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PAF's possible answer to MRCA

In response to that I can ask you: When is the PAF variant approaching IOC?
Do you know the technical and operational parameters of the PLAAF variant of the J-10 or for that matter does Pakistan? How does a J-10 compare to Falcon MLU/OCU variants in battlespace application?-by that I'm talking situational awareness/networking, a DEMONSTRATED BVR capability behind all the Chinese hype about the SD-10 which has apparently on begun limited trials and most importantly are the Chinese going to give Pakistan full access to the supply management chain for the J-10 with regards for full servicibility of the radar unit, EW Suite and sensor suite?

Sir, PAF evaluated the J-10 2 years ago. The word after the evaluation was that the aircraft has immense potential. Now I cannot tell you how the PAF has decided to push the envelope on this supposedly great potential, but the recent indication of a pending order gives you an idea that PAF think that inducting this platform is a viable solution and one that fulfills the ASRs laid down for the platform. In terms of a demonstrated BVR capability, the J-10 is definitely not any worse off than JF-17 and the PAF is fairly well aware of the capabilities of the SD-10. The actual performance of the SD-10 is something that should be looked at and evaluated separately from the J-10 in my opinion. There is always the possibility that PAF may induct a western BVR solution for the J-10, however there is immense satisfaction in having the option to acquire a considerable inventory of the SD-10 even if western sources are not available. As bad as the AIM-7 Sparrow was, it was still a serious deterrent. I do not see SD-10 to be that bad a deal.

On the issue of the supply chain management, I think it depends on what the configuration for the FC-20 is. If PAF decide to go with a Western radar, then the issues are altogether different. Thus far getting access to Chinese technology has not been a problem (thanks to them!). Usually its our own requirements which make us go to other suppliers beyond the Chinese, otherwise the Chinese have always been very accommodating.

So I think the answers to most of the above is affirmative.
Why do you think Jordan ordered 25year+ Falcon airframes and continue to order after numerous Pakistani and Chinese presentations re: the JF-17 on the parameters of life cycle cost, purchase price, customisation and integration?

Because the Falcon is proven and the others are not. Because the Falcon offers true strike/interdiction/counter air capability with battlespace awareness that in many cases confer first shot advantages over adversaries that do not. Age doesn't really apply in these cases as the Benelux countries maintain their airframes well and a MLU w/ centreline barrel replacement (remanufacture) will get you an airframe just about new-ish. Same applies with the Gripen which in counter air is truly outstanding not only in the much quoted fanboy areas of maenueverability, how many AAMs can be carried etc. but in the informational awareness grid arena.

I am all for additional Vipers. However it would be a strategic folly to prefer the F-16 over the Chinese solutions (that is if its being proposed that PAF drop the Chinese hardware in favor of the Western solution). PAF has always had a mix of hardware for either the cost or reliability of supply reasons. Don't really see a reason why this approach should be shelved. Especially when Pakistani and US strategic interests do not always converge and the sanctions axe is always dangling over the heads of the planners in Islamabad.

The JF-17 and J-10 cannot be "plugged in" to AEW assets the PAF has and even when a datalink solution is found it will lag behind full Link 16 Block III standards found now on Western designs. Lack of bandwith means you might as well use GCI when up against your particular peer adversary.

I think this is a misunderstanding. JF-17s and J-10s will be tied into a converged grid via the AEW platforms. Operationally its not possible for PAF to conduct effective operations without having all of the Chinese and western assets tied into the PAF ADS. At least technically, I do not see any reason why the Chinese aircraft cannot be tied into the Link-16 architecture given the fact that Chinese have been producing NATO standard interfaces (on their databuses) for their aircraft for a while (for export customers). Lagging behind is one thing, not being able to communicate another. Also issues such as bandwith etc. can be addressed with putting more powerful hardware which is produced in mass in China. What I know for sure is that all new assets (JF-17, FC-20 and the F-16s MLU and blk52s) are fully planned to be integrated via DLs to the AEW platforms. We would not be acquiring 9 AEW platforms if this was deemed unfeasible. Its a lot of money to be spent and PAF have done their homework. Admittedly it may not be the best DL solution, it will still be workable for our purposes.

If you've watched the Red Flag video of the performance of the IAF several things the Colonel said should be on your mind.

