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Ahsan Iqbal Talking Sense to Hasan Nisar

Hasan Nisar is the most stupid person i have ever seen on TV,

They always say negative about Pakistan and Muslims, I have never heard him saying something positive.

people like this are actually brain washed when they visit west, and they forgot what they have achieved in last 60 years,
what his father and grandfather used to do 60 years back, i mean they are able to get education due to this Pakistan , and are able to sit on TV and say things....

they should be thankful to this Pakistan for all the things given to get regardless of their views against Pakistan and Muslims ...

Whenever I listen to HN, I am compelled to give him my respect as he portrays the dark side of our society, politics etc. that we are plagued with today but refuse to acknowledge or correct. Once by accepting the truth can we correct our mistakes and make ourselves better.

Thank you for your posts---at least Hasan Nisar has the courage to speak up and speak out in front of the public---. One of these days maybe some pakistanis will get the message and stand up and take charge of their destiny---and change the direction that the nation is headed towards.

It takes a few voices like him to start a movement----. The reason he seems to be stuck is that he does not want o say it openly---NOW IS THE TIME FOR THE BLOODY REVOLUTION IN PAKISTAN. Now is the time to start the executions of criminal element in the society---.

Pakistan needs VIGILANTE type of justice---fast furious and brutal. Unless the pakistani men are not ready to sacrifice their today for the nations tomorrow--they will be wasted.

Thank you for your posts---at least Hasan Nisar has the courage to speak up and speak out in front of the public---. One of these days maybe some pakistanis will get the message and stand up and take charge of their destiny---and change the direction that the nation is headed towards.

It takes a few voices like him to start a movement----. The reason he seems to be stuck is that he does not want o say it openly---NOW IS THE TIME FOR THE BLOODY REVOLUTION IN PAKISTAN. Now is the time to start the executions of criminal element in the society---.

Pakistan needs VIGILANTE type of justice---fast furious and brutal. Unless the pakistani men are not ready to sacrifice their today for the nations tomorrow--they will be wasted.

Exactly. But my friend, I am not too optimistic as even today I see us divided as Singhi/Mohajir/Punjabi/Pathan etc. rather then standing united as a Pakistanis. I have given up, unlike Nisar.

Thank you for your posts---at least Hasan Nisar has the courage to speak up and speak out in front of the public---. One of these days maybe some pakistanis will get the message and stand up and take charge of their destiny---and change the direction that the nation is headed towards.

It takes a few voices like him to start a movement----. The reason he seems to be stuck is that he does not want o say it openly---NOW IS THE TIME FOR THE BLOODY REVOLUTION IN PAKISTAN. Now is the time to start the executions of criminal element in the society---.

Pakistan needs VIGILANTE type of justice---fast furious and brutal. Unless the pakistani men are not ready to sacrifice their today for the nations tomorrow--they will be wasted.

Sir i see passion in this post, pure passion, the passion Hassan Nisar has.
Sure no one wants to be Genghis Khan, But it seems our youth and major portion of society is brain dead, bereft of even an iota of commonsense, that too if we try to put it mildly.

One time Hassan Nisar put one thing so blatantly obvious that the Anchor should have died of shame, but shame cannot be registered to brain dead person. He said ‘these people don’t have the ‘Shakal’ (face) to bring about a revolution –A TRUE revolution’
The anchor was looking at Hassan’s Face with a open mouth, circular arguments...mediamen tradesmen of Cheap general public consumption material.
Hassan one times goes something likethis - They should (politicians /awam everybody) slap their faces everyday in the morning in front of a mirror

[sorry rant ends :mad:]
Its amazing that people who ran away just for the sack of ponds and dollars are talking revolutions. How hypocrites of them that even when they don't have a slightest of stomach to remains, face and stood up to the realities of life wants others to do that on their behalf, stands upon their very livelihoods here and there and work for next generations ........definitely these people needs facepalm at this very moment upon their selfish suggestions.

And besides every revolutions didn't solves the burdens of tyranny anywhere, it just transfer it to another shoulders, what Pakistan needs is not revolution but change which only comes through rigorous campaign of principles against odds, patience in expectations, consistency in the political setups, a vigilant society, a vibrant media and overall an independent judiciary...sure we didn't reach our destination yet but at least we are comes on to the right track...so all to the prophets of doom just .......!!
Its amazing that people who ran away just for the sack of ponds and dollars are talking revolutions. How hypocrites of them that even when they don't have a slightest of stomach to remains, face and stood up to the realities of life wants others to do that on their behalf, stands upon their very livelihoods here and there and work for next generations ........definitely these people needs facepalm at this very moment upon their selfish suggestions.

