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Jealous of China?

I agree with Video point of view. China is developing. One can be jealous of Infrastructure but not the place to live due to lack of freedom. No matter how far we are at least, we have complete freedom, We can raise voice, change the government. Anything. By the people, for the people and to the people. Freedom is the most precious thing in life. :tup:

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China is worst in Freedom, Democracy, Human Right (with no Press media). But as i said, China is doing good in development in Infrastructure as per various reports.
I agree with Video point of view. China is developing. One can be jealous of Infrastructure but not the place to live due to lack of freedom. No matter how far we are at least, we have complete freedom, We can raise voice, change the government. Anything. By the people, for the people and to the people. Freedom is the most precious thing in life. :tup:

China is worst in Freedom, Democracy, Human Right (with no Press media). But as i said, China is doing good in development in Infrastructure as per various reports.

You might be able to raise your voice, but the 6000 victims of targetted starvation per day aren't able to.

The Dalits who cannot bicycle in upper caste areas are also not able to raise their voice.

In China, I have much more human rights and dignity than the people forced to **** in a ditch in a slum.
What a stupid theory, Mao starved 20 million people to death, nobody went to school for during cultural revolution for 10 yrs, 250,000 people died in Banqiao dam disaster for Chinese government kept it hidden from its people for 30 hears. The word People's Republic itself is a joke. China is a beautiful golden cage.

Wrong! people went to school, not COLLEGE. talking about college for a country with a GDP/capita of 300 dollars is ludicrous (like in India up to 1990). Banqiao was publicized greatly, and in fact, the death toll was reported by the Henan Hydrological Bureau.

Banqiao Dam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

According to the Hydrology Department of Henan Province[citation needed], in the province, approximately 26,000 people died[11] from flooding and another 145,000 died during subsequent epidemics and famine. In addition, about 5,960,000 buildings collapsed, and 11 million residents were affected. Unofficial estimates of the number of people killed by the disaster have run as high as 230,000 people.[12] The death toll of this disaster was declassified in 2005.[3]

After the disaster of the Banqiao dam failure, the Chinese government became very focused on surveillance, repair, and consolidation of reservoir dams. China has 87,000 reservoirs across the country; most of them were built in the 1950s-1970s using low construction standards. Most of these reservoirs are in serious disrepair, posing challenges to the prevention and control of flood-triggered geological disasters in areas with a population of 130 million or more.


While in India, 6000 children are still killed by targetted starvation every day, and the media is silenced from reporting on it. People say its due to a lack of interest, but an outrageous event like 6000 children dying per day in China would collapse the government. The government was severely attacked and forced to apologize and sack 3 ministers for 35 deaths alone. It was attacked, forced to apologize, and put 10 corrupt CEOs in prison after merely 3 died from poisoned milk.

In India, no one goes to jail from 6000 children dying per day. The only logical conclusion is, 3 Chinese are worth more than 6000 Indians in the eyes of your government.
I don't know about other countries,I'm sure China is well in freedom,free to move any where,free to say what you think and so on.Of course there are restrictions,but I just feel it is OK by myself.
You guys know very little about China,ask those foreigners who lived or visited China wether they feel any freedom restriction here in China.actually most of them say that China is the safest place they've ever visited.and most Chinese have ways to express their grivences and the government really listens and cares,very often the case some wrongdoings were caught by some average netizens and caused uproars and quickly result in the firing of those officials.Chinese government pays close attention to the public trends and opinions,much more than most western countries.

and Mao appeared only due to that certain situation of China,total anarchy, warlords wars and foreign invasions.today's China just doesnt have the enviornment to create people like him.Chinese government now is a collective leadership with specific term limit.no one has a final say on anything,things must be dicussed and consensus must be reached within the government.
I agree with Video point of view. China is developing. One can be jealous of Infrastructure but not the place to live due to lack of freedom. No matter how far we are at least, we have complete freedom, We can raise voice, change the government. Anything. By the people, for the people and to the people. Freedom is the most precious thing in life. .
Really interesting,similar slogan in China reads like this:All the things are suported by the people, all the things are doing for the people.
I don't know about other countries,I'm sure China is well in freedom,free to move any where,free to say what you think and so on.Of course there are restrictions,but I just feel it is OK by myself.

Not true!!
You are not completely free to move. Please check with people who want to move to cities to get jobs and first they are not allowed to move if yes they are treated as second grade citizens. I would not say any thing about freedom to speech, every one know about this.