#1 Despite several instances of fratricide the IAF is improving Information dominance across the board in particular the linkage between the MIG-21BM and MKI assets via Elbit M-II for "sharing" targeting information for BVR. In other words you have a "swarm" of expendable Bisons capable of AA-12 BVR shots linked to Phalcon AWACS, Green Pine Search Radar and MKI shooters ALL able to "see" deep within Pakistan-indeed as far as the Western Iranian border/Iraq.

Not sure if this is what the Col said. But currently the IAF Bisons are not DL'd. Currently the DL in use within the IAF is limited to 16 ship formations of the MKIs. They use GCI just like we do for extended situational awareness for their platforms like the Mig-21 and Mirage 2000 besides using the AI radars on their aircraft (both of which are limited to a range of less than 100 km).

While the range of their AEW will be considerable, it still does not provide them with that much of a surprise as PAF AEW assets are also capable of looking 350km inside of India. What these platforms do provide is the ability for both sides to have extended early warning of ingressing aircraft. So the good thing is that nobody should be surprised if these assets are employed effectively.

#2 The Indians as I've repeated don't particularly care about losses-you do.

They surely can take more punishment than we can owing to their size and the adage "Quantity has a quality all its own" comes to mind, however I think this is the aspect where the Chinese hardware comes really handy for us. While losses to western hardware would be almost impossible to make up during wartime, its not so with the Chinese hardware. We have done this in the past wars and rebuilt PAF back up fairly quickly.

#3 The induction of about a hundred-two hundred MRCA (I bet Super Hornet) able to be directly plugged into that grid and you think the J-10 and JF-17 are the answer?

PAF would be stupid not to go for JF-17 and FC-20/J-10. 100 or 200 MRCA are all fine but are still susceptible to a deterrence put up by a mixed Multi-role force made up of F-16s, FC-20s and FC-17s all Data Linked and fielding BVRAAMs and high agility WVRAAMs. The technology does change, however PAFs solution is not a bad one.

IAF used their bisons fairly effectively (although under RoEs unfavourable to the USAF) against the USAF F-15s. Tactics and upgrades had a big role to play here. So not sure why the same cannot be possible with JF-17s and FC-20s against an IAF fleet with MKIs and MMRCAs?

PAF is fairly confident in terms of its capabilities and its ongoing upgrades. They know that if things keep on going the way they have, they will have a very credible capability against the IAF in the future. Their goals are obviously not those of attaining air dominance over the IAF, however for tactical superiority, PAF will be fielding a pretty good outfit.

Since cost is such an issue for the PAF why is the J-10 being pursued? Increased infrastructure/TRADOC costs, maintenance and supply chain costs and vulnerabilities. Planes don't just come with 8x AAM and a pilot. Get that into your head. They come with 10+ support personnel, fuel trucks, controllers, avionics techs, ordanance handlers that eat up cash (personnel costs). That isn't an issue for the Indians but it is critical for the PAF.

I took this part of another one of your posts as I wanted to add a few lines about it. I think the question of why J-10 is being pursued has to addressed in light of the alternates.
To answer the question, I would say firstly, PAF would pay less than additional blk52s if it went for the J-10. Secondly, more blk52s means more aircraft that could be threatened with the blockage of spares (Pakistan is not a tier1/2 US ally or partner so we have to be mindful of what could happen in case the Congress gets a little nutty about Pakistan). The third and most important aspect is that the force structure review for the PAF for the past two decades at least has laid down a requirement for at least 400 combat aircraft. Given the restrictions and concerns I mentioned above, and the need to have high, medium, low performance mix in the force (F-16s/FC-20, JF-17s, Mirage/F-7PGs respectively), the FC-20 was deemed to be a very good platform. The costs associated with lifecycle, support etc. are acceptable because no matter which way you look at it, PAF will get the hardware at friendship rates and those too usually at our own payback schedule. Can't say the same about US FMS on this count at least.
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^^^good discussion by Jliu and Blain2. for whatever its worth if the PAF dosnt resolve the radar and BVR issues very quickly, then i am afraid the JF-17 is just another F-7!!! and this is coming from a PAF source.
Bisons in IAF service do have an air data link computer system which can be merged with MKI formations,it's manufactured by Bharat Electronics,will post it sometime from now.
That's LinkII system from BEL,though it's not as good as Link16 or likes but it's good enough for Asian theatre.

I am pretty sure that the Link II system is a Naval application and not on board the IAF Bisons.
Sir, PAF evaluated the J-10 2 years ago. The word after the evaluation was that the aircraft has immense potential. Now I cannot tell you how the PAF has decided to push the envelope on this supposedly great potential, but the recent indication of a pending order gives you an idea that PAF think that inducting this platform is a viable solution and one that fulfills the ASRs laid down for the platform.

Sir, to the best of your knowledge have any other foreign air arms evaluated the J-10? There also appears to be a disrepancy re: the PLAAF variant (J-10A) which we saw at Zhuhai and the "FC-20" PAF variant which may incorporate an unknown amount of non-Chinese components.

In terms of a demonstrated BVR capability, the J-10 is definitely not any worse off than JF-17 and the PAF is fairly well aware of the capabilities of the SD-10.

Since both platforms are using the same base ordnance I suppose that is correct although assuming the same Chinese radar type (our desig 083C) then we figure the J-10A on paper has a detection capability somewhat greater since the introduction of the 083D MESA. We don't know exactly how well that compares to the Grifo or proposed RC400 though the Taiwanese are raising hell over the latter.

The actual performance of the SD-10 is something that should be looked at and evaluated separately from the J-10 in my opinion. There is always the possibility that PAF may induct a western BVR solution for the J-10, however there is immense satisfaction in having the option to acquire a considerable inventory of the SD-10 even if western sources are not available. As bad as the AIM-7 Sparrow was, it was still a serious deterrent. I do not see SD-10 to be that bad a deal.

The Americans have observed SD-10 firings and they aren't breaking too much of a sweat. Personally I regard the J-10/JF-17 in their current config as clearly inferior to contemp. Eurocanard and US designs; "dogmeat" if you like but once Western avionics such as the RC400/MICA combination are factored into an uprated base design then the dynamics of engagement change.

On the issue of the supply chain management, I think it depends on what the configuration for the FC-20 is. If PAF decide to go with a Western radar, then the issues are altogether different. Thus far getting access to Chinese technology has not been a problem (thanks to them!). Usually its our own requirements which make us go to other suppliers beyond the Chinese, otherwise the Chinese have always been very accommodating.

So I think the answers to most of the above is affirmative.

Again sir the timeframes (or lack of them) re: the FC-20 somewhat disturb me. You are basing your assumptions on past Chinese behaviour-I am not saying you are wrong for nay matter but the lack of concrete actions and documentation raises questions. Given past Chinese behaviour on the export market it has caused them all sorts of trouble-such as the Jordanians not wanting to deal with them again.

I am all for additional Vipers. However it would be a strategic folly to prefer the F-16 over the Chinese solutions (that is if its being proposed that PAF drop the Chinese hardware in favor of the Western solution). PAF has always had a mix of hardware for either the cost or reliability of supply reasons. Don't really see a reason why this approach should be shelved. Especially when Pakistani and US strategic interests do not always converge and the sanctions axe is always dangling over the heads of the planners in Islamabad.

You're thinking strategically whereas I am thinking along the lines of a tactical PAF theatre solution to the IAF's growing numbers, it reflects our roles (or past roles) in Pakistan:) With limited resources I advocate a mix of Gripen and Falcon MLU offering maximum convergence with AEW assets and at the top of the optimumal performance curve however you too are correct with diversity of the fleet. In other words I am basing my fleet modernisation plan on the assumption that ties with the West will improve/status quo whereas you factor in status quo/deterioration of ties as geopolitical factors when planning.

I think this is a misunderstanding. JF-17s and J-10s will be tied into a converged grid via the AEW platforms. Operationally its not possible for PAF to conduct effective operations without having all of the Chinese and western assets tied into the PAF ADS.

I am assuming systems-wise you mean certain ground stations in that convergence grid that act as intermediaries between the Chinese and Swedish AEW assets? Certainly cost wise that's how I'd do it because of speed and bandwidth issues but it is very vulnerable to all sorts of threats.

At least technically, I do not see any reason why the Chinese aircraft cannot be tied into the Link-16 architecture given the fact that Chinese have been producing NATO standard interfaces (on their databuses) for their aircraft for a while (for export customers). Lagging behind is one thing, not being able to communicate another.

As per my earlier post, given that the Chinese do not have access to a NATO STANAG approved databus then systems integration will be problematic. Lag is also highly serious issue as you know too well. Let's hope it won't be an issue given unknowns about specs.

Also issues such as bandwith etc. can be addressed with putting more powerful hardware which is produced in mass in China. What I know for sure is that all new assets (JF-17, FC-20 and the F-16s MLU and blk52s) are fully planned to be integrated via DLs to the AEW platforms. We would not be acquiring 9 AEW platforms if this was deemed unfeasible. Its a lot of money to be spent and PAF have done their homework. Admittedly it may not be the best DL solution, it will still be workable for our purposes.

Sounds a bit hopeful to me.

Not sure if this is what the Col said. But currently the IAF Bisons are not DL'd. Currently the DL in use within the IAF is limited to 16 ship formations of the MKIs. They use GCI just like we do for extended situational awareness for their platforms like the Mig-21 and Mirage 2000 besides using the AI radars on their aircraft (both of which are limited to a range of less than 100 km).

The Colonel did mention Bison behaviour systems wise but conclusions do spring to mind re: what he said. The Americans and we know for a start that at least 2 Bisons have been DL'd to plug into the MKI and Phalcon convergence grid (the Indians have a Phalcon "simulator module" that allows a theoretical picture of a functional grid to be tested prior to actual delivery). They were around during Malabar 07. We don't know whether how many units have been converted or whether this a large scale update-or even whether such plans have been shelved in light of ordering 80 more MRCA.

While the range of their AEW will be considerable, it still does not provide them with that much of a surprise as PAF AEW assets are also capable of looking 350km inside of India. What these platforms do provide is the ability for both sides to have extended early warning of ingressing aircraft. So the good thing is that nobody should be surprised if these assets are employed effectively.

Detection range of 350km is highly wishful in my opinion-in heavy clutter and jamming? The Swedish must be exaggerating in their brochures as usual. The Phalcon system as the Israelis admitted under heaving grilling by us has a detection/lock/track range ~350km (wouldnt give us exact figure) under simulated attack by 8 F-18A, Counter Air CAP of 4x F-15C, optimal weather at cruising altitude (other factors classified). Admittedly they've improved it somewhat but hardly what we were looking for with requirements for CM defence and saturated ordnance battlespace.

They surely can take more punishment than we can owing to their size and the adage "Quantity has a quality all its own" comes to mind, however I think this is the aspect where the Chinese hardware comes really handy for us. While losses to western hardware would be almost impossible to make up during wartime, its not so with the Chinese hardware. We have done this in the past wars and rebuilt PAF back up fairly quickly.

That is certainly true.

PAF would be stupid not to go for JF-17 and FC-20/J-10. 100 or 200 MRCA are all fine but are still susceptible to a deterrence put up by a mixed Multi-role force made up of F-16s, FC-20s and FC-17s all Data Linked and fielding BVRAAMs and high agility WVRAAMs. The technology does change, however PAFs solution is not a bad one.

As I've said, system v system....in light of the above there is a big lot of IFs-what worries me is that the IAF have set up a 'plug and play' system with the Phalcon, Green Pine, MKI, SPYDER and/or possibly the F-18E/F and/or Bison???. By itself the system already has a qualitative overmatch over comparable PAF 'mixed' system in bandwith and integration. I suppose the JF-17 with French hardware would improve the equation somewhat but in my opinion Gripen A/B (C/D) would be a improvement over the FC-20/J-10 as it is proven.

IAF used their bisons fairly effectively (although under RoEs unfavourable to the USAF) against the USAF F-15s. Tactics and upgrades had a big role to play here. So not sure why the same cannot be possible with JF-17s and FC-20s against an IAF fleet with MKIs and MMRCAs?

As you probably can sense, I don't place too much of an emphasis on extensive close in WVR tactics or doctrine with the intro of high AoA, offboresight WVRs in the market. I believe that any air arm with a numerical advantage yet (relatively) limited funds (like the IAF) should be able to achieve statistical air superiority (confining the opponent to point counter-air) using the above and large quantities of Fire and Forget BVR AAMs in a all seeing optimal awareness NCW information grid which statistically renders extensive close in training obsolete provided the AF in question is willing to take casualties. I think the Indians seem to have been a big fan of my writings but I don't think a war do validate them is preferable-peace should be the striving of mankind.

I took this part of another one of your posts as I wanted to add a few lines about it. I think the question of why J-10 is being pursued has to addressed in light of the alternates.
To answer the question, I would say firstly, PAF would pay less than additional blk52s if it went for the J-10. Secondly, more blk52s means more aircraft that could be threatened with the blockage of spares (Pakistan is not a tier1/2 US ally or partner so we have to be mindful of what could happen in case the Congress gets a little nutty about Pakistan). The third and most important aspect is that the force structure review for the PAF for the past two decades at least has laid down a requirement for at least 400 combat aircraft. Given the restrictions and concerns I mentioned above, and the need to have high, medium, low performance mix in the force (F-16s/FC-20, JF-17s, Mirage/F-7PGs respectively), the FC-20 was deemed to be a very good platform. The costs associated with lifecycle, support etc. are acceptable because no matter which way you look at it, PAF will get the hardware at friendship rates and those too usually at our own payback schedule. Can't say the same about US FMS on this count at least.

In terms of quantity and resupply you are right. Quality may be improved although I still have my reservations about the two tiered system (Western/Chinese)and I did forget about the friendship rates:china: Great Discussion with you Sir.
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The discussion can be broken down to the variable:

-Political impact (boycots)
-Costs (China is a lot cheaper)
-Quality (That was a deep concern but for the price you can not get better quality anywhere else)
-Theatre (Does Pakistan need expensive planes if they added AWACS and decent ground radars?)
-Absorbing technology (With Mirages and F16's we never came further then maintenance, with JF17 and J10 it will a bring a lot more. Certainly more the Gripen or other toys)

I dsiagree with quantity aspect. In the past it was 1:5 atleast and even then IAF did not make the big win. With the training level, inhouse abilities (Babur/BM/nukes) and the fact that India cannot risk destable region we can forget numbers here. Just count the numbers on both sides in Serbia and Irac... Even then it was not a walk in the park.

If it was black and white then we should buy one F22 and win everything...
The RJAF capability wise I can state is second only to the Israelis in the Greater Mid East and believe me they think the JF-17 is slightly "obsolete" and I'm putting it nicely. Jordan still interested in the JF-17? You're talking to an adviser to the RJAF here:rofl: Why would any of the other Arab states be interested in a Chinese made third gen fighter approaching block obsolescence if they have the cash to buy Western?

with all due respect the amount of ignorance running in every single lines of yours toward chinese is just :sick: !
not even interested? are you sure?
we just had UAE RJAF AF 1 2 star Gen fully inspect JF-17 in PAC and you talk of arabs not even interested in chinese equipments?:rofl: Chinese recently demonstrated its SP guns in KSA and Kuwait.
you being god knows how much of a "adviser" still lack the in dept info of pak and china military equipments related matters as they prefer to keep things classified and i dough you know anything more then average Jane's editors. i am being nice here.

I study this for a living. What do you do? Read Carefully. I stated the overall sit. awareness range of the Indian system approximates that range; in other words the system is known to cover large parts of Iran. A system is not a piece of hardware. It fuses information and features multiple assets linked-like the Green Pine radar.

here we go again with your inferiority complex of super alien western and isreali technology! you study this for a living? i do this for time pass. but buddy... the amount of sweat you want us to have on our faces then greeks should be sweating their blood out as enemy will possess a more advance system "wedgetail" over older greek erieye!
in your excitement of being the "champion" of world military affair you are forgetting something here. IAF Forward Air Bases against pakistan are within 100-200 km range and some are 50km from the border. you have always resorted to pising contest which is a very bad sigh of professional defence analysts.

What about the LR SAMs? Whose LR SAM networks? Neither Pakistan nor Iran have these.
ya what about it? and neither IAF posses Palcons at the moment.!

Since cost is such an issue for the PAF why is the J-10 being pursued? Increased infrastructure/TRADOC costs, maintenance and supply chain costs and vulnerabilities. Planes don't just come with 8x AAM and a pilot. Get that into your head. They come with 10+ support personnel, fuel trucks, controllers, avionics techs, ordanance handlers that eat up cash (personnel costs). That isn't an issue for the Indians but it is critical for the PAF.

first of all its not j-10 and i seriously advise you to read a book or two on PAF history and talk to PAF officers. :enjoy:
as for the topic
by the time IAF posses a great number of new 4.5 gen MRCA "super hornet" PAF will allready have close to 100 FC-20 and J-XX will be ready for export. i would rather want PAF to spent more money on 5th generation fighters then to worry about buying new MRCA to counter IAF 120+ MRCA in a knew jerk reaction.
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^^ When Indian pilots get familiar to fly (no name) MRCA it will be 2015 and that only is possible when indians know the name of their MRCA in 2008. ;)
How long exactly did they took for LCA? I rest my case.

C'mon. They killed most of their Mig21 pilots before finally said a go for UK trainer... And as a inferiority complex they start with IJT which finally crashed in front of world audience cause our mr Singh forgot to lock the canopy... Then there is a drama of updating... Mig29, Mirage2000, Mig27... Name it... And the best I have seen... Mig21 Bis changed by Russians into Mig21 Bison... The same Russians blame Indians for bad fuel and bad maintenance... Surey not bad spare parts.

Now we hear about getting Gripen NG... F18E/F... F16block70... They just are getting the results of so many MKI's... Their best plane they flew to Red Flag so everyone could scan it... If everybody had not scanned it already in the UK. We will see how MRCA ends. Looking at how Ghorskov of any other Indian projects develops it could be another nightmare. Did we already forget the 200+ choppers they ordered... Sorry not ordered? And we thought that Arjun was the only hell for them.

Though I admire Indians for their positive attitude and nationality... They surely lack in many other fields. Projectmanagement is one big hole.
Though I admire Indians for their positive attitude and nationality... They surely lack in many other fields. Projectmanagement is one big hole.

Before pointing fingers at others, you should look at how big hole you find yourselves in.

Talking about LCA, we took 25 years, but it was started with a clean slate. Do have anything equivalent to show for yourselves?.
Before pointing fingers at others, you should look at how big hole you find yourselves in.

Talking about LCA, we took 25 years, but it was started with a clean slate. Do have anything equivalent to show for yourselves?.

Well, reading at BRF we can only apply paint.... So I even skip that defending. Atleast Pakistani are not shouting that they are a superpower or shoot unarmed planes near the border... What is next for you guys... Destruction of Super Mushaq cause it might have SD10?

This is a forum. If you cannot handle my finger (pointing at you) then I hope you can enlighten us where the project management did go well. Please do not tell me that your flag is still in one piece on the moon... :yahoo:

You guys must understand that sometimes is so nice to change the perspective. I do not think that India achieved anything near what China did. It is my opinion. You do not have to compare yourself with a minor almost bankrupt Pakistan. Atleast you have something called democracy. But let us compare with China. Let us take aviation projects. Exactly where did India a lot better? Just say it loud... I can handle that. I am a big boy. :china:

I am laughing at how Indians wants to be accepted by USA...
Dear Munir, It also come to my mind that Super J-10/FC-20/J-10B is not exposed out of the reason that they are waiting for indian MRCA decsion and IMO CoAS's announcement was a bit of haste!
I mean we should have kept the deal in speculations till indian descion or as long possible!
Well, reading at BRF we can only apply paint.... So I even skip that defending. Atleast Pakistani are not shouting that they are a superpower or shoor unarmed planes near the border...

This is a forum. If you cannot handle my finger (pointing at you) then I hope you can enlighten us where the project management did go well. Please do not tell me that your flag is still in one piece on the moon... :yahoo:

You guys must understand that sometimes is is nice to change perspectives. I do not think that India achieved anything near what China did. It is my opinion. You do not have to compare with a minor almost bankrupt Pakistan. Atleast you have something called democracy. But let us compare with China. Let us take aviation projects. Exactly where did India a lot better? Just say it loud... I can handle that. I am a big boy. :china:

I'm not saying India is a superpower (if you take the claims of fanboys at face value, that's not my fault. This not only applies to India but other countries as well). I can handle fingers, legs, heads and what not. I'm very open minded and will respect others perspectives on merit. So don't worry.

Yes, India is not China. China had a head start of 20 years economically , so obviously it is ahead. Moreover, it is controlled by Communists (authoritarian and fast) not by democracy (which is slow).

What did china did so great apart from copying all the russian models?. Only time will tell if Chinese Aviation is world class or not, in battle field. They don't even have capability to make engines to equip JF-17s, J-10 etc etc and still depending on Russians for that. Probably they need some more time in copying the engines (which I think they are doing well with WS-13).

I'm an optimist (not blinded by nationalism) by nature, so, I hope and expect that India will catch up sooner than later. Cheers.

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