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Ahsan Iqbal Talking Sense to Hasan Nisar

Pakistanis and Masalmaan should stop doing negative things and people will stop saying that about us.

Hassan Nisar's on a different level - it will be a cold day in hell before Ahsan Iqbal is able to talk sense, let alone talk sense to Hassan Nisar.

This happen when you start hating someone. You start praising such people

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This happen when you start hating someone. You start praising such people


Hasan Nisar is absolutely correct in his comments about Iqbal----and so is the other gentleman. Iqbal's kalam is not the holy grail of islam----it is just his poetry---. A lot of it is based upon illusion---you can feel your blood warming up---but that is all it will do to you----just bring it to a quick boil and then finished----.

What pakistanis need is to get out of this sense of illusion that Iqbal created for them---Shaeen ki parwaz aur hai ---kargas ka jahan aur---tundi a baad a mukhalif say na ghabra ai uqab----all these illusionary similies---nigah a mard a momin say---badal jati hein taqdeerain----just simply amazing in readin---but in practicality a pure zilch---.

In order for a nation to succeed---it needs to move at a steady pace on a daily basis from dawn till dust---for the day shift and from dusk till dawn for the night shift----.
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Hasan Nisar is absolutely correct in his comments about Iqbal----and so is the other gentleman. Iqbal's kalam is not the holy grail of islam----it is just his poetry---. A lot of it is based upon illusion---you can feel your blood warming up---but that is all it will do to you----just bring it to a quick boil and then finished----.

What pakistanis need is to get out of this sense of illusion that Iqbal created for them---Shaeen ki parwaz aur hai ---kargas ka jahan aur---tundi a baad a mukhalif say na ghabra ai uqab----all these illusionary similies---nigah a mard a momin say---badal jati hein taqdeerain----just simply amazing in readin---but in practicality a pure zilch---.

In order for a nation to succeed---it needs to move at a steady pace on a daily basis from dawn till dust---for the day shift and from dusk till dawn for the night shift----.

i dont know how much you have read his poetry. Ever Nation has its leader and their quotes. For example take this quote

“The word impossible is not in my dictionary.” - Napoleon
practicality a pure zilch
but this was meant to inspire his followers

i cant see any illusion in his poetry. All example you mentioned above they are not illusion. He is trying to inspire the youth ( as you mentioned just to bring a quick boil, we need that on permanent basis)

As I addressed you---so you can address me as well---. You talked about outsiders talking about revolution---I replied with the current, past and a century old example of how revolutions started from outside the country----and they succeeded regardles of the tsar's and Shah's security agencies including the isi of Musharraf.

So, in what context does your example fit into the discussion. Your post is almost on the verge of---s--------y. Oh I remember you now----you have been s-----d hard in the past----. You are the clueless one---I can now understand your desperation a lot better now---and now I realize the significance of the face palm as well----oh you poor thing---you must have been hurting real bad over these months and were waiting for the oppurtunity to have a go at me---your screen name was on the back of my mind---but it really didnot register till untill now.

So---now---that you have let me have it with both the barrels----do you feel better now----but I will tell you what---your post isstill pathetic as ever---because you have not done your home work.

In the law less land of saudi arabia----Prophet Mohammad whence he came into power---provided justice to the weak and the poor right from day one----Abu Bakr, Omar Farooq, Ali, Usman, they all provided justice from day one---right from the gitgo---and right from day one---there was democracy and right of a man to live freely under the protection of the state---without any fear of the police or the govt scums and hoodlums---the executions were just and swiftly carried----.

Every civilization that built a name for itself---had a very strong foundation based upon justice, rights of the people and to live a happy and prosperous life.

What is happening in pakistan is a circus---Judge Chaudhry, the PM, the president, the Nawaz group, Imran Khan, Chaudhries, they are all a part of the entourage---good luck young man---and don't get mad at me---get mad at your system---get mad at those who have taken your rights and liberties away they ain't gonna give them back to you just like that.

Yesterday---my mother was saying---THESE PEOPLE HAVE NO FEAR OF GOD---THEY DON'T FEAR GOD'S JUSTICE---and I told her---Mother---that does not matter---she asked why---I told her---in order for a SOCIETY TO PROSPER AS A CIVILIZED BEING---ITS CITIZENS MUST FEAR THE LAW OF THE MAN---because that law punishes you instantly right in this world---in front of everyone and makes you suffer---.

