members from other political parties to visit mainland China for cross-strait exchanges and strengthening mutual understanding. Such exchanges will help reduce differences and form a consensus within Taiwan,” he said.

In his capacity as an academic, Lo visited China’s Yunnan Province last week to attend a two-day academic forum on cross-strait relations after receiving permission from the DPP. The visit was seen as symbolic because Lo was the first DPP official to visit China since 2008.

"One country, two areas" proposed by Wu Po-hsiung - Taipei Times
We need to persuade the KMT government to let Varyag dock at Taiping Island to enhance our control over South China Sea. We also need to persuade the KMT government to let PLAN build a submarine base on the east coast of Taiwan, where we can easily access the deep waters of the Pacific. Finally, mainland China and Taiwan can work together to take back Diaoyu Islands from Japan -- China has already made major strides through our regular patrols and ejecting Japanese coast guard ships.
Maybe Taiwan should shot Viets and other birds firstly and then mainland can help taiwan to take our islands back
Why cant the hong kong principle(albeit with more freedom in government,economy and military) be applied to the China-Taiwan relation?
Why cant the hong kong principle(albeit with more freedom in government,economy and military) be applied to the China-Taiwan relation?
70% of Taiwan dislikes China. So it will take some strong-arming to get them to accept even a Hong Kong model.

Fortunately for Taiwan, the elites (KMT party) know Taiwan can never win a war for independence, so they are surrendering on favorable friendly terms instead of dragging things out and making it nasty.
A promising sign, but I don't feel a need to rush things. Taiwanese 'nationalism' is not a threat because it's not founded only anything substantial like a different ethnicity, culture, language, religion, etc. It's completely based on the economic disparity that came from earlier economic development. If the mainland can close the gap, then the desire for independence will disappear.
A promising sign, but I don't feel a need to rush things. Taiwanese 'nationalism' is not a threat because it's not founded only anything substantial like a different ethnicity, culture, language, religion, etc. It's completely based on the economic disparity that came from earlier economic development. If the mainland can close the gap, then the desire for independence will disappear.

Not just economy, but also democracy, freedom and human rights.
Yes. Again, those things are not substantial though. They can be implemented from the stroke of a pen.
Good news. PLA and Taiwanese army could also unite forces. Just imagine Great China air force with J10, Su 27, Su 30, J15 J 20 with F 16 and Mirage 2000-5. It would be the no 1 force in Asia. That's why actually the US war criminals refuse to sell the latest weaponry to Taiwan KMT led government.
Maybe we could play good cop bad cop. 'Threaten' Taiwan and escalate a crisis, and maybe Ma can convince the US to sell him F-22s.
Before anything else, China and Taiwan first must have an understand in border disputes with a third country, including East Sea and South China Sea. If any disputes occur both sides must commit to each other with a same voice and shared burdens. Once they regain ownership, be generous to each other for whoever administer the properties.

Then both sides expand their mutual cooperation in many areas and pave the road to eventual unification.
A promising sign, but I don't feel a need to rush things. Taiwanese 'nationalism' is not a threat because it's not founded only anything substantial like a different ethnicity, culture, language, religion, etc. It's completely based on the economic disparity that came from earlier economic development. If the mainland can close the gap, then the desire for independence will disappear.
Not just economy, but also democracy, freedom and human rights.
Yes. Again, those things are not substantial though. They can be implemented from the stroke of a pen.
Not true. A significant % of the Taiwanese population (around 20% to 30%) are die hard Japanophile / white-worshipping / self-hating-Han racists no different from those Japanese right wing or South Korean banzi. The majority 70% to 80% are redeemable.

Maybe we could play good cop bad cop. 'Threaten' Taiwan and escalate a crisis, and maybe Ma can convince the US to sell him F-22s.
I'd rather see mainland China and Taiwan fake a crisis and war, and get Japan and USA navies to intervene. When they intervene, mainland China and Taiwan navy both open fire on them and wipe them out. :P
I still think the Japanophiles and Hanjians are motivated by economic disparity. Sometimes when I see new mainland immigrants, I'm kinda perturbed by their mannerisms which can be kinda 土气... but that doesn't diminish the abstract nationalism I feel for the Chinese nation.
I still think the Japanophiles and Hanjians are motivated by economic disparity. Sometimes when I see new mainland immigrants, I'm kinda perturbed by their mannerisms which can be kinda 土气... but that doesn't diminish the abstract nationalism I feel for the Chinese nation.
Well a significant % of Taiwan think Japanese are kind, humble, well-mannered people and wish they were part of a Greater Japan. And 90% of people think whites especially Americans are natural and true friends of Taiwan. :sick: Don't confuse your own views with those of the Taiwan people.
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