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Boycott India movement called on March 1, 2012 for all Bangladeshis


May 10, 2010
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India a country which touted itself all around the world as the biggest democracy in the world and a all time friend of Bangladesh conducting all sort of injustice and barbarism against Bangladeshis by killing its people at the border by BSF violating human rights, planning to create Tipaimukh Dam which will cause disaster for Bangladesh, creating illegal trade barriers to stop the export of Bangladeshi goods to India while they are exporting freely, stopping telecast of Bangladeshi channels to India while their channel are aired freely in Bangladesh and for it`s all sort of internal interference and all sort of destructive policies against Bangladesh. Not only that they are openly preaching hatred against Bangladeshi muslim by asking Indians to boycott Bangladeshis by uising the word jihadi and by using hinduism which in reality to target it`s minority bengali speaking muslims.

Against all these hegemonic behavior and attitude of India Bangladeshi youths have said enough is enough. They have asked for a one day boycott of all Indian product and services to all Bangladeshis all around the world on March 1, 2012 to protest peacefully against these sort of immoral activities.

The new page for this boycott has been created by photographer mustafiz and Bangladesh`s only facebook page dedicated to liberation war ``মুক্তিযুদ্ধের গল্প শোন [A Page totally based on liberation war'71]`` asked people to boycott India on March 1, 2012 and to share the following picture and make that as profile picture.

মুক্তিযুদ্ধের গল্প শোন [A Page totally based on liberation war'71] | Facebook

426365_254890141259143_129242633823895_578007_1718  805364_n.jpg

The following video has also been created to support the campaign...


Bangladesh Cyber Army / Bangladesh Black Hat Hackers produced the following video in support of the campaign.

Even though it is a symbolic movement but hope that it will be successful and will be the first step against the barbarism and violation of human right of India.

Ask every one to take part in the campaign and to boycott Indian product and service on March 1, 2012. Yes we can do it.
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so does that mean they are not going to jump border fences and come to India illegally???

If yes...........I also support this movement

Boycott India.....yipppiiiii

1st of all I would like to correct some of the fact of yours. The killings that is happening in the border not because jumping of the fence. I am asking you to show me incidents where Bangladeshis has been killed while entering India. But the case is opposite. Most of the people those who have been killed were cow traders and were unarmed and killed while returning to Bangladesh. This is mainly due to the fact that if any cow traders do not give bribe to BSF which was previously agreed or sometime that they ask extra they are killed randomly and sell it to the Indian public as killing of illegal but in reality a systematic cold blooded murder and gross violation of human right.

In every country there are smuggling issue and here bangladeshis are the sufferer more and India is the winner as all the product those which are sold for smuggling are made in India and Banladeshi money is going out.

Try to see the criminal activity of the BSF instead of parroting the same thing every time. Just would like to remind you again that BSF does not stop any illegal entry nor stop smuggling apart from killing some random cow traders those who refuse to pay what ever they ask. Apart from money, torch light and cell phone is also into the list.

See the following documentary for more info. See how Indian man was saying that BSF is managed tactfully. See specially from 2:30 to 2:50 to see the real picture what is going on at the border.

Try .
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what? we should start boycott how ? what :pdf: has to do with it go and post on BG def bro you are in wrong place in wrong time
message to bangladeshis inside india

plz boycott india

Are you a member of shiv sena or rss or any other radical hindu extremist like the radical hindu preacher who was promoting hate against the Bengali speaking muslims by using Bangladeshi with the name Jihadi when majority of the people those who went to India from Bangladesh are hindus.

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Are you a member of shiv sena or rss or any other radical hindu extremist like the radical hindu preacher who was promoting hate against the Bengali speaking muslims by using Bangladeshi with the name Jihadi when majority of the people those who went to India from Bangladesh are hindus.

There will be resentment among locals for pole vaulters. DUH.
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Are you a member of shiv sena or rss or any other radical hindu extremist like the radical hindu preacher who was promoting hate against the Bengali speaking muslims by using Bangladeshi with the name Jihadi when majority of the people those who went to India from Bangladesh are hindus.

Unfortunately, this is a favorite tactic of fanatics to label anyone they want to kill as a 'jihadi'. It's probably one of the most overused terms these days.
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hey.. if that's what gives you the attention you are seeking for... so be it!! btw.. you guys will have to find some topic to discuss in BD forum other than India bashing. You are overkilling it & it's becoming bit embarrassing too..
hey.. if that's what gives you the attention you are seeking for... so be it!! btw.. you guys will have to find some topic to discuss in BD forum other than India bashing. You are overkilling it & it's becoming bit embarrassing too..

Do Indians on this forum EVER stop whining?
Unfortunately, this is a favorite tactic of fanatics to label anyone they want to kill as a 'jihadi'. It's probably one of the most overused terms these days.

It is appeared that these radical extremist hindu preacher and politicians able to sold this myth of 20 million illegal Bangladesh well to these ill informed and less matured lot quite easily. But what they does not understand is that 20 million means 1500 people crossed the border each day for the last 40 years. N if that really happened there should have been a huge impact on the total population of Bangladesh. But if we see we will find that population of Bangladesh always increased steadily, never fall down.

These low IQ people even does not have brain to see the reality from the demography of Bangladesh. 20 million is almost 13% of the total population of Bangladesh. If it really would have gone to India then there would be a huge short fall of population that never happened.

These illegal migrant story is usually raised by radical hindu politicians during election time to discriminate against the minority population who are mostly muslims. They do it mostly in East India where these radical group has low popularity base.

Population of Bangladesh since 1970. Now here there is mark of reduction of population.

Human Development Indicators - Google Public Data Explorer
Banglas jump fences where ever they sees it.. its in their blood... many banglas are caught even from pak border... should tell Hasinan to fence their beaches as well ...much less headache to the world :lol:
My trainer was from manipur.He used to tell me how much illegal bangladeshis have harmed india.
Assam is filled with them and few bangladeshi muslims here kidnap the girls then ask for ransome,kill them,rappe them.
My trainer got married with assamese girl and he preferred plane rather than going through road during his marriage.
There is somethig very wrong going with Bangladesh

1. Fanatic Islamists have entered in BD and they are provoking BD against India.
2. Most of the Internet warriors are funded by Indian Enemies.
3. We have problems, but we can solve that, Some places BD is wrong some places India is wrong.
4. There are 10million Bangladeshes are living in India, if Indians are against BD , 1 crore Bangladeshese will turn into Dead meat.
5. BSF did some wrong thing, But India is punishing them. Recently 6 soldiers were court marsheled for torturing BD smuggler.

My humble request to BD brothers, don't fall into trap of Fanatic Islamist forces, they will use and throw you. It was India who saved your mother and sisters from being raped and murdered. It was India who begged the world to listen to your pain, This is India who will come to help you when you need us.

We are brothers, we must live like brothers.
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