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Defending Militancy: Why they kill civilians, attack the state

Why so defensive? have the courage of your conviction as a spokesman for the militants point of view - You, who were mouthing the ideology of the militants and their Wahabi masters, now seek to be excused - that won't work - it won't matter whom you claim you are following - if you are outside the law, you are just outside the law. In Pakistan the constitution of Pakistan is supreme law, you arbis just have to learn that and you will, easy way or hard way, it's up to you.

so you are saying pakistan law is supreme and God law is not????YES OR NO?
i am not defending i am clearing my point of view and if What Allah asked me to say i will say it again and again no matter you call me a militant or hut or osama i dont care as its not going to make me that.
Why so defensive? have the courage of your conviction as a spokesman for the militants point of view - You, who were mouthing the ideology of the militants and their Wahabi masters, now seek to be excused - that won't work - it won't matter whom you claim you are following - if you are outside the law, you are just outside the law. In Pakistan the constitution of Pakistan is supreme law, you arbis just have to learn that and you will, easy way or hard way, it's up to you.

muse who law is supreme?GOD LAW OR PAKISTAN MAN MADE CONSTITUTION?you cant answer this one?i will answer it GOD law is supreme As God is the creator and sustainer of the everything on the earth and the sky not pakistani men.
In Pakistan, the constitution of Pakistan, made by men, for men, is the supreme law of the land - you don't like it, move to Arabia or at least try - then there is always Waziristan, where we will put you out of your misery
you are in britain and stay in britain dont come here as this land is the land of pure not for ones like you who are munafiqs and God know his people well thats why he put u in misery in britain being called by people ....ing **** there and you cry this is racism.if you dont respect yourself and you dont respect the work of your fore fathers then that is your destiny.

and no one pakistani muslim agrees with you try it.God law is supreme
You don't have a clue as to where I am at - and the reality is that the laws made by men are the supreme laws of Pakistan - You just have to deal with it - or make your way to Waziristan where you can be put out of your misery
In Pakistan, the constitution of Pakistan, made by men, for men, is the supreme law of the land - you don't like it, move to Arabia or at least try - then there is always Waziristan, where we will put you out of your misery
This statements proves a lot about you sir every where for Muslim GOD LAW is supreme and he has to follow that only
This statements proves a lot about you sir every where for Muslim GOD LAW is supreme and he has to follow that only

I hope you somehow realize that you are acting exactly like those who twist the blasphemy law to get their way with others.

Islamic law, or any of its part, is not a code so inhuman that it would differ from the law of land of any modern day nation. Can you please cite a piece where the Pakistani constitution has actually overridden the Islamic law in clear and proper manner?

Pakistani law, or the constitution, just as the constitution of other modern day nations, has been formed in a way to contain every aspect and possibility that the people of a modern day society may go through, only in modern times.

While Islamic law takes a highly broader approach, the Pakistani constitution details every piece so as to keep the people at comfort in all that they wish to exercise without harming others.

Remember, the Pakistani constitution encompasses a lot more than just the Islamic law, while it may not clash with the Islamic law, it may very well cover those areas that may not have been touched by the Islamic law with respect to detail and specificity. (For example, should the drones be allowed, or should the facebook be banned? Or, what should be the number and category of visas issued to the Americans... and many more)

Muse has only advocated in favor of the Pakistani constitution, but you are deliberately reading a lot more than he wrote, and very much on purpose you are making him appear as if he actually spoke against the Islamic Law. That is not the case here.
I hope you somehow realize that you acting exactly like those who twist the blasphemy law to get their way with others.

Islamic law, or any of its part, is not a code so inhuman that it would differ from the law of land of any modern day nation. Can you please cite a piece where the Pakistani constitution has actually overridden the Islamic law in clear and proper manner?

Pakistani law, or the constitution, just as the constitution of other modern day nations, has been formed in a way to contain every aspect and possibility that the people of a modern day society may go through, only in modern times.

While Islamic law takes a highly broader approach, the Pakistani constitution details every piece so as to keep the people at comfort in all that they wish to exercise without harming others.

Remember, the Pakistani constitution encompasses a lot more than just the Islamic law, while it may not clash with the Islamic law, it may very well cover those areas that may not have been touched by the Islamic law with respect to detail and specificity. (For example, should the drones be allowed, or should the facebook be banned? Or, what should be the number and category of visas issued to the Americans... and many more)

Muse has only advocated in favor of the Pakistani constitution, but you are deliberately reading a lot more than he wrote, and very much on purpose you are making him appear as if he actually spoke against the Islamic Law. That is not the case here.
Mr Islam Law is sent from GOD and its perfect for humans but yes those people who in the modernism have adopted worse lifestyle than animals are afraid of of it but Islam Law is perfect for humans :)
every where for Muslim GOD LAW is supreme and he has to follow that only

What will you do when the laws of the land you live in prohibit something you wanna do, which is granted to you by god's law..?Dont you have the responsibility to obey the law of that land and not do it,even if its permissible by islam?
What will you do when the laws of the land you live in prohibit something you wanna do, which is granted to you by god's law..?Dont you have the responsibility to obey the law of that land and not do it,even if its permissible by islam?
Until we are their we will not follow that Law which is against Islam
Until we are their we will not follow that Law which is against Islam
No bro i was talking about doing something which is permitted by islam but prohibitted by the nation you live in..Shouldnt you obey the law of the land and do no it,even though it is permitted by islam?
Mr Islam Law is sent from GOD and its perfect for humans but yes those people who in the modernism have adopted worse lifestyle than animals are afraid of of it but Islam Law is perfect for humans :)

What is Islamic Law?
Mr Islam Law is sent from GOD and its perfect for humans but yes those people who in the modernism have adopted worse lifestyle than animals are afraid of of it but Islam Law is perfect for humans :)

Dear Zaravan, in essence, for the nth time you have only said - God is great, and men are prone to sins.

Well, we all know that, but thank you for your input.

I simply wanted you to understand that although the constitution is written by men, it in no way clashes with God's laws, albeit, it does include areas that have not been detailed in the Islamic law.

And even before you realized this fact, you went on to accuse someone of denying the importance of the Islamic law - you know the repercussions of that if you were to do it in real life and not online? You could end up killing someone.

That is a very dangerous trend, and may as well be considered a sign of extremism.

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