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Why Has India Become the World’s Top Arms Buyer?

Each country has its own priority. While some countries (India) choose to be the lapdog of others (US) in view of seeking their protection others (China) choose to be independent and fight for its own interest. While India chooses not to invest in sanitation and hygiene but to massively import all weapons it can from the US and Israel, China chooses to invest in its own people, infrastructure buliding, health and social care.
Each country has its own priority. While some countries (India) choose to be the lapdog of others (US) in view of seeking their protection others (China) choose to be independent and fight for its own interest. While India chooses not to invest in sanitation and hygiene but to massively import all weapons it can from the US and Israel, China chooses to invest in its own people, infrastructure buliding, health and social care.

leave aside china talk abt pak who is sitting in the lap of U.S for last many years & as far as our position is concerned then ur jealously shows that we are on right track. Haters gonna hate, can't help.
Each country has its own priority. While some countries (India) choose to be the lapdog of others (US) in view of seeking their protection others (China) choose to be independent and fight for its own interest. While India chooses not to invest in sanitation and hygiene but to massively import all weapons it can from the US and Israel, China chooses to invest in its own people, infrastructure buliding, health and social care.

your own country allowed US to kill your own people for money( WOT) you are so called non NATO ally to US from 60+ years...then who is lapdog..hold your tongue mister. we don't sold our people for money like an country did...and still some one don't have shame -they forgetting their own situation but trying to call us lap dog..what a shameless attitude.
Each country has its own priority. While some countries (India) choose to be the lapdog of others (US) in view of seeking their protection others (China) choose to be independent and fight for its own interest. While India chooses not to invest in sanitation and hygiene but to massively import all weapons it can from the US and Israel, China chooses to invest in its own people, infrastructure buliding, health and social care.
think of your own condition stop feeling or acting like Chinese because they are not gonna share their wealth or technology...

Not scared of ending up the next Greece?

thanks for trolling sir but we are spending only 1.9% of our gdp..
stupid question...
any one can give answer of this question.
we import arms from foreign market bcoz we don't have quality technology and capacity to fulfill the requirement of armed forces.
this thread is just created to make stupid comments.
Each country has its own priority. While some countries (India) choose to be the lapdog of others (US) in view of seeking their protection others (China) choose to be independent and fight for its own interest. While India chooses not to invest in sanitation and hygiene but to massively import all weapons it can from the US and Israel, China chooses to invest in its own people, infrastructure buliding, health and social care.

So can I have the answers to the following questions please...
Who :
1) Begs USA for aid in the name of WOT??
2) Does nothing when its sovereignty is attacked on almost a daily basis??
3) Who lets go US citizens charged with brutal killing of its citizens??
4) Is the non-NATO ally of USA working for US interests??

Answer is not INDIA...!!!
Ummm, Who can it be now..!!

On topic : We import because we need top notch arms to defend our country; and those top notch products are not produced in INDIA as of now..!! Is it that difficult to understand??!!
PS : Yes they are NOT produced in INDIA as of now..., hence the import..!!
So can I have the answers to the following questions please...
Who :
1) Begs USA for aid in the name of WOT??
2) Does nothing when its sovereignty is attacked on almost a daily basis??
3) Who lets go US citizens charged with brutal killing of its citizens??
4) Is the non-NATO ally of USA working for US interests??

Answer is not INDIA...!!!
Ummm, Who can it be now..!!

On topic : We import because we need top notch arms to defend our country; and those top notch products are not produced in INDIA as of now..!! Is it that difficult to understand??!!
PS : Yes they are NOT produced in INDIA as of now..., hence the import..!!

well you can't argue with blind people...... got you that
@mod's: lot more similar threads are there.so remove this thread
LOL at indians trying to suppress bad news. Even the USA (NY Times) say indian military is pathetic compared to China because China self-manufactures while india simply imports (with corruption).
LOL at indians trying to suppress bad news. Even the USA (NY Times) say indian military is pathetic compared to China because China self-manufactures while india simply imports (with corruption).

That is a major advantage infact for us..

we want all to be made there only. while we get the best from the rest of the world.

LOL at indians trying to suppress bad news. Even the USA (NY Times) say indian military is pathetic compared to China because China self-manufactures while india simply imports (with corruption).

from last Few years you are manufacturing (copying) weapons .....So how can you forget your past...bunch of pathetic idiots trying to show off with hatredness.
That is a major advantage infact for us..

we want all to be made there only. while we get the best from the rest of the world.

Yes, that's why Saudi Arabia is a military superpower. Because they spend a lot of money on foreign imported weapons with corruption.

from last Few years you are manufacturing (copying) weapons .....So how can you forget your past...bunch of pathetic idiots trying to show off with hatredness.
You are failing to grasp the point. We Chinese have always known our advantage over india is overwhelming no matter what % of GDP india spends on importing weapons, but now your so-called allies the Americans have stated this openly also.

Even USA is not so sure india can be a counter-weight to China now. If USA supports india and india is defeated badly (again), it would make USA look bad too.
Why is this such a big fcking deal? So what India imported some 3 billion dollars worth of Weapons?

There are countries with annual defence budget of 650 billion dollars and 150 billion dollars, do people think these countries buy flowers with that money? Whether you import weapons or buy it from domestic companies, its all weapons at the end of the day!

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