But I can say that China is not the same country it was few years back. It's more liberal though there are rooms for improvement.
then that government should be changed long time ago,why they are still there?
see there are 50 million people on the CPC. over a period of a few decades factions will be formed. Already there are factions which support puritanical ideology of Mao and dont like what the princelings are doing. I think that they willl be the ones to cause problems for china

it further shows how little you know China,all people now join CPC are just for their personal gains in their career.no one shares that ideology.China is just in the name of communism,everything here practiced capitalist ways,most western scholars say China is more capitalist than capitalist countries.US is moving towards more like a socialist country now.
Not true!!
You are not completely free to move. Please check with people who want to move to cities to get jobs and first they are not allowed to move if yes they are treated as second grade citizens. I would not say any thing about freedom to speech, every one know about this.

But I can say that China is not the same country it was few years back. It's more liberal though there are rooms for improvement.

It is due to a simple law: you get welfare benefits where your registered location is. Therefore, people whose registered address is in a village get welfare benefits in that village. The problem is most people think that the welfare benefits in a rural village are inferior to welfare benefits in the city, which is true. But changing your registered address to a place in the city takes a long time, 3 years, in fact.

This, however, represents a vast improvement on almost every other developing nation, which have zero welfare benefits for anyone. Just think to yourself, how many times have you recieved welfare benefits from your government? Do you have unemployment insurance, health insurance and a pension? If so, why are 6000 children dying per day?

i dont see proof of 6000 targetted deaths.

6000 Children Starve To Death In India Every Day

Two Million Children in India Die Because of Hunger

IBNLive: IBN Conversations | Politics | In booming India, hunger kills 6,000 kids daily

see there are 50 million people on the CPC. over a period of a few decades factions will be formed. Already there are factions which support puritanical ideology of Mao and dont like what the princelings are doing. I think that they willl be the ones to cause problems for china

80 million and growing. There's already factions, who cares? Then its the same as a multiparty system.

China's socialism is the very reason why we are net donors of aid, and you are net recievers of aid.
You guys know very little about China,ask those foreigners who lived or visited China wether they feel any freedom restriction here in China.actually most of them say that China is the safest place they've ever visited.and most Chinese have ways to express their grivences and the government really listens and cares,very often the case some wrongdoings were caught by some average netizens and caused uproars and quickly result in the firing of those officials.Chinese government pays close attention to the public trends and opinions,much more than most western countries.

and Mao appeared only due to that certain situation of China,total anarchy, warlords wars and foreign invasions.today's China just doesnt have the enviornment to create people like him.Chinese government now is a collective leadership with specific term limit.no one has a final say on anything,things must be dicussed and consensus must be reached within the government.

Shanghai seems to be very safe. I found it safer that Paris/ London. At least it feels safeer. But South of China I wouldn't say same thing. As far as Chinese Govt. is concerned the seems to be nice to foreigners. Attracting FDI could be the the reason behind that.
Not true!!
You are not completely free to move. Please check with people who want to move to cities to get jobs and first they are not allowed to move if yes they are treated as second grade citizens. I would not say any thing about freedom to speech, every one know about this.

But I can say that China is not the same country it was few years back. It's more liberal though there are rooms for improvement.
I think freedom of speech is not so important thing,and too many chinese are really free enough to speak nonsense.
As to freedom of move,the real problem is that china has villages only oldies and children live in.
Shanghai seems to be very safe. I found it safer that Paris/ London. At least it feels safeer. But South of China I wouldn't say same thing. As far as Chinese Govt. is concerned the seems to be nice to foreigners. Attracting FDI could be the the reason behind that.

There's no reason to be nice to Indians then. The only investment India needs to do is in the mouths of their children. In the mean time, we should severely increase visa difficulties for Indians, who are very likely to be illegal immigrants in China.

The government is responsive, because there are numerous checks and balances within the government, such as between the Organization Department, the Supervision Ministry and the ordinary government workers, which keeps anyone from having arbitrary power. One phone call complaint to the supervision ministry about an ordinary worker could get them investigated, which would lead to an investigation of the organization department.

There are more contested elections in China than any other country except India.
This, however, represents a vast improvement on almost every other developing nation, which have zero welfare benefits for anyone. Just think to yourself, how many times have you recieved welfare benefits from your government? Do you have unemployment insurance, health insurance and a pension? If so, why are 6000 children dying per day?

I ask same question what benefit do you receive from Chinese Govt. one example ..all medical services are controlled by Govt. and being a communist country they should be serving people of all social back ground. But non can get treatment without advance payment. If you poor they let you die out side the gate.

In short both country and system have positives and negatives. Both countries have lot of room to improve. Both Counties are doing their best to improve life of their citizens with in constraints set by the system they have adopted.

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