When you leave it up to God---He may or He may not----. The LORD did not create this world for everyone to leave everything on HIM---he created men to do their own bidding and provide for the less fortunate, protect the weak.

very well said sir?????

i am a big fan of hassan nisar...cause he is pationate & fearless and talk's from heart...i like his lines very much... o quame tarekh ko mask kartee hain tareekh unko mask kar daitee hai & quateel hamne ussa munafiq nahee dekha jo zulm to sehta hai bagawat nahee karta & jaisee quam hoteen hain waise hee hukumraan un par mussallat kar diye jaate hain.......it is so true in pakistani & to some exted Indians also......as bhakt kabeer once said nindak nere raakhiye???????? means always keep a critic near you as he will tell you your mistakes only & you can improove & make your life & society better ...Hassan Nisar is a Critik...pakistaan is very fortunate to have a person like him its time instead of critizing him follow his advice and make a difference ..when in India when people can throw clowns like lalloo prasad yadav , mayawatee & karunanidhee & likes & thrie families owt of power why cant pakistanies do the same with zardarees, gillanies & shareef's????.....praise Hassan Nisar for he says what might not be sweet to your ears but that dosent makes him wrong?????????
Pakistanies should be more self critical , optimistik & Think positive ?????

Hasan Nisar is absolutely correct in his comments about Iqbal----and so is the other gentleman. Iqbal's kalam is not the holy grail of islam----it is just his poetry---. A lot of it is based upon illusion---you can feel your blood warming up---but that is all it will do to you----just bring it to a quick boil and then finished----.

What pakistanis need is to get out of this sense of illusion that Iqbal created for them---Shaeen ki parwaz aur hai ---kargas ka jahan aur---tundi a baad a mukhalif say na ghabra ai uqab----all these illusionary similies---nigah a mard a momin say---badal jati hein taqdeerain----just simply amazing in readin---but in practicality a pure zilch---.

In order for a nation to succeed---it needs to move at a steady pace on a daily basis from dawn till dust---for the day shift and from dusk till dawn for the night shift----.

what else does a revolutionary reformist's poetry do?

by the way you cannot even get good work out of a paid worker without instigating a certain level of motivation in him on continuous bases... leave talk of Nation !!

so its better not to go into bashing based upon defending one person or the other, rather bring constructive points to the discussion...

Poets, Artists, Writers, are very important persons in a Nation, because they hit the imagination of people, their work is stimulating and catalyst to dreams...

I respect Hasan nisar for his views, because he too is one of them, and I respect Iqbal, faiz, jalib and alike because they too are one of those who help nation dream, in their own way...

Hasan Nisar is absolutely correct in his comments about Iqbal----and so is the other gentleman. Iqbal's kalam is not the holy grail of islam----it is just his poetry---. A lot of it is based upon illusion---you can feel your blood warming up---but that is all it will do to you----just bring it to a quick boil and then finished----.

What pakistanis need is to get out of this sense of illusion that Iqbal created for them---Shaeen ki parwaz aur hai ---kargas ka jahan aur---tundi a baad a mukhalif say na ghabra ai uqab----all these illusionary similies---nigah a mard a momin say---badal jati hein taqdeerain----just simply amazing in readin---but in practicality a pure zilch---.

In order for a nation to succeed---it needs to move at a steady pace on a daily basis from dawn till dust---for the day shift and from dusk till dawn for the night shift----.

Iqbal wrote his verses so people could get a hold of their inner self. Didn't he succeed well in that? Letting the directionless Muslims of the time, unite and create their own homeland? (Taqdeerain......???) What happens today with that homeland is irrespective of Iqbal. But where he wanted to 'badal jati hein taqdeerain' ......he very well played his part. It's up to the people to make sense of themselves. Like i usually say, i cannot force anyone to use their brain.

Take Karl Marx for example. Brilliant writer, and if you have read his Das Kapital, you'll know what an amazing person Marx was, predicting the future very well as we see it today. In American and Western educational establishment (From what i have seen) the word Marx and Communism are used in conjunction and looked down upon. But the truth is, at the end of reading his work, Marx leaves you, as the reader, be a judge of his work. Communism like he wanted, has never been in place. Not a single country follows his class-less system as he talked about.

