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Israel won't warn US before strike on Iran nuclear facilities: Source

"A simulation of RNEP used against the Esfahan nuclear facility in Iran, using the software developed for the Pentagon, showed that 3 million people would be killed by radiation within 2 weeks of the explosion, and 35 million people in Afghanistan, Pakistan and India would be exposed to increased levels of cancer-causing radiation (see Figure 1)."

The Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator (RNEP) (2005) | Union of Concerned Scientists

oy PteX, this is for you

---------- Post added at 04:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:01 PM ----------

he's an idiot
The Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator (RNEP) (2005) | Union of Concerned Scientists

Current precision-guided conventional weapons can be used to cut off a bunker's communications, power, and air, effectively keeping the enemy weapons underground and unusable until U.S. forces secure them. Sealing chemical or biological agents underground is far more sensible than trying to blow them up.

Suicidal, delusional moron.
There are entire divisions in the IDF dedicated to do this job as quickly and effectively as possible, with minimum loss of life. Technology has evolved since 2005, if you haven't noticed.
Current precision-guided conventional weapons can be used to cut off a bunker's communications, power, and air, effectively keeping the enemy weapons underground and unusable until U.S. forces secure them. Sealing chemical or biological agents underground is far more sensible than trying to blow them up.

Suicidal, delusional moron.
There are entire divisions in the IDF dedicated to do this job as quickly and effectively as possible, with minimum loss of life. Technology has evolved since 2005, if you haven't noticed.
PteX tell me honestly and forget all your hate for one sec,Do you really think Iran is going to make 1 or 2 nuclear weapons and drop them on Israel which has 300 nukes while U.S is supporting her and has nearly 2000 nukes?I wonder what you are being told in your media that you have believed this sh*t.
Well, you threaten to bomb Dimona to cause as many civilian casualties as possible, while we do it to defend ourselves from people like you, moron.
Sometimes you Israelis are so funny,
whats the difference between you and Hitler and Stalin. you
all do all sort of crimes and then try to sugar coat it as if you
do it just to save humanity,

You call Hezbollah a terrorist group , but you can't show any
act that Hezbollah did that you yourself didn't ten times worse
than that before hand .
Sometimes you Israelis are so funny,
whats the difference between you and Hitler and Stalin. you
all do all sort of crimes and then try to sugar coat it as if you
do it just to save humanity,

You call Hezbollah a terrorist group , but you can't show any
act that Hezbollah did that you yourself didn't ten times worse
than that before hand .
I always say, if Hezbollah is a terrorist group for killing and torturing its enemies, and for killing innocent civilians, than the United States and Israel are the biggest terrorists the world has ever seen. Hezbollah is part of the Lebanese govt, has members in the parliament and it's voted in by the people. It's a legitimate political organization with a military wing. How the **** can such a group be called a terrorist group? That goes against all definitions of the term "terrorist."
This is just hogwash. US has more than enough presence and resources in the area to know for itself what Israel is up to and to see "eve of war" final movements.
Israel may not directly inform, but US deniability will be strictly legal theatrics so that they can say to the world "look we didn't know about it"
PteX tell me honestly and forget all your hate for one sec,Do you really think Iran is going to make 1 or 2 nuclear weapons and drop them on Israel which has 300 nukes while U.S is supporting her to her and has nearly 2000 nukes?

Yes, Bcz You people are actually from 'Mars' and simply have no stakes on 'Earth', You will run towards your planet after final defeat...!!
No one is trying to kill Persians, except other Persians, while Iran threatens and does kill civilians without guilt.

This is the difference between scum(You and your like), and Israelis who want to live in peace but are forced to defend themselves against people like you who only want this country to be destroyed.

Israel meaning of peace :

We have to right killing others and if they want defend themselve , then we would call them " terrorist " , " warmongers " , " Nazi " and ....


another thing ; are you think we are average American or European that you can fool us by your lies !?

i want to use a old saying barking dog seldom bite
:what: When there is no news about Israel attitude to Iran,I think it"s terrible!
PteX tell me honestly and forget all your hate for one sec,Do you really think Iran is going to make 1 or 2 nuclear weapons and drop them on Israel which has 300 nukes while U.S is supporting her and has nearly 2000 nukes?I wonder what you are being told in your media that you have believed this sh*t.
Actually i have no hatred for Persians whatsoever. In fact, i admire your nations great past, i believe Persians are intelligent people(Most).
Cyrus the Great is mentioned 23 times in the Tanakh(Our holy book).

Thus says the Lord to his anointed, to Cyrus, whom he has taken by his right hand to subdue nations before him and strip the loins of kings, to force gateways before him that their gates be closed no more: I will go before you levelling the heights. I will shatter the bronze gateways, smash the iron bars. I will give you the hidden treasures, the secret hoards, that you may know that I am the Lord. (Isaiah 45:1-3)

Point being: I hold no ill will towards anyone who doesn't hold ill will against me, especially Persians, we were once friends.
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