And besides every revolutions didn't solves the burdens of tyranny anywhere, it just transfer it to another shoulders, what Pakistan needs is not revolution but change which only comes through rigorous campaign of principles against odds, patience in expectations, consistency in the political setups, a vigilant society, a vibrant media and overall an independent judiciary...sure we didn't reach our destination yet but at least we are comes on to the right track...so all to the prophets of doom just .......!!


Children should keep quiet and learn at times----did you know about the revolution in iran---where it came from----abroad---did you know the revolution in pakistan---just recently ( the ousting of Musharraf )---where did it come from---abroad---. How about the bolshevik revolution---it came from abroad as well---.

Young man---don't underestimate the power of the ex-pats.
Money plays are huge role in advancement of science...Nasar kinda miss this point....But overall , we need such kind of people...

Who says Pakistan does not have money for science and projects! the kind of fast food restaurants and malls and real estate businesses and new town-ships that I have seen on my visit to Pakistan, Pakistan has huge deposits of money. 1970-2009 some 276 Billion Rupees on the record have been written of by various Banks all loaned to Politicians-Bureaucrats-Generals and some highly rich businessmen; whose fault is it (Politicians and Banks Top hierarchy and State Bank Plus add judiciary as they want to keep silent on this issue). Hundreds of Politicians of Pakistan associated with Parties have made billions of dollars which could have been channeled to prosper Pakistan. Money is there but there is one to take that money out of those thugs this is one biggest problem of Pakistan the only option is either to shoot them all or a strong unbiased judiciary takes a route of do or die and grab as many with severest punishment that world has yet witnessed.

Its amazing that people who ran away just for the sack of ponds and dollars are talking revolutions. How hypocrites of them that even when they don't have a slightest of stomach to remains, face and stood up to the realities of life wants others to do that on their behalf, stands upon their very livelihoods here and there and work for next generations ........definitely these people needs facepalm at this very moment upon their selfish suggestions.

And besides every revolutions didn't solves the burdens of tyranny anywhere, it just transfer it to another shoulders, what Pakistan needs is not revolution but change which only comes through rigorous campaign of principles against odds, patience in expectations, consistency in the political setups, a vigilant society, a vibrant media and overall an independent judiciary...sure we didn't reach our destination yet but at least we are comes on to the right track...so all to the prophets of doom just .......!!

Again jumping on PTI's arse indirectly? Look into your sharif brothers, remember those billionaires paid 1 crore for the flood victims where sharif brothers earns 100 crore plus rupees every year from a few of his sugar mills, such a shame.
Ehsan Iqbal is the one who actually went on personal level......typical Noon leaguer...

I think Qaira talked most sensibly in this show...

and you just took it further ahead on personal level just bcz he is a noon leaguer :lol:
Amazing....Again Amazing....hunh....people comparing 1979 Shah's Iran and even 1917s russia with todays Pakistan....they can't figure it out with an iota of IQ that both these palces are "totally closed" with zar's and shah's security agencies roaming in every corner of the streets to thaughts every opponents a lesson, that creates bubble which burst only a slightes of nick from outside......... Could those places be compared with today's Pakistan where everyone littrelly eveyone abusing prezident, pm, politician, generals, judiciary on his free will by every passing minustes everywhere freely. Active PMs daily circling around SC on contempt with a heavy chance of punsishment nonetheless....and elections just around the corner to thaught politicians a lesson.....just where is the bubble????


P.S. No one under-estimates anyone, A quick reality check is that outsiders just miss the "evolution" taken place between 2007-12 in Pakistani society...the sooner they learns it well...the better for them to contribute positively...!!
Amazing....Again Amazing....hunh....people comparing 1979 Shah's Iran and even 1917s russia with todays Pakistan....they can't figure it out with an iota of IQ that both these palces are "totally closed" with zar's and shah's security agencies roaming in every corner of the streets to thaughts every opponents a lesson, that creates bubble which burst only a slightes of nick from outside......... Could those places be compared with today's Pakistan where everyone littrelly eveyone abusing prezident, pm, politician, generals, judiciary on his free will by every passing minustes everywhere freely. Active PMs daily circling around SC on contempt with a heavy chance of punsishment nonetheless....and elections just around the corner to thaught politicians a lesson.....just where is the bubble????