So what i mean is, you can take any piece of literary work, but please make a good sense of it. Hasan Nisar here is just clueless. The poor lad was born in a different time. Venting out his frustrations. But targeting the likes of Iqbal, is simply pointless here. The truth is, no one will remember Nisar in history. Iqbal, on the other hand, has been a totally different story.
Dear, I’m voting for PMLN, I’m not voting for Slogans..!!

I’m voting for a change hidden in a long process of political maturity, patience on emotions and consistency with policies without any shortcuts, I’m voting for good governance and I’m simply not voting for “fake Revolution”…!!
i guess we will have to wait till election day to see who the people support
i guess we will have to wait till election day to see who the people support

Exactly, that’s the rational approach every young voter should needs to adopt at this very moment…just wait, see and learn…till the fatefull election day...!!
i guess we will have to wait till election day to see who the people support


Indeed election day it the true judge of character of pakistanis----see what they gave the nation in the last election.
Dear, I’m voting for PMLN, I’m not voting for Slogans..!!

I’m voting for a change hidden in a long process of political maturity, patience on emotions and consistency with policies without any shortcuts, I’m voting for good governance and I’m simply not voting for “fake Revolution”…!!

IF i call you pusy-cat it would not be wrong, you nevr reply back to members when they ask you why should someone vote for Party who had ruled in Punjab for 5 Times or around 16 Years and Federally 2 Timers...There is a famous Quote If you can't make it good, at least make it look good. and Sorry A.ss pml-n can't do either.

Lets be fair here IK can't make it 100% but I am sure he would make is to 25% where no other Govt of Pakistan made it that far, Musharraf could have done it But he screwed it himself badly he began positively but greed lead him wrong ways badly and followed with his stupid advisers chaudhary brothers.

You pml-n has already gone through long process of political changes where it has become a geedy, evil malik-chahudary sahib like Party. There has never been consistency with-in pml-n remember the emotions when Bhaghy join PTI it was an awesome News and bad days for pml-n still hurts pml-n (if I may lol)...
IF i call you pusy-cat it would not be wrong

You are partially right..i accept!! Look i'm here a one man army......(), i don't want to indulge myself in deep emotions and get banned........as in personal life i'm too much emotional (Their are lot of friends of mine here keenly watching every of my step..) so why barred myself and my parties part of story for just one minute reciprocal outburst......and by the way you will get your chance to nail me directly at least my own place of choice...stay tuned...!!
i don't want to indulge myself in deep emotions and get banned........as in personal life i'm too much emotional (Their are lot of friends of mine here keenly watching every of my step..) so why barred myself and my parties part of story for just one minute reciprocal outburst......and by the way you will get your chance to nail me directly at least my own place of choice...stay tuned...!!

Reply to the members Why should a party that ruled Punjab 5 times and federally 2 times be allowed or take another shot at ruling Pakistan...or you are running away again...:lol:
All societies need a HN like figure, he does go over the top now and then, underneath the fearsome critique is a great love of his country. His criticism does not diminish our country one jot.
IF i call you pusy-cat it would not be wrong, you nevr reply back to members when they ask you why should someone vote for Party who had ruled in Punjab for 5 Times or around 16 Years and Federally 2 Timers...There is a famous Quote If you can't make it good, at least make it look good. and Sorry A.ss pml-n can't do either.

Lets be fair here IK can't make it 100% but I am sure he would make is to 25% where no other Govt of Pakistan made it that far, Musharraf could have done it But he screwed it himself badly he began positively but greed lead him wrong ways badly and followed with his stupid advisers chaudhary brothers.

You pml-n has already gone through long process of political changes where it has become a geedy, evil malik-chahudary sahib like Party. There has never been consistency with-in pml-n remember the emotions when Bhaghy join PTI it was an awesome News and bad days for pml-n still hurts pml-n (if I may lol)...

i saw two gov of PML(N) for me they are much better then then rest lot of current politicians, this party have best mind ( comparing with other political parties). and i think you didnt see the industial boom in punjab specially in last 25 years. motorways. i m from karachi but when i compare current karachi with faisalabad, lahore,gujarat, pindi and dont know how i feel.
also this party is not based on feudals, peers, gadi naseeh but majorly but industrialist thats why i totally support them.

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