P.S. No one under-estimates anyone, A quick reality check is that outsiders just miss the "evolution" taken place between 2007-12 in Pakistani society...the sooner they learns it well...the better for them to contribute positively...!!
so what do you suggest we vote for those party that have come into power already and haven't done much for pakistan
so what do you suggest we vote for those party that have come into power already and haven't done much for pakistan

Dear, I’m voting for PMLN, I’m not voting for Slogans..!!

I’m voting for a change hidden in a long process of political maturity, patience on emotions and consistency with policies without any shortcuts, I’m voting for good governance and I’m simply not voting for “fake Revolution”…!!
Amazing....Again Amazing....hunh....people comparing 1979 Shah's Iran and even 1917s russia with todays Pakistan....they can't figure it out with an iota of IQ that both these palces are "totally closed" with zar's and shah's security agencies roaming in every corner of the streets to thaughts every opponents a lesson, that creates bubble which burst only a slightes of nick from outside......... Could those places be compared with today's Pakistan where everyone littrelly eveyone abusing prezident, pm, politician, generals, judiciary on his free will by every passing minustes everywhere freely. Active PMs daily circling around SC on contempt with a heavy chance of punsishment nonetheless....and elections just around the corner to thaught politicians a lesson.....just where is the bubble????


P.S. No one under-estimates anyone, A quick reality check is that outsiders just miss the "evolution" taken place between 2007-12 in Pakistani society...the sooner they learns it well...the better for them to contribute positively...!!


As I addressed you---so you can address me as well---. You talked about outsiders talking about revolution---I replied with the current, past and a century old example of how revolutions started from outside the country----and they succeeded regardles of the tsar's and Shah's security agencies including the isi of Musharraf.

So, in what context does your example fit into the discussion. Your post is almost on the verge of---s--------y. Oh I remember you now----you have been s-----d hard in the past----. You are the clueless one---I can now understand your desperation a lot better now---and now I realize the significance of the face palm as well----oh you poor thing---you must have been hurting real bad over these months and were waiting for the oppurtunity to have a go at me---your screen name was on the back of my mind---but it really didnot register till untill now.

So---now---that you have let me have it with both the barrels----do you feel better now----but I will tell you what---your post isstill pathetic as ever---because you have not done your home work.

In the law less land of saudi arabia----Prophet Mohammad whence he came into power---provided justice to the weak and the poor right from day one----Abu Bakr, Omar Farooq, Ali, Usman, they all provided justice from day one---right from the gitgo---and right from day one---there was democracy and right of a man to live freely under the protection of the state---without any fear of the police or the govt scums and hoodlums---the executions were just and swiftly carried----.

Every civilization that built a name for itself---had a very strong foundation based upon justice, rights of the people and to live a happy and prosperous life.

What is happening in pakistan is a circus---Judge Chaudhry, the PM, the president, the Nawaz group, Imran Khan, Chaudhries, they are all a part of the entourage---good luck young man---and don't get mad at me---get mad at your system---get mad at those who have taken your rights and liberties away they ain't gonna give them back to you just like that.

Yesterday---my mother was saying---THESE PEOPLE HAVE NO FEAR OF GOD---THEY DON'T FEAR GOD'S JUSTICE---and I told her---Mother---that does not matter---she asked why---I told her---in order for a SOCIETY TO PROSPER AS A CIVILIZED BEING---ITS CITIZENS MUST FEAR THE LAW OF THE MAN---because that law punishes you instantly right in this world---in front of everyone and makes you suffer---.

When you leave it up to God---He may or He may not----. The LORD did not create this world for everyone to leave everything on HIM---he created men to do their own bidding and provide for the less fortunate, protect the weak.
Hasan Nisar is the most stupid person i have ever seen on TV,

They always say negative about Pakistan and Muslims, I have never heard him saying something positive.

Pakistanis and Masalmaan should stop doing negative things and people will stop saying that about us.

Hassan Nisar's on a different level - it will be a cold day in hell before Ahsan Iqbal is able to talk sense, let alone talk sense to Hassan Nisar.
so what do you suggest we vote for those party that have come into power already and haven't done much for pakistan

i am ready to vote for someone who have not come into power already. Not with their current party + with their former